Incels BTFO
Incels BTFO
Can you?
Can you?
Can you?
Television and film?
Can you?
I can do all that myself why do I need a woman for it?
i can cook
i don't need kids
i can do laundry
i have a house
Most modern women don't do any of those things.
Can modern women? Didn't think so.
Can you?
Is this a new meme or something?
I can do that myself.
I can't have kids because childhood illness destroyed my sperm.
I can do that myself.
I can do that myself.
Can sex doll make false rape accusations?
Can sex doll abort your children?
Can sex doll cheat on you?
Can sex doll divorce you and take half your wealth and income?
I want to fuck a robot!
Honestly dude if you wanna fuck a robot at least start with a bionicle, they're biomechanical so there's at least the minor chance you'll have something to squeeze
Not really. W*men got shut down with that argument years ago; no femoids nowadays want to cook, wash, have kids, or “make a home” so why should men choose biocunts over sexbots
ITT: incels create witty insults for a woman who isn't actually here to feel better about themselves (AKA the saddest shit imaginable please find a better outlet)
all based
You certainly can't, whore.
women refuse to do all those things anyway
Can you?
No! I want to be clanked!
>incels create witty insults for a woman who isn't actually here
a tranny admitting that he isn't actually a woman? looks like you are making some progress!
>ITT: incels create witty insults for a woman who isn't actually here to feel better about themselves (AKA the saddest shit imaginable please find a better outlet)
You guys are great
Lurk moar newfag
The roasties are feeling the pressure. I wonder if they'll go militant instead of submitting? They seem to be very overconfident lately but I doubt they'll be as tough once they try to take their 'allies' only options for love. Next ten years should be interesting.
Then stick your dick in a toaster
the only thing here I can't (and don't already do) myself is have children
Ask any woman what she brings to a relationship and it’s going to be some form of >muh holes.
When threatened with competition for their main argument for existence suddenly they start blabbering like they’re 50s housewives ready to cook, clean and do chores. Not fucking likely. I haven’t even met a woman who could take care of her own place.
I want to build a relationship with an AI, that blossoms into love, bridging the gap between man and machine.
I'm sure the dumb chink already got her retarded ass dogpiled. No need to beat a dead horse when we can still have almost as much fun right here.
I'm not even remotely interest in women, that is not to say however I'm gay, I'm not. But the fact is, devoting time to another person to gain something is delibratly placing yourself at a disadvantage from the start, I mean think of it this way, a women at the end of the day is just a person, a human if you will. Like humans, you will at large find at large, groups of people having the same characteristics, this is how we stereotype people into groups with defining traits. But the fact is non of this is remotely unique, in fact look up any history book and you will find repeated the same traits of human behaviour over and over again, the fact is no person is rarely unique, most are banal and fit certain stereotypes, I know this from experience. Now given this information why devote your time, which I might add there is very little, to another person? Why go through the motions of yearning, devoting, dating and various other activities, when much of this has already been played out one way or another. Why restrict yourself to a women when there are countless activities and other sort of goals to attain? Are you fool? A puerrile troglodyte cretin? Establishing your entire self worth on a women like your life depended on it.
>ITT: incels create witty insults for a woman who isn't actually here to feel better about themselves (AKA the saddest shit imaginable please find a better outlet)
>>ITT: incels create witty insults for a woman who isn't actually here to feel better about themselves (AKA the saddest shit imaginable please find a better outlet)
is this from fallout 76 ad?
>when the coronavirus kills all incels' boomer parents and they just slowly starve to death without anyone noticing
Women havent been able to cook for decades now.
If you really wanted to make sex doll losers seethe you would bring up the fact that their dolls cannot make an emotional connection with you or make you feel wanted and loved.
>love isnt real! women cant love!
>male stimulation devices advancing by the year
>simp shekels monopolized by e-whores
>retroactive rape accusations and facing ruin from divorce scaring men away
>homemaking and childrearing skills virtually extinct
>nearly fully integrated as worker drones and only just starting to realize what that means
Incels are crying now, but the western woman is approaching ultimate JUST at an alarming speed.
you’re right here ma’am
>Who could be behind this post?
It's much more likely that you're a tranny though, of course. Please join the 42% club at your earliest convenience. No one will mourn.
>tl;dr "I'm a proud incel!"
K bud good to know
but all the top tier chefs are men?
nah, some guy will still take her in after her youth is gone. people dont like being lonely.
Hello, Based department
>muh emotions
Fuck off faggot.
Oh nonono no no............. no.............. HAHAHAHAHA
This just need wet pussy to eat and smash
You just get banned if you reply to leftists on twitter
WOW that is very VERY sexist?
Why does the woman have to cook, clean and watch the kids?
I am so fucking triggered right now.
>I haven’t even met a woman who could take care of her own place.
This. I work 60-65 hours/week and I keep a cleaner house than all the tinder sluts I've banged, none of them were able to make a decent meal, either. I'm not even an OCD autist or anything.
>cannot make an emotional connection with you or make you feel wanted and loved.
Neither can a woman and the sex doll is the cope. We'll be fine, roastie. See how well you do without your holes to sell though.
i make better food and jerk myself off better than any fucking female can
Why not just get a gay man
Not as fun to look at
I mean, there is an element of truth here. Robowaifus will never truly take off until they can emote at least vaguely convincingly. That isn't as hard as you think it is though. Men would gladly settle for artificial companionship if it was at a reasonably convincing level. See: Blade Runner 2049.
Fact is, women bring a LOT less to a relationship than they think they do.
That’s kinda gay.
stop trying to force memes
Women arent lusting after sex doll incels. Desirable men dont fuck hunks of plastic.
Women will dump your ass for chad if given the chance
You'd think that, but even now some brainlets can settle for mannequins and waifus. Just wait until idealized and posable dolls become more advanced.
Desperate anons are outliers. The average woman is much more emotionally needy than the average man.
This, women dramatically overestimate how great they are. Most are even shittier than men. Actual men can take care of most things around a household. Most women can't jumpstart a car.
Why do you think gays would be interested in incels?
>sexless incels that no women want to fuck get sex dolls
>women who don't want to fuck them get offended and feel threatened
Someone explain this.
Can't fat neckbeards make passable bears? They'd need a bath first obviously.
lol you’re a brainwashing victim
>mfw I cook better than any woman I've met
>mfw no way I'm having kids in this era
>mfw I know how to laundry myself, thanks
>mfw I'm more organized than any woman I've lived with
I can't explain it but it's true, it's one of life's mysteries
They still want to be *desired* by those men, even though they would never want to have anything to do with them in practice.
Feminists, and women more generally, are control freaks. They can't stand not being able to have some control over men's lives, even if they would never date them.
Their only function in life is to attract a mate. They want to be desired by as many men as possible, or they’ve failed.
It's unbelievable how much I became to hate women after I started dating
Why dont you just better yourself, work on your insecurities and maybe build some confidence instead of crying about this mythical Chad guy all the time?
They're just butthurt they're not going to get a beta-provider anymore once they hit the wall and chad marries a genuine stacy (not some 6/10 tinder ho). "Incel" is an increasingly-meaningless term, regardless. Most of the chapotrannies that fling that term around can't get laid themselves.
You're mistaking bullying as felling offended/threatened. Bullying incels is one of the great joys in life.
>Lurk moar
Or alternately watch the movie lol
Why is it okay to shame sexless losers?