What the fuck is his problem?

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It’s called a shtick dude, you stick to it

I like him.
He seems to have logic and dignity.

Yes my shtick is looking clueless, why do you ask?

tucker is as close as the mainstream gets to nazbol gang, so i'll allow it

Literally you

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Had no idea being absolutely based was a problem user

can't cuckold the tuck

I'm more based than tucker.

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imagine not being baffled by the numerous absurdities of our world, imagine being complacent with all the shit that's going on haha

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That’s not clueless, that’s “what the fuck is wrong with our ruling class”

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Yes let me tell you about the ruling class from my fox news show, goy.

He gets paid to say nonsensical shit, plus lie, to keep boomers angry and at the polls

I doubt he believes in half the shit he spouts

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Hes baffled by clown world? Preposterous.

>t. Unironically uses "faux news" and thinks its smart
Have you even listened to him?

Tucker is alright, Hannity is the guy you're describing

Obviously have never watched the show. It's populist and the only populist news show in the US. I guess Rachel Maddow talking Russian Secret agents is more your speed

God bless Tucker, I cant wait until hes president

He's the last of his kind: he is a journalist who does not deserve to be shot in the belly and then set on fire. Look around the rest of his industry: every other journalist now alive deserves to be shot in the belly and then lit on fire, except him. Imagine his loneliness.

is he married to a feeder?

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All the people ragging on Tucker have clearly never watched him. He actually disagrees with Trump on certain stuff. People just think because he is on Fox so they have to insult him because "LOL FAUX NEWS BOOMERS LOL". He used to be on MSNBC and has always been based.


he gets about as close to naming them without being fired as possible

He looks fine

yee yee


You'll never please the Nazis or the trannies larping as Nazis. I'm surprised they don't call him a neocon Israel lover

His role on MSNBC was literally a token conservative though.

If you have some more good clips like that with Tucker please post them.
I think there was one years ago that kinda went viral where he really caught someone, and I don't meen in conservative Yas Forums circles, but then a few years after that I suddenly kept hearing about him from lefties how he's a moron and always wrong which was strange to me.

kinda want

Tucker is the only good talking head on TV. He's ahead of the curve.

Unironicaly he's the best comedian in the game

And you want to know why X does Y? No other reason then hating America. They HATE America and they don't want to see your children prosper.

tucker and cavuto are the only ones on fox (probably tv at all) capable of actual thought. they make and argue good points rather than just suck up to a party line

Literally the best candidate for President in the public sphere. I hope he runs in 2024 after a nice four more years of Trump.

Daily reminder that anyone on tv (or pol) that complains about muh faux news has literally never watched an entire episode of whatever talking head they are bitching about. They see clips taken out of context by media matters or daily kos or the Huffington paint or some other retard forum.

Tucker is based and op is a faggot.

I'm hoping for a President Shapiro one day.

I love his onion takes

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>J*w president

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He seems more level-headed than other talking heads. I at least see him not always take the side you'd assume he would.

and he went full retard

He has a good strategy. He only talks about the easy topics, the ones that most reasonable people can come to the same conclusion on. It's why he's slowed down on the interviews. 2019 was a hilariously bad year for interviews. There was that guy who uploaded an interview Fox refused to show because Tucker Carlson's connection to crooked think tank groups was brought up. And he had a lot of bad interviews with women where all he did was try to cut them off and talk louder than them.

Fox News knows how to rile shit up and they're playing a good game of keeping up appearances.

Fat Simon Cowell

This is unfathomably based.


Tucker is a better speaker and more charismatic than you tho

Le epic liberal says Tucker's family is rich therefore he can't speak to the interests of working and middle class white people. Checkmate

Is there a more based man on television? Can’t cuck the Tuck.

I don't think so, I can't say who I am but I have a pretty large following.

that nose wont do it but those milkers will heehehe

Tucker "everybody knows that" Carlson

>baffled by clownworld
>doesn't know exactly why and how things are the way they are and that it was predicted long ago
never going to make it

He's right though, metric sucks for everyday use. For scientific purpose, fine, but for the average person, standard system is objectively better.

back this up

Not him and don’t know if I agree but when I see euros say someone is 100 something centimeters I cringe everytime.

he IS one of them


he lives in america, a feeder state

Cucker makes millions by selling outrage to people like you.

>but for the average person, standard system is objectively better.
prove it

The outrage is already there, and its the fault of “people” like you.

for example, temperature: Fahrenheit is much more evenly spread across the tolerable human experience. 0 is very cold, 100 is very hot. A human can experience everything in between. So 30 is freezing, 50 is cool, 70 is just nice, 80 is warm, etc. Celsius is based on water, which makes sense for science, but it's less intuitive for describing the weather. 0 C is cold but its not the lowest the average person will experience. 100 C is deadly. The human range in Celsius is like -17 to 37. It makes less sense.

Isn't that the guy that said the metric system is socialist, because it was invented during the French revolution, and the French are socialist?

the bit was clearly satire though

the human brain doesn't interpret numbers over like 10-20 very well without grouping them, the english system has convenient delinations

>fox news
>not sucking ruling class dick at every corner
I miss the days when Yas Forums understood that both dems and repubs were facades for the real corporate ruling class behind them.

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Intelligent people don't watch TV.

iirc Fahrenheit also has some connection to "roughly body temperature" which back when people routinely butchered their own animals was a decent reference point ("blood warm")

Literal heroin soaked in fentanyl for gullible cousinfuckers. He believes 0% of what he says, laughing all the way to the bank.