What was this movie's biggest weak point?
What was this movie's biggest weak point?
>they got the metric system
>haha zany dialogue
umma thurman
Being directed by goyquentin tarantino
umma thurmman
thuma urman
they forgot to show what was in the suitcase, which makes the majority of the movie pointless and further highlights tarantino's mediocrity
it was these dubs
Umma Thur'mmann
Everything that happens with Bruce Willis besides the rape scene
it was too reddit
you mean these bad boys?
Willis arc. It's there just for the sake of shock value.
It's Umma Thur'mamm
nah, hes talking about these
>What was this movie's biggest weak point?
The power to control my penis whenever Fabienne appeared on screen.
weak, check these out
Based retard poster
>No dubs
Tony. Why did he touch her feet? Clearly this was the beginning of the end for quintus.
Too long and too much smug dialogue. Still good though
Strom Thurmon
This freaking guy.
No these...
The disgusting french chick who wouldn't stop talking about her pot belly.
Uncultured swine. U take that back.
Dumbass piece of shit faggot I hope you suffer
The stupid milkshake scene went on for too long.
Also the “I shoved the watch up my ass” scene.
The one part I dont remember cause I remember the film like crazy and I cant really say anything.
Stupid milkshake scene? It foreshadows snorting the heroin, also the dance contest is amazing. The watch scene is Butch’s entire character. Fuck you’re a pleb man.
do, you not know how to greentext reddit?
>*these dubs
She was pregante and trying to tell him.
The confusing way it was cut.
I wasnt quoting anyone retard it was an attempt at dubs...i failed.
unironically its these two fucks. everyone else is better in the film. they are the breakout stars only because of th dialogue that was written for them.
The dialogue. People don’t talk like this, it’s like some nerds fantasy of the real world.
Bruce Willis
This, the diner date is so fucking boring.
Only good part is him jamming a syringe in her heart.
She's fucking ugly and fucks Butch's plan.
The Jack Rabbit's Slim scene is the best scene in the movie.
Dialogue isn't meant to be realistic. That's what mumblecore is for (and it's shit)
Dumb bitch talking about her belly for what always feels like 45 minutes.
>The Jack Rabbit's Slim scene is the best scene in the movie.
This needs to be an rpg
they showed up at like 7 in the morning broad daylight to a hit wearing conspicuous matching black suits, meandered in the corridor forever having a loud conversation about feet, stayed inside the apartment for a long time yelling and sermonizing after already firing the first shot, fired numerous unnecessary times after that, left dna all over the scene by eating the victim's food and drink, and then couldn't even drive a short distance across town without accidentally killing someone else.
and jules says fucking shotguns would've made this a more clean hit?
You fags know I'm right.
Gay racist rapists
Its actually the worst part of the movie though.
the part in the gun store
It's literally the best.
How can a movie be reddit before there was reddit
It was the holy grail
> Hamburger.
> At 7am.
It's not good because it's realistic, it's good because it's believable that these two fucking weirdos would talk like that.
It insists upon itself.
I think you mean these. Check 'em.