Now that the dust has settled:

What is the Yas Forums consensus?

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Okay film for Rodriguez

I live my wife Alita! Alita a cute!
Alita sequel when?

The foot in the door for anime to keep getting pozzed by hollywood. Weebs are their own worst enemy, wishing for their films to get western adaptions while dreading for it to happen.

Donald J. Trump made anime real, just like he promised.

not the train wreck i thought it would be, stupid bug eyes notwithstanding

But for once it was a decent adaptation, maybe for the first time ever (edge of tomorrow doesn't count)

/alita/ server if any are interested

I hope its redpilled and not full of tr******

This but me saying it.

What is the consensus on her body of work here?

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went into it thinking it was gonna be trash but I actually really liked it, would like to see a sequel down the line. Super surprised they didn't take a giant dump with an anime movie

I liked the villains and Alita as a bounty hunter was fun. Most of it was crap though.

they should have kept the larger eyes

is a sequel in the works? i would like to know how it ends and i not reading the manga shit

the manga is legit better though, and about a million times more fucked up

body isn't anything special, but it's dressed well in that shot.

pacing was off and some character motivations were stupid/sudden
otherwise cute and enjoyable for the most part.

The movie has almost nothing to do with the Manga, so it wouldn't do you any good.
And no, there isn't going to be a follow-up.

Turned what could have been another cyberpunk classic into puerile Youth Adventure schlock.

Literally no edge left to it at all, its less thought provoking than the original Thor movie. In fact it doesn't even want you to think, every mystery or plot development is breathlessly explained in exposition dumps as fast as they are introduced.

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Rosa Salazar is a woman of many talents

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Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

>is a sequel in the works?
Cameron wrote three script outlines so he would know what to include in each movie and the Iron City set is still up so there are definitely plans for sequels but nothing has been greenlit yet.
> i would like to know how it ends and i not reading the manga shit
The movie is based more on the anime than the manga so the sequels will probably not go exactly the way the manga does (which is fine with me) but the series has gone on for 30 years so it's hard to say whether there will be an actual ending to her story in the movies or if it will just continue on indefinitely like in the manga.

If you think the movie needed brain-eating and spine removal to be edgy then you really missed a lot of things

the eyes are the exact same size all they did was make the irises bigger

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ive been bamboozled

>Youth Adventure
YA stands for "young adult" by the way. As in early teens.

>The movie has almost nothing to do with the Manga
Could you explain the major changes and why they're significant? There are differences between the manga and the movie but I don't feel that any of them affected the core of the story, at least not yet.

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Good film bad acting from Ed Norton

He's in the movie for like 15 seconds and has no lines, I'm sure there are plans to give him more to do in the sequel

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I think it was actually a really clever solution because it means they didn't go back on their decision to make the eyes large and they also didn't have to reanimate her face at all

absolute kino

>tfw no gf

this movie real action adaptation have

too much anime jerking off too little manga jerking off
bad balance as the manga have better ideas than the anime

absolutely horrible shit, insanely ugly, pathetically cast except for Waltz, and designed for little kids instead of being anything like the source material

It doesn't reach the heights of true kino like edge of tomorrow, but it was okay.


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Thanks to corona-chan the sequel is definitely never.

I wouldn't count her out yet

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I was really hoping for RR's "10 minute Fucking School" he promised since the "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" DVD.

>But for once
> once
Famous last words. You deserve to have all your favorite series ruined by shitty adaptions because hypothetically they made a "decent" one.

The chocolate making tutorial came first because seduction comes before sex.
Alita 2 will have 10 minute foreplay school and then Alita 3 will have the fucking school.

It was ok, I haven't read the manga but its clear just from watching that they were struggling to put in everything that they wanted to so it suffered from pacing problems. Still better than captain marvel though.

It found it entertaining.

Best movie of the century.

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How many times did you fuckers see it in theaters?

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I watched it Saturday night, made a thread and nobody replied. Fuck all you faggots

once, which was one time too many

Yeah your late by about a year. Threads were constant for a long while

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cringe shit and definitely not based

if I knew about it I would have replied
we're always talking about it on the discord

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never is a long time user

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Six: three in 2d and three in 3d including once in IMAX 3D which was incredible


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It's an ok movie, but the whole boyfriend plotline felt completely pointless if he just fucking dies in the end. And pretty much the middle towards the end felt to me like the story was just meandering without any clear sight or direction. Things happened and it's like "ok"

The movie is the first two parts with a bit of motorball from the third part but it's structured more like the anime which weaves the first two parts together better. However there's more than 20 years of story so I bet it was hard to put a lot of the cool stuff in the first movie and have it not be rushed but while also leaving enough left for more movies later.

The whole point of the boyfriend story is to give Alita her first taste of love and being normal, but also to give her something to lose that she can't just save by fighting everything. Hugo shows her the world which is great at first but then she finds out what kind of person he is and realizes that the whole system is toxic and destructive which gives her a reason to go after Nova and start to change things.

1 time in 3d, i cant deny it money well spended.