
P E R F E C T I O N editie
old thread

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there's cougars out there dressing up young boys so they can roleplay forbidden Beverly and Jack's ghost in bed and basically you're fucking stupid

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Speaking of cougars, This Irish Romulan Elf Detective one is for me.

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How can Romulans have Earth accents if they are not part of the federation?

AMT used to be the one who made trek models, but polar lights and round2 models have taken it up now

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Is this a thing? Go on the Star Trek cruise and bed some sexy cougars while pretending to be the guy Picard had murdered?

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I want to fill her with babies.

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Nah, I'm sure strangers are going on a week long cruise together just to eat and talk about Star Trek.

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How much does it cost? I've always wanted to cosplay as Neelix.

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Rommies age better.

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Jolan tru, /trek/!

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This is my wettest dream

Where's Vee boy at?

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I look at Trek fans now, and i see who fans

Peldor joi, Rommie!

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Because I am not a faggot.

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One Seven Three Four Six Seven Three Two One Four Seven Six Charlie Three Two Seven Eight Nine Seven Seven Seven Six Four Three Tango Seven Three Two Victor Seven Three One One Seven Eight Eight Eight Seven Three Two Four Seven Six Seven Eight Nine Seven Six Four Three Seven Six Lock

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What's the chronological order of the Star Trek shows?


Is this the pass phrase to destroying your career?

>No ridges

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that durango tho

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Marc Alaimo is, for all intensive purposes, Gul Dukat.

Just go to a con to find out.

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Who would be your pick to create a new Star Trek show?

>for all intensive purposes
hope that's bait son

Trips confirm it's Brandon Braga.

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The guy who's ideas was stolen to make DS9

Yeah, but, her eyes are too close together

Captains Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone and their crews of Expendables set during the Romulan War

The Original Series (1966–1969)
The Animated Series (1973–1974)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture1979)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)
The Next Generation (1987–1994)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)
Deep Space Nine (1993–1999)
Star Trek Generations (1994)
Voyager (1995–2001)
First Contact (1996)
Insurrection (1998)
Enterprise (2001–2005)
Nemesis (2002)
Star Trek (2009)
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Star Trek Beyond (2016)
Discovery (2017–present)
Short Treks (2018–present)
Picard (2020–present)

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DS9 (starts during TNG)
VOY (starts during DS9)

My favorite part is when he does the low voice from the scene where Picard is mocking the guy on the way back from the conference or whatever in the Runabout. It's quite hypnotic.

Fuck off cruse fag.

A cuckold retard?


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Still seething I see

Aaron Sorkin. More talking and less pew pew in my utopian sci-fi please.
J Michael Strazinsky (or whatev)? He's getting damn old and his work with the prequel Watchmen comics wasn't exactly stirring.

>J Michael Strazinsky
that guy yeah

>A cuckold retard?

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Star Trek by Guillermo Del Toro

thieving gypsies stealing user's letters now

Aaron Sorkin is for radlib pseuds.

>You've been giving orders since you got here, Picard
>The sheer fucking hubris.
OMG nuTrek shills were right. Star Trek has always been like nuTrek.

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Star Trek 4 & further Kelvin timeline films...

> Drop the time travel plot line, both Kirks & the Enterprise and have a small science mystery oriented mission set while the Enterprise was being rebuilt at the end of Beyond. Cast is Spock, Bones, Scotty, Sulu (maybe), Carol Marcus & Jaylah. (Both females are sexualized just as openly if not as randomly as Marcus's bra scene in Into Darkness)

> Classic Birds of Prey are used, ideally for more then just a cameo.

> Klingons if used look as perfect as they did in Into Darkness in terms of make up.

> A Young General Chang played by Paul Bettany?

Picard's Show...

> Kim Cattrall returns as a much older Valeris.

> The Valdore & D'deridex class Warbirds are used at some point.

In general...

> If we get a notable female villain in ST4 or Picard's show, preferably one that doesn't have too much make up, Antje Traue (faora in Man of Steel) plays her.

> The legendary Kim Cattrall nude on the Enterprise set pics are released.

Honestly, for me

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>radlib pseuds
Right. Star Trek. Or can you think of a more radlib pseud than a communist, post-scarcity utopia where the moral of the story is tolerance and understanding and defend only when you can't talk your way out of something.

>Who would be your pick to create a new Star Trek show?
I would prefer a movie but if a series...

> HBO.
> 6-7 Episode seasons so as to not be overstuffed with comedy or filler.
> Michael Fassbender as Captain.
> Denis Villeneuve (blade runner 2049, arrival) directs.
> Mostly very serious toned but with touches of wonder and awe.

was it rape?

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He'd finally get the movie he deserves.

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Was it rape?

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>post-scarcity utopia
Picard is post-utopia.

It's also post-watchable

Enhanced interrogation.

>a communist, post-scarcity utopia
That's Leftist. That's cool. I wish Trek was made by straight up Leftists. Instead of smug radlibs that are 'moderate' and neo-liberal but consider themselves radical because they're obsessed with idpol.

Both are acceptable you fucking spacker. Look at the image. Ghetto niggers are more sophisticated.

Was it rape?

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>tripfag gets btfo by the ded thred and has to continue sperging crossthread.
It's "Daylight Saving Time" not "daylight savings". No, both are not acceptable. Continue to seethe and dont forget to dilate, tranny.

Now that the dust has settled, was it rape?

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>It's only acceptable because I say so.
So, you - illiterate user now in full meltdown mode - and not Google or consensus - can't take the fact that an immediate rebuttal shows his autism to be completely false about something he was meme quoting. Your parents are failures and so are you. You lost. Get over it.

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>Daylight saving time (DST), also daylight savings time or daylight time (United States and Canada) and summer time

>the people who post in threads until it archives are the ones who argue about gay shit like daylight savings
I see

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Based Big Show. They did an angle on Smackdown! where they used a tranquilizer dart to knock him out and shave his head so he would be bsld for this role.

This bastard could have been a recurring Romulan character. The actor knocked it out of the park and had such screen presence. A guy on screen for like 4 minutes that is antagonistic towards Sisko rather than an outright villain and is actually a victim is so much more compelling and threatening than those absolute joke of Romulan villains that hack Kurtzman has concocted and shoved into Picard.

Except it was never a rebuttal because no proof was shown and no proof can be shown because everyone who isn't retarded knows it's Daylight Saving and not "daylight savings", but thank you for not posting with an other gay name.

>He/she/it thinks wikipedia is "proof"
Welp, someone's never written a research paper in his/her/its entire life.

>Kurtzman Star Trek

Didn't the Kira actress say he was a weirdo in real life? Eh, I was never a big Kira fan and find the actress not particularly likeable and Alaimo has screen presense so that alone, however flimsy and shallow it may be, makes me give him the benefit of the doubt immediately.

>hate this shitty obnoxious namefag
>but also hate this shitty obnoxious retard who thinks daylight savings isn't a common term

He lives the gimmick

>everyone who isn't retarded
But user, you are one person. You are not a few or some or many. You are one. One wrong person with a haughty, smug, sense of superiority about something your were proven wrong about. Your unwillingness to address your incorrect nature only stands to make you look even more foolish and desperate.

I'm starting to feel embarrassed for you at this point.

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Why did they start playing the Walking Dead theme when they showed Marina Sirtis? I lol'ed

No argument from me.