Okay now he's based

Okay now he's based.

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He's half-right. Bringing all of those things in to a depressed person's life will likely treat the depression. The problem with the sentiment is that one of the first things depression takes from a person is the desire and will to better their situation. Rephrasing it in a way that is more considerate of that would be a much more effective statement. Otherwise, it's "just stop being depressed, bro".

He's got a point.
And by the way, coming here or going to Twitter (like he does), Reddit, Instagram, etc.
Just the internet in general is bad for your mental health.

100% true.

>Depressed people are just not motivated and need vitamins and friends...so fucking easy

>surround yourself with support
LOL! Okay, Jim. I’ll just call up my friends and family!

Are you agreeing with my post or disagreeing? I honestly can't make out what you're saying with this.

Really? One of the most depressing periods of my life is when I had the most money and was the most healthy. I was surrounded by the most people but was at the same time, the most alone. Now, I work a mediocre job, make mediocre money and all of those "friends" are gone. I'm happier now than I was then.

he's not saying that, hes saying if you surround yourself with things that will give you positive feedback, its not guaranteed and sometimes the chances are very slim, but maybe you might just get what you need to come out of a rut. Its better than how a lot of other people put it

>just stop being depressed, bro!

He is saying that.

Sounds like you were surrounded by assholes and worked a job you disliked.

I believe AIDS is legitimate.

What he is saying is the kind of thing that works both ways. Some people will say this is just "stop being depressed", others will say "he is right bro, do those things and it will work". It's none of the answers, but by the way he says it, he knows it.

This cesspool contains the truth and makes you aware of all the problems of our time. If you prefer to live your life an ignorant fool whos future will be wholly decided by those willing to struggle go do so. Nobody is keeping us here.

You could say he was wearing a mask

He literally says its real you fucking incompetent luke warm IQ faggots, just that you need more than a magic fucking pill.

What it is it like being so fu king stupid you thought that game with your homosexual uncle was normal?

Everything he said in the OP is correct and all you faggots deserve to be depressed.

He’s basically right though. Antidepressants are a Jewish con placebo while you get your life back on track

There are plenty of resources that you can turn to for depression. I was diagnosed with clinical depression four years ago, attempted suicide just beforehand, and was given a shitload of anti-psychotics as a result. Therapy didn't really help beyond getting me back on track to help myself.
The drugs don't really do shit for you; they have side-effects that absolute kill your libido, fuck with your hormone levels, and generally make you an irritable (but less suicidal) fuck.
My best advice is to actually join something. Go hashing; there's probably a ground in your area. Find a biking or hiking or something group. Go join a book club. Find something to hold you accountable for showing up ad participating, even if you hate getting out of bed. That's how you surround yourself with support. It's not "lol, mom I'm depressed, make me feel better please" or "help help mom and dad, I'm drowning in emotional turmoil thicker than cottage cheese". You just have to be held accountable for your own presence when you want to escape it.
Jim's advice here is fucking solid. I quite taking my medication and figured that wanting to kill myself was considerably more desirable than just wanting to die from all the shit I was feeling physically and the emotional disassociation I had taking my meds. I take better care of myself and have to socialize now; it softens the feelings.

t. some faggot who intentionally crashed his car, but forgot to take off his seatbelt like a fucking idiot and lived as a result

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I hope everyone with depression kills themselves the world will be a better place

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truth is i dont want to get better im too lazy to put in the effort

>brooo I'm so depressed bro
>has running water food clothes anything he could ask to live
Firstoids are mentally ill. Literally firstoid problems

I believe you aren’t gay, but it’s just if you’d stopped sucking dick, looking at pictures of little boys, didn’t enjoy the flavor of feces, stopped licking men’s dirty underwear, and took more vitamins while surrounding yourself by the right people you too wouldn’t be a giant homo pedophile.

ngl I've been off them two months and the only difference I've noticed is that I'm able to come more easily

Such a giga-brainlet take. 30% of people in Britain are on antidepressants and it's rising, projected to be fully half by 2025. Are they just not doing the right things? Or perhaps society is not serving people? Perhaps the unnatural profit-seeking charade we call life in 2020 is adversarial to human happiness?

Brits are literally the most obese people in Europe as well, matching US levels of obesity. When you live a degenerate life you will always be more likely to be depressed. Find a better argument and stop coping on xannies.

>yeah, depression is totally real! but it definitely doesn't impact the person's ability or drive to live a perfect, healthy, active lifestyle and make great choices! and it surely doesn't impact ones ability to sleep soundly!
>Sure it's a legitimate disorder, but it couldn't be a cycle in which the lack of energy, poor focus, dysfunctional sleep cycle and bleak outlook erode ones capacity to eat right, exercise, surround themselves with positivity and have lots of friends, thereby worsening the condition and again stifling their capacity for self care, creating a self fulfilling and ever worsening negativity spiral that can seem virtually impossible to break
>I get it if youre depressed, but just stop doing all the things depressed people do, otherwise you're not even trying!
>haha just stop being depressed bro :^)
what profound and invaluable insight from le profound and deep artist
look at his fucking face, he really thinks he just said something important and deep
go back to making goofy faces and pretending to make your asshole talk, you fucking idiot. that's what made you rich

Looks like it hit home
Don't forget to take your meds bro, it'll make the bad thoughts go away kek

Sorry I do not not mental illness guidance from a celebrity. Going forward I will listen more to Hollywood people instructing me. Sorry man.

Hear hear! Toast to us, the truly enlightened!

You're right about taking advice from celebs though. It's silly.

Hes “right” because the vast (and I mean vast) majority of those who are “depressed” are actually just normal people who feel sad it have low self esteem.

When you’re actually depressed the effort required to get a glass of water is insurmountable. If you can actually do all that shit you’re not even depressed in the first place. Most reddit/Twitter normal fats who think they’re “depressed” have never actually experienced real, clinical depression.

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You are delusional. Take a casual think about what sorts of activities a human would have engaged in prior to society (which, in terms of our genetics, happened only yesterday.)

Your typical human would walk around 15 miles per day, according to our best archaeological evidence. They would live within nature, and a new slice of it every week. They would eat from the land. The concept of processed sugar did not exist. They would live in a group of 20-50 other humans who all knew each other closely. They all formed sexual relationships early in life: the group could not afford to refrain from reproduction. They bore no obligations except to acquire food, and no ominous organizations held life-ending power over them.

Compare this existence, which we instinctively crave, with modern life and you'll find a series of opposites. It is not difficult to see why depression is skyrocketing.

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You're making excuses and ignoring that he's saying to get near people who encourage you. Sometimes you have to make yourself do something that you don't want. Otherwise no personal problem of any kind would get solved. Depression is a big fucking hurdle but it can be overcome. That's all he said and it is true.

>I'm the only REAL depressed person! Everyone else is just pretending lol

Jim “take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue” Carrey

>no you just dont understand im REALLY depressed

People wouldn’t have heart attacks if they ate better
People wouldn’t get lung cancer if they didn’t smoke
People wouldn’t die in war if they didn’t join the military
People wouldn’t die in car accidents if they took the bus
People wouldn’t drown if they didn’t go near the water

It’s so simple.

Meds are effective for some . Usually those with actual clinical depression respond to it. Most people who dont respond to it have "situational depression" aka a shitty life but no chemical imbalance. the ability to motivate oneself to improve their situation varies, as does the actual potential for success. Some people do everything right but can't catch a break and have shitty lifes. Some don't even try, many are somewhere in between
I found a medication that worked for me and got better and I'm not depressed anymore. But I think he's talking out of his ass. Not to mention he's impossibly rich.
I don't take medication anymore, and I'm happy with my life.
But it did hit close to home because he's a fucking self centered asshole who thinks the way he discovered is the only legitimate way.
a gazillionaire famous person who has no practical obstacles to anything material in this world, trying to tell the rest of us we aren't working hard enough, no thanks.

