Better Call Saul

New episode in 40 minutes, bros!

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give me the stream now

I'm ready with my lawyer mug

of the best lawyer


Mommy Kimmy :3

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How long into the episode until we see FEET?

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3 minutes 42 seconds

We'll see them when Kim blows the old guy to get him to leave

Hello, Jimmy.

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25% of this episode will revolve around saul. Sad!

Good. Fuck Mike.

test post

it worked!

Who here /fappingbeforetheshow/?

Welcome back fren

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D-Does it feel good haha?

Would you sniff Kim's old lady butthole?

Eurofag here, will someone stream it?

How much harder would you crush on Kim if she were born in 1992 instead of 1972?

i'm streaming it on netflix

nothing happens

you mean 2002?

Lalo fucks kimmy this episode

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will brettygood be playing it?

Do AMC shows air in Europe?

probably not since they haven't finished their movie


Holy shit, this storyline is so exciting. I can't wait to see who'll win

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depends on what country i suppose, i got an AMC channel but most of it is garbage so assume other countries do too, but we don't have their streaming service

probably gus because he's in breaking bad!

I like the "boring" parts. They're comfy.

Yeah, Netflix will stream it in a couple of hours

It's about the journey not the destination. You'll learn when you're older zoomers.

this but unironically

Probably yeah.

someone post a stream brettygood sucks

show me the feet vince, im gonna coooom

kino. they should make a movie with that concept.

Who else watching the end of Taken?


The end of Taken is the worst part cause he disrupts an honest cunny farm

Thank god this show is back on air

>it's an ants eating ice cream for 10 minutes scene

idk dude lalo looks pretty op, i'd put my money on him

I'm too cheap for netflix


Every scene Vince does with bugs is always kino.

>I've got everything I need
Where the fuck is my pipe?

that's weird I'm watching the end of Ace Ventura

> 10 min in black in white
> Saul wiping counters at the Cinnabon, looking worried
> titles, back to color
> 10 minutes of Mike looking at the lawn, signing
> 10 minutes of Kim smoking
> 10 minutes of Saul talking to a client
> 30 seconds of action
> ending credits


lol streamfag


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Time to crack open my Boomer Monster

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yes yes yes

it's starting


Whens it on netflix

>he doesn't live off of his friend's netflix account
are you sure you're european?

What's with you fucking plebs

>it's a mike throws shoes in the air for 17 minutes episode

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I hate gross fat people

Look at the size of that thing!

Could Saul successfully defend the Murder Hobos from Condemned:Criminal Origins?

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>It's a Saul shops at an antique store looking for a murder weapon episode.

how do i trick netflix into thinking im in europe but also on my tv? please answer fast!!!

get in here

What is Saul doing now

what the fuck is jimmy doing

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they're really going to do the fucking montage

I got it after he picked up the very first object

I don't need three hundred more

cough into your remote control

Where are people watching? Its not on netflix yet


It's airing on AMC right now

Swole Goodman

Missed the opening, what happened

Saul's got big balls

>gotta pay 10000000000 to rich billionaires to watch tv

How would the dynamic of this show change if Godzilla from Shin Godzilla along with fat American Godzilla and 90s Japan Godzilla pre-thermonuclear meltdown were introduced?

5 minute montage and it didnt advance plot!!!!!!!!!!

look within your heart....

breddygud isnt working how do i make it show me the saul show?

sometimes they stream on other networks. I know walking dead was on fox in some countries


$30 for an old beatup bowling ball at a pawn shop seems kind of high


what did he buy with the bowling ball

saul bought a bowling ball FOR REASONS UNKNOWN. TUNE IN NEXT WEEK TO BETTER CALL SAUL ONLY ON AMC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he bought baseballs

three of them

that's a strike

bravo vince

Saul bought three bowling balls for 75 dollars

Jimmy went to a pawn shop and started to pretend to throw stuff.
Bought some bowling balls

is it working, i cant get it to load

Saul would have a field day defending homeless people against the violent overreaches of a plainclothes police officer who never identified himself as law enforcement.

a bowling ball

Mmmm you gotta get those military grade bowling balls waltuh

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2 more bowling balls

I thought this was on at 10. Oh well it's the finale of Black Lightning

omfg, just cut to lalo and/or gus
this is the Gus, Mike, and Salamanca show now

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The Plot Against America is the most group-narcissistic, delusional novel ever written. Fuck these ads. I'm tired of hearing about jews.

what the hell I thought yesterday was Monday

shut up

Could he defend the officer for killing hobos?

Yes it's working just refresh or something

wew they naked


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it is for me

Better Fuck Kim

there are two mondays now.


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Kim spitting white stuff gives me bonners.

>kim will never spit on you


>5 mins of saul brushing his teeth

It would be bad optics for a cop to hire Saul Goodman and he probably wouldn't want his criminal clientele to think he is working with the police.

>shut the fuck up waltuhh

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Why is nothing happening?

you shut up he's right

Better Rim Kim

I’m only watching because I’ve come this far. It sucks and just needs to end. It should’ve been a 2 season series.