Who will win, the drags or the trans?
I Am Jazz
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Anyone but the jannies. Tranny jannies deleted another thread in hopes to shut it down. Little he knows, the thread was about an ongoing tv show with an upcoming episode. There's no reason to delete it, other than tranny jannie's own butthurt.
Ok, its time to clear up some serious misconceptions about trans people.
I'm trans (transitioned in 2012) and I've been an oldfag dating to 2007. Believe it or not, I know at least 10 other people in the exact same position as me, people I met through Yas Forums that helped me with my transition, and I did likewise. Matter of fact, I'd say lurking for a while here actually predisposes you to being trans, at least I think so. We didn't really discuss it too often though because, duh, its a film board, so we just sort of casually went along with the bashing here and there, just to keep a lower profile on Yas Forums in general.
But ever since Yas Forums brought over the discord tranny meme its been fucking hectic, now literally every thread devolved to this shit, just for the living fuck of it. I get they can be funny sometimes but- Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in Yas Forums? I get that we tend to hold left wing views but gamergate was years ago, why bare we still holding onto the Yas Forumstard Yas Forums ideal? Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we're literally just regular fucking people, we can hold a conversation, we're funny, and we love films, that why we come here. I can't think of a single other minority that endures the nonstop barrage of hate that we do here and it sucks, it really does, but i keep coming back because I love you guys, I love the creative output of Yas Forums, and I want it to get better later on. Just something to consider.
I noticed that they usually delete them on mondays for some reason
Why is there a permanent sad stare on that girl's face? Even when she's smiling she seems sad.
based incel containment thread
>girl’s face
Wew lad
This dude looks so miserable. I have legitimately never seen a transgender person happy, even when they're surrounded by fellow transgender friends.
Hopefully the Coronavirus and it kills all the mentally ill trannies.
Shut up, Tilly. You're an incel.
Who cares about Yas Forums? It was a decent board over five years ago, it's become a Honeypot with falseflag posters ages ago. It was never about bigotry but about seeking truth.
This thread has got nothing to do with making fun of transpeople, it's about a tv show. The same people that support the show for its activism CAN'T STAND the fact that the REALITY show reveals some harsh truths among the contradictions of transitioning and especially surgery. These are valid points of a valid discussion being brought by an interesting tv show. Shutting it down is going against your own interests just because the reality show ends up presenting the good, the bad and the ugly, and you just want the good.
It'll be a mercy.
Big Mo actually looks like a woman in this one. An ugly fat mexican hooker from behind the Target parking lot but still a woman. I have never seen a photo where Noelle passes at all.
wtf is going on with her eyes at the beginning?
>some shapeshifting shit
Saved for reasons. Do you think Noelle already got the surgery?
>Without you, this sin would not have transgressed
Jesus Christ. Another eunuch
What is Noah's expression trying to convey here.
Utter complacency.
When is the Ari Vengeance saga going to start?
Do any trannies exist that are actually happy with their axe wound that had them over a several year period? The shilling to other trannies to get the surgery always seems to be within the first year or two, before they had enough time to re-evaluate their horrible life choices.
Is Allah ok with this?
I mean >she is muslim and all...
Kek it's from compression. Or is it? Noelle could be an alien like granny ack ack and apart of the stealth invasion.
Muslims are so accepting of trannies, they force homos to transition.
He probably read about trannies in Iran and that is what caused him to become muslim.
Misery loves company. Also, if others follow their path then surely they were not incorrect in choosing the path they have chosen?
>If only you knew how bad things really are
Only in Iran, in Sunni areas it's beheading.
Based. Have some based grandpa.
Nobody having sex likes trannies
Would you fuck this tranny Yas Forums? They dont dilate because they get fucked every day
okay, what the FUCK is dilation?
When your brother in law shoves dildos up the knife wound in his ass.
i want out of this circus
Take a fucking hint. Jesus Christ. You're just irritating me more than you normally do.
>"cis men, whether they're gay or straight"
What the hell? Are they changing meanings of words again?
I thought cis meant you're attracted to the opposite gender/straight.
>>in Sunni areas it's beheading
but that's after the rape
No, it’s a made up term for people who aren’t mentally ill and are fine with their biological sex. It just essentially means non-tranny.
Cute doggy :)
>I'd say lurking for a while here actually predisposes you to being trans
yeah okay m8
because they're all ugly
trannies btfo
>last paragraph
*chef's kiss*
wow, those puberty blockers really do decrease IQ.
I hate trannies so fucking much, man. I want to cry that I actually fucking know one of those freaks.
me me me me me i don't know how anyone can sit through this retard running his mouth without wanting to slap him
Not likely. The really old ones all have one that closed up and caved in on itself, and those with dementia/Alzheimer's are the funniest of the bunch, they start screaming WHERE'S MY DICK? SOMEONE TOOK MY DICK! at the nurses in the old folks home.
Those with dementia is how you know it's a scam and a fetish and they aren't true & authentic "women on the inside", they're just incel coomers who wanted to become the big tiddy gf because they couldn't find a big tiddy gf.
This tranny could easily land some fat and ugly perverts for a few nights, but no, he's not satisfied with that. Like many trannies, Jazz included, he wants a handsome prince to not only fuck him, but validate him as a real woman and carry him off into the sunset. It just isn't going to happen and when these unrealistic expectations are not met, the spiral downwards begins and never puts on the brakes.
It's not their fault. Don't hate them.
Most of them genuinely feel dread and had to find solutions, society is what forced them into making horrible choices.
The other idiots are just fetishists but they are easily spotted.
>incel coomers who wanted to become the big tiddy gf because they couldn't find a big tiddy gf
That reminds me of that one tranny story I see posted in here sometimes who wanted to become a big tiddy cow animu girl. He ended up dying from various surgery complications in his quest for bigger cow tits.
fucking hell. gentiles, man. fuuuck
Good girl!
They can call themselves whatever they like but to everyone they are just that fat crazy guy who cut his nuts off and wears old lady clothing and mumus.
This retard. Imagine your parents and therapist being fully on board with a twelve year old kid's dream to become a human cow hybrid gangbanged 24/7 as a single purpose. This is what democrats are voting for to bring into preschools and on Sesame street.
Why didn't he just become one of these bodysuit weirdos?
Does that dude have aids?
That's just how all trannies look, they have this pasty palor and dead look in their eyes
>that file name