No, you're just a mentally ill obese faggot on drugs. Go to the gym, get fit, have a healthy lifestyle. If you won't even do the bare minimum, then you're just another NPC who thinks he has depression.
The real reason for depression is that nobody wants to be part of this rat race where you work for 40 years in a job and barely afford a shitty holiday once a year. And then you go on social media and you see nothing but celebs going on holidays every day. The exposure that "serfs", have to the elite now is so transparent that the serfs are left wanting for more. The serfs of old were content with their life because they never knew how the elite really lived.
You're right about the sugar and instant gratification lifestyle also further ruining our bodies.

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That’s correct. Normalfag “depression” is literally just them thinking they shouldn’t feel as tired as they do even though they don’t get any sleep or exercise.

Normalfag “depression” is: persistent low grade fatigue, irritability, and lack of purpose in life. They don’t need anti depressants, they need Carrey’s advice.

Actual depression is soul crushing fatigue despite sleeping 15 hours, the inability to even get our of bed, the total lack of desire to even participate in any part of society. No normalfag has this, normalfags have low self awareness disease (“gee, why am I always tired when I sit at a desk all day and eat garbage corporate sludge and never sweat?”). They don’t have a serotonin disorder.

What an INCREDIBLE bundle of projection. I'm categorically none of the things you said: I'm in great shape, mentally sound and don't even take aspirin. I'm also, apparently, able to see things that are above your head.

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have you tried just being yourself?

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>only I can feel

How the fuck are you people getting
>Depression is legitimate, but you have to give yourself a chance?

He's basically saying
>If you want to stop burning, step out of the fire
He's not saying that getting out of the fire will heal you magically, but you can't begin to recover until you do

I'm depressed as fuck and I do all the following. He's right though, but sometimes it's still hard even when you are trying

What would I be projecting here? I'm not depressed and I'm not unhealthy lol. Why do your ilk always use this as a get out of jail free card when it hits too hard? Zozzle

If you’re an active participant in society and you are working out, you’re not “depressed”, you feel exactly as you should according to the genetics you have. If you had real depression you wouldn’t be able to actively participate in society or work out.

You suffer from low self awareness disease, it’s the same mental illness a lot of normalfags suffer from. You think you “should” feel happier or more content or more energetic than you currently do, but you have no evidence as to why you should. You’re probably just genetic shit and you are always tired all the time as a result. You’re not actually depressed, sorry bud.

You're probably being called a projector because you just randomly accused a stranger of completely random things (being fat, mentally ill and addicted to drugs) out of the blue. This is standard projection. I'm sorry that you got caught and are now embarrassed, my fat drug addicted friend.

He's unironically correct and as sensible as it seems, a lot of retards don't even follow these rules then jump on pills effectively giving them a chemical lobotomy.

not that user but what they're saying is part true, many depression cases are just situational issues while clinical depression is a physiochemical brain disorder. Either type can have a broad range if severity. In one sense chemical imbalances are more manageable because you can treat it with the right drugs and it responds.
That's why so many people moan about antidepressants "never working", or they're a big jew scam, etc. it's because those people don't have chemical depression (or are not on the right meds) -- but usually because they just have shitty lives and taking some pill isn't fixing it.

only i have depression! ME! ONLY I DESERVE PITY!!

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It's not random things, these are things being discussed in the thread.

none of you, including actorfags are qualified to talk about depression, so stop being advicefaggots on the internet, reddit tier thread.

>surround yourself with support
oh right i'll just hang out with my friends h-haha

depression is a jewish lie

>Yas Forums makes fun of psuedo intellectual Bojack Horseman fans who project onto the character
>Yas Forums also screams about how they feel real depression while no-one else does and how they are too sad to even try
I'm sick of the disgusting self-pity I see on this board, fuck off back to Yas Forums.

Absolutely right. It works both ways. There are people that need legitimate help but the mind and how it works is still too abstract in our understanding of it to accurately suss out who's real and who is jobbing a system. So, proper treatment, as a result, is subject to scrutiny.

>you feel exactly as you should according to the genetics you have. If you had real depression you wouldn’t be able to actively participate in society or work out.
That's not even remotely true, and anyone who told you that was trying to pull one over on you

You're posting here from an electronic device. Opinion discarded.

