I Am Jazz - General

Discuss the TLC show I Am Jazz.

>Twisted Sister: "Were not going to take it" Jazz Parody: vocaroo.com/h4mNOjjZb00

>Dire Straits: "Money for Nothin" Jazz Parody:: vocaroo.com/9FzkeuLbZwK

>Butthole Surfers: "Pepper" Jazz Parody: voca.ro/e09inxplv3W

>Gotye: "Somebody that I used to know" Jazz Parody: voca.ro/nFc7swOPsa4

>Rage Against the Machine: "Bulls On Parade" Jazz Parody voca.ro/gWrWjOAZo7r


>Endocrinologists view of "I am Jazz" (Completely demolishes it) youtube.com/watch?time_continue=14&v=iYw0iq3tVug&feature=emb_logo

>No Eulogies for Jazz youtube.com/watch?v=KqdyLQAk3eo
>Jazz is Sauronpilled youtube.com/watch?v=LtkrhL8eJXQ

>Darkest Dilation youtube.com/watch?v=w3XbWJLYpzM

>Hey Jazz youtube.com/watch?v=xM82NBe6iCU

Attached: verystable.webm (480x272, 2.93M)

Other urls found in this thread:


What are your expectations for tomorrow's episode?

Attached: sharpen~6.png (762x720, 1.1M)

Cytube stream host user, will you be here tomorrow? Looking forward to it.

Attached: experimental jazz2.webm (528x297, 2.25M)

Jazz talks about his gaping shit filled wound while everyone trying to eat #623699

>How beautiful is my vagina going to be?

Attached: nonbianary.jpg (1080x1137, 100K)

to be fair he sometimes adds variety to the conversation and discusses his micropenis

Attached: brothersgrossedout.webm (902x488, 2.6M)

Jazz weeps for Jarron
As his ancestors did weep
For their lost Zion

I think it will be the episode that shows Jazz crying in front of his family, in that family meeting. And his siblings will meet up to discuss his mental state and about how he expects everything to go perfect and when it doesn't he melts down. Perhaps at the end of the episode it will reveal family decision that he delay / not go to Harvard, or they will end in cliffhanger again and save that for the following episode.

part one of this webm, accidentally put them in the wrong order

Attached: experimental jazz1.webm (528x297, 2.1M)

I only visit Yas Forums for the Jazz threads

>tfw learned to zone out and eat in the field during Operation Iraqi Freedom (top kek name)

This one's pretty good.

Do we think I Am Jazz will be over soon? If so, will Jazz make the move into movies?

After non-binary it's the genderfluidity stuff and that means you can be either male or female or both at different points in time. I don't know what comes next but i know it doesn't stop.

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Based on topic thread for the television show, I am Jazz.

It will continue as long as you allow them to, your power for destruction and change is greater than you know, if bad times are mandatory, it is better to suffer striving to improve things rather than just lazily accept it as fate.
Cause some damage.

Reminder that Jazz never had an orgasm in his life.
I'm really sorry for this kid and the shit that was done to him.
Notice how he doesn't even know how a woman acts so he always does those goofy exaggerated moves.

*blocks your path*

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Good ebening.



>They’re frumpy and they’re freaky
>Untrustworthy and sneaky
>Their young son’s crotch is leaky
>It’s Jazz’s Family

>Their home is a McMansion
>Watch Jazz’s waist expansion
>They really want to cash-in
>It’s Jazz’s Family



>So toss a bright mumu on
>A dildo you can poo on
>It might split you in two, on
>It’s Jazz’s Family

>They’re crazy and they’re kike’y
>Worshippers of Molech’y
>They’re worse than the Third Reich’y
>It’s Jazz’s Family


>It’s Jazz’s Family

Attached: -Jazzs-Family-Photo.jpg (2880x1800, 839K)

When will he step up and be a real progressive ally and take Jazz's virginity.

Attached: brother brother flirting.webm (640x480, 2.06M)


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Is Jazz adopted? It's a Jewish family and the kid looks full blown latino. Have his parents ever been shown?

If you and pre op Jazz were alone, stranded on an island, and a poisonous snake bit the tip of Jazz's fem penis, would you suck it?

Attached: Ophiderpeton_BW.jpg (600x313, 26.17K)

Ace, user.

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All trannies must FUCKING HANG!

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Good one, user.

>Moloch in the background
little bit spooky

>Boy filled with hormones and a makeshift flayed penis-vagina flirting with his biological brother on public television

What a timeline.

cousin "it" as a teratoma is beyond genius.

Which one is this, Sander? Why don't you ever post pic of Griffen?

That's the good stuff

because I'm the based Sander poster?

Attached: 89075540_223120052207348_7227101789355038136_n.jpg (1080x1080, 105.66K)

Have you watch the show. The kids all look like the father. Everyone but the mom has tanned skin. see

Great, now I'm craving Jew cock

Never watched the show just the threads. So Jazz is a latino-jew mix?

>Cousin Teratoma

Holy fucking KEK!

Here's the thing:

A day may come when we can transfer our brain/mind into different bodies, maybe even digitize it and create multiple different copies of our "selves," but until that day comes, our bodies are where we live. Our bodies determine how the world sees us. It doesn't dictate who we are. No one but ourselves determines that, but if someone is perceived by others as male or female, it's not their problem if that person has a hissy fit over them not troubling themselves to learn the correct "pronouns." The overwhelming majority of relationships in the world are between a man and a woman. There is usually the prospect of having children involved. It is both wrong and hurtful to confuse others over things that should be obvious. It's narcissism of the highest order - making everything about you and none of it about the other person. If someone isn't biologically a "she" or a "he," they should stop insisting the world at large affirm their identity for them if they're clearly not that thing. In other words, if you look like a man in a dress, expect the world to treat you like a man in a dress.

Good shit.

Redpill me on the gap toofed discord tranny. How much power does xir wield?

Jazz is a shade or two darker but it's obvious these are her parents.

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What if Jazz is a cisgender girl larping as a transgender girl?

>secret factories turning humans into soap and lampshades? not this time. we made it up!

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Shes a very ugly girl if true

Greg is obviously just the sperm donor. Jeanette is a tranny. This is just one big clown show.

Based pupper.

How, or rather, why do trannies rise to such positions of power in online 'communities'?


Attached: identify_the_man.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

Because they're NEETlords. They have the time to devote to it. Fact.

Because they're NEETs who can spend 10+ hours per day doing useless online shit.

Attached: discord_trannies.jpg (3640x2140, 993.5K)

Why do all trannies wear those chokers like they're whores working the saloons?

Coomers want to fuck them. Has to be it. That gap roofed tranny is so mannish.

It's gone, Jim. Bowers ate it with a nice chianti.

Attached: Bowers child porn.png (2560x1440, 1.79M)

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Hello? Based Department?!

Trannies are the ultimate incels. So lonely for female attention you and your buddies "transition" and get into a big old gay cuddle pile.

I want to sniff and lick Ari's butthole

Some trannies end up with other trannies even if they pass well because they have that understanding with each other. It's not always about being unable to get a different partner.

How old is she now?

What does the D in WEIRD stand for?

It's autogynophelic "lesbianism". Fuck off, deviant. No real lesbian is interested in a carnie side show.


ari a cute

Do male trannies remain their horniness and perviness? Is that why cis women want them to fuck off?

Yes, they're pervs if that is what you're asking. Ask Daniel.

no one, literally no one, want to fuck a tranny

Jews aren't white, user