What was the point of her character? Kinda suspect tbqh

What was the point of her character? Kinda suspect tbqh

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She's a foil for Leo's character.

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To bring Leo's character down a little bit more, considering he's a one-episode wonder and she's actually a new generation of smart young actors getting top billing.

That was terrifying

young new talent vs spent old fuck. worked pretty well.

Consent to what?

The point of Buttersfu is to bring obscene amounts of cuteness to the world

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yikes have sex little girl

kys pedo

to be cute

I looked up shoops of her. Pretty good.

to appeal to the cunnysseur market



She's Jewish huh

enjoy your jail cell pedo scum


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do we pretend to know who that is?

such an angelic face

She has a minor role in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, Tarantino's latest film.

made for rough sex

Beautiful children creep me out. It's like people are waiting around for them to grow up in order to sexualize


>Kinda suspect tbqh
It's hollywood. Tarantino is into feet. Who knows what else he's into. Not that much of a stretch tbqh.

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but seriously, who wouldn't buy a sexdoll if they looked as hot as that?


>sex is evil

Dude, they are really good. Check them out.

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What the heck is wrong with little girls?

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>go to your dressing room
>see this
wat do?

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i wanna fuck and suck julia desu

Give link pls.

Get outta the thread simp

kys pedo scumm

pedophilia is literally rape

>worthless opinion

So much judgement from a tranny on a Chinese cartoon porn board

Who taught her that look, or is it just natural?

ain't that called the "fuck me" eyes?

"Bedroom eyes" is the classic term, but yeah. I've never seen a girl her age make that face.

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I have. My niece.

Not the same really. It's more affection in general/crush in City Of Lost Children. This girl looks like she's about to ask me out for a drink. Great film by the way.

You haven't seen many little girls then.

is CEL back?

It sucks.

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yes but in a twist of irony, they locked the Butters thread and mostly only old hags are allowed

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what a dark time

I know he was trying to be funny but he really did cucked the hell out of /cel/. I've had posts removed even though I really wasn't "sexualizing" lgs.

If i'm going to have to fight powertripping mods I'll just do it here.

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You calling, bro?

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This is pure reddit, I prefer the "idiot pedophile" ban message than this passive agressive faggotry.

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This isn't South Park thread

based Anna juice essence

wiki eat DOT club

He was shilling his site here a couple of weeks back and he started losing his shit, it was pretty funny. He used to make fun of redditors so much, he became one.