The rest of Europe is 20-40% obese and rising, by WHO data.

I’m not looking for “pity” you moron, you keep talking about “projection” but you seem to be projecting a lot onto me.

You don’t suffer from “depression” if you are an active participant in society. I’m not sure how clear I can make this to you: If you are getting out of bed each day for work, if you are able to be a functional human being and go to the gym and cook your food and make money and pay bills and stay in shape, YOURE NOT DEPRESSED.

YOU ARE A ZERO SELF AWARENESS NORMALFAG, THATS YOUR “MENTAL ILLNESS”. Your “depression” is misdiagnosed, your genetics are not suited to the isolation and the repetitiveness of the modern world. The way you feel right now isn’t the result of something being wrong with your brain, it’s how you’re supposed to feel given the environment you’re in. You have feelings of loneliness because YOU HAVE FEW OR NO FRIENDS OR DEEP CONNECTIONS. You feel a low grade fatigue because you spend all day seated in an office.

If we took you and put you out in nature where you had to fend for yourself or life in a tribe, what you call your “depression” would be gone in a week. Someone with actual depression in that scenario would lie on the ground and probably starve to death or get eaten alive by animals. What you have is a modern ailment called low self awareness, you think you should be happy and energetic all the time because the people on TV are. You don’t need pills.

Yeah a samsung a something phone with a broken screen. Kys firstoid

i think you should go see a doctor, but for schizophrenia not depression

Obsessed euromutt trash

Explain why I’m wrong.

>some people have legitimate chemical imbalances and require medication to feel normal

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>You don’t suffer from “depression” if you are an active participant in society
Wrong on so many levels its cringe

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Seething depressed Haitian

>How the fuck are you people getting
>>Depression is legitimate, but you have to give yourself a chance
because in case you didn't realize, his prescription for "giving oneself a chance" is to simply stop succumbing to the limitations that are the quintessential symptoms of depression in the first place. Feeling incapable of exercising, eating right, getting help, going out in the sun, talking to people, working harder on your self and your health, getting good sleep -- not too much, just enough, etc. -- the feeling of seeing all those things as impossible for you, is literally exactly what depression symptoms present as.
its the same as
>"addiction is real, but if you're not making a real effort to stay away from drugs, you aren't even giving yourself a chance."
Like, if effort was all it took to stop suffering from the symptoms of depression, or addiction, you wouldn't be depressed / an addict.

you're batshit insane, if you had an ounce of the self awareness that you freely prescribe to others, you'd realize that
try reading your posts as if you're saying them out loud to a room full of close friends

there is something wrong with your brain

>if effort was all it took to stop suffering from the symptoms of depression, or addiction, you wouldn't be depressed / an addict.
So youre implying that addicts never break addictions and never get better?

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So you can’t explain why I’m wrong?

Depression is characterized by a lack of energy, by not having motivation or interest to do things you would normally otherwise do, explain to me how you have depression when your behavior is indistinguishable from someone who doesn’t have depression? Are you just gonna day you’re a hyper badass who “fights through it”?

There's an easy solution, and that is to treat anyone who says they need it, regardless, because treating someone who doesn't need it is objectively better than *not* treating someone who *does* need it.

>You don’t suffer from “depression” if you are an active participant in society.
I don't know why you keep repeating this dangerous lie, but you need to stop.

I don't have time to be depressed
I'm more worried about whether I will have food the next day, or if the metal roof over my head will last.

the idea that you can do anything against depression is pretty funny. none of the things that cause depression can be truly fixed. brain defects or fundamental incompatibility with society are chief among them. life is not a movie or a piece of fiction where every story has a happy resolution. it's closer to a cold, unfeeling simulation. it provides on the possibility of happiness - certainly no guarantee. most people live depressing, miserable lives, and they continue living only because animals have a built-in instinct to live.

ultimately humans can't do anything, anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that free will is an illusion and we don't magically influence our own thoughts (which are physical processes like everything else in the world.)