What is the best portrayal of Hell in cinema?
What is the best portrayal of Hell in cinema?
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I like one in 'Constantine'
any documentary about earth
>people actually believe in this retarded ass shit
>some of them even think hell is a physical place
It’s kind of mindblowing, really
The Hell in Constantine was pretty neat.
Tell us Satan.
What Dreams May Come
Not joking.
Jigoku was interesting
That was pretty metal.
Those creatures are clearly inspired by this painting.
Escpecially when the Bible doesn't even describe Hell. It's all from Dante's Divine Comedy instead.
Came here to post this. Absolutely beautiful and haunting film.
>that Werner Herzog cameo
The house the jack built
Hell which is just a derelict version of our world or some hellish realm with a hierarchy is boring.
Better to have satan screaming along with humans.
Reminder that the Divine Comedy is Catholic fanfiction.
Nothing wrong with plagiarising Beksinski.
Careful, the pearl-clutching /polcel/ fundies are going to tell you to "dilate your soul" or something...
Yeah, obviously, because they have so much in common! Like, uh...
Reminder that the Pilgrim's Progress is Protestant fanfiction
Robin Williams getting pooed on by a giant bird ruins this for me.
Actually Jesus does describe it and compares it to Gehenna in Jerusalem where the old apostate Judean Kings would sacrifice babies to Moloch using fire. That's where the idea of hell being full of fire comes from.
Interesting, which verses?
>Pilgrim's Progress
In which the bad guys have names like "Pope" and "Pagan" and the good guys have names like "Piety" and "Help". Even George Lucas wasn't that fucking lazy.
Star Wars
Mark 9:43: "It is better for you to enter life crippled, than having your two hands, to go into Gehenna into the unquenchable fire."
So how do you get a job as one of the Hell cavemen? Seems like a better gig than suffering for all eternity.
Okay but how does it describe hell?
He’s comparing Gehenna to Hell
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure 2: Bogus Boogaloo
Yeah this is the one
>imagine believing in hell
based obsessed redditor
Gehenna is both the reference location and the the word they used for Hell that is an afterlife of torture and misery including flames. Our word for Hell comes from the Germanic goddess/place, it's just a translation, Gehenna is the term in the ancient Aramaic/Hebrew for hell it's a direct reference and description.
not really, just says it's fire there
actual 'hell' as described in bible is just nothing, pure eternal nothingness
Gehenna was basically a tire fire outside Jerusalem where child sacrifices used to take place. It was just a way of saying "trash heap outside the city gates that is thought to be cursed."
The Burning Hell: 20,000 degrees Fahrenheit and not a drop to drink
Remember friends, if you don't think the right thoughts and say the right combination of magic words your all loving, all merciful God will roast you in a lake of fire for all eternity. As you shriek in pain and scream out for mercy you plead: "I don't want to go to heaven, I don't want to go back to earth, I don't want to be obliterated... I just want one single drop of water, for I thirst in this place" God will say "NO" and a wave of lava will push you back into the inferno.
Do the new films have a canon explanation for why Satan was in Star Wars?
You gotta have connections. Translation:
>Inconceivable! Were these people really so bad that they deserve such awful punishments?
>hell should I know?
>there's a committee that judges the sinners and decides exactly what each one's punishment will be
>now, if you've got someone on the committee...
Hell is real.
That one second long shot in Constantine where you see people wailing in hell and being attacked by demons always gave me chills
fuck me brah thats gnarly
Where we're going...
the real reason is because the dude who made the alien masks ran out of designs so he had to use other masks he made before the movie was in production. that's why the devil is in star wars.
I cannot even comprehend how people could be "at peace" in some heavenly realm knowing that there are people suffering in some other
And if you could be, there is something wrong with you
If hell exists, there is no heaven.
People are suffering right now and you're doing nothing about it but shitposting. Same thing dipshit
You're just projecting you piece of shit. You don't know me.
Not to mention I am NOT at peace, far as fuck from it.
because a galaxy far far away was actually hell
You're basically saying that there's something wrong with you if you think jails and the justice system should exist.
It's fucking sick these theists were scare children into believe in this shit so no matter what it's drilled into their retina for the rest of their lives
>comparing anything in this physical realm to an entity of pure torment
just stop
GOD I hate you people
Chances are that the people who produced the video in the OP don't believe in any gods.
i could live with being damned for eternity with rodney dangerfield as my oppressor
>just stop
>GOD I hate you people
Did you get lost on your way to tumblr?
If you don't think hell exists then why are you so indignant? If you think it's okay for jails to exist then you think it's right to inflict some level of suffering on people in this physical realm, the only realm, for eternity as long as they live.
yes it does. Adam and Eve were cast down to hell on Earth.
This is Hell, we are living it
Well, according to the Qur'an, hell is real.
Question now is whether the Qur'an is actually from God or not. Need to have proof.
The miracle of the Qur'an
"The reality of the Arabic language is that everytime you express yourself as a human being, the source text producer - the person who produces text or an oral tradition or orality, whatever the case may be - does so and it always fills itself or can be categorized in:
- Prose, which can be subcategorized into mursal (straightforward speech)
- Sajʿ (rhyme prose)
Significantly, there's another literary form called poetry, which according to the poetic patterns, you have: the al bihaar. That's the reality of Arabic language... every time.
So if we use observation, and experience everytime you speak, it's either normal speech, rhyme prose or poetry... every time.
The Qur'an doesn't fit into any of these known forms. That's my point.
My point is this... the miraculous nature of the Qur'an is miraculous due to the fact that when we exhaust the reality of the Arabic language - 28 letters, finite grammatical rules and words - we exhaust it... and we [still] can't produce the form of the Qur'an.
If we do anything [to try replicate the Qur'an], it still falls into the category of prose and rhymed prose or poetry."
- Hamza Tzortzis
You're a real sick fuck, stop replying to me.
Have I said anything that's not true?
partly correct. the old testament doesnt, which is why jews dont do the whole hell thing
Abdullah ibn Qays reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
“Verily, the people of Hellfire will weep so much that if ships tried to sail in their tears, they would sail. Then they will weep blood in place of their tears.”
Source: al-Mustadrak 8895
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani