>Helpful old man character turns out to be the main villain
Helpful old man character turns out to be the main villain
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All that money is going to the DNC establishment after Bernie drops out
i actually love this trope
i also love seeing berniefags get utterly BTFO
again lmao
► Detected: 114,089 ► Died: 4,004
US prepares for 4.8 million hospitalizations
UK supermarkets begin rationing
15 million to die, $2.4 trillion recession
New York declares state of emergency
Italy locks down entire country
"Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections
Virus might spread through banknotes
23 year old football player dies in Iran
Survives 28 days in bacteria on surfaces at 4°C
Young cases end up hospitalized too, it just takes longer
China changes definitions 3 times in 8 days
Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day
Lockdowns cover 760 million people in China
China burning bodies without testing or registration
China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted
23:00: 35 new cases in Norway.
22:25: 9 new cases in Portugal.
21:27: 207 new cases and 5 new deaths in Spain.
21:00: 73 new cases in Germany.
17:48: 1,797 new cases and 97 new deaths in Italy.
15:40: 203 new cases and 11 new deaths in France.
15:30: 2 new deaths in Germany.
15:00: 25 new cases in Spain.
14:00: 39 new cases in the United Kingdom.
This isn't fucking funny!
Some of us have nothing, nothing, motherfucking NOTHING left. you can't let them steal it from him again, bros. Don't you realize what'll happen?
Let me explain:
People have quit their jobs and given thousands of hours to his campaign.
Children have gone without new clothes and shoes.
Young people have maxed out their CCs and student loans to donate to keep him going.
We suffered through Hillary, Pete, Klobuchar, Bloomberg, and four fucking years of a fascist fucking imbecile waiting for his chance.
We have lived, breathed, eaten, slept, and shat Bernie Sanders for five years through all the ups and downs and now...NOW?
Until Super Tuesday came, he was fucking winning.
Bernie was goddamn fucking WINNING like he was always supposed to and then they...
...do you have any idea how surreal and sick and twisted the past week has been for us?
I know right wing trolls will dab on me for this, but you can't begin to fathom how ugly it's gonna get if they steal it from him again.
We will trash the entire internet.
Shit will be on fire.
Boomers will be pushed back into their chairs and told to fucking LISTEN.
Biden trash and Trumpshits will be fucking COUGHED ON.
We are so, so, so, so, so not fucking around.
If they steal Bernie from us this time, we won't even listen to the man himself if he tells us to get behind Biden to stop Trump.
We will flip our fucking shit and go absolutely insane after having our hope slaughtered and buried in front of us.
We will burn this country down.
Help him, goddammit! I don't care if you're a psycho nazi or just a nasty troll, just get the fuck out and vote for Bernie in the primaries that are left if you want to be able to step out of you house without living in fear of encountering a heartbroken, bitter, destroyed human being with literally nothing left to lose.
>guys bernie is liek a con artist.......
>remember when donald trump said he was going to drain the swamp and build the wall? Me neither now let's ignore him giving 38 billion dollars to MIGA, because Americans think fulfilling bible prophecies will bring about the rapture.
>We will trash the entire internet.
please do, the internet is so fucking boring now
why do leftists keep saying this when Trump wants everyone to have guns
Is a couple hundred dollars a lot of money to alt-right incel neets?
Have a pity (You) for effort
This post makes me immeasurably happy. My schadenfreude boner is at full mast. I am voting for Donald Trump and there's not a damn thing you can do about the time and money you've thrown down the shitter following the lost cause of socialism. You and the rest of your ilk will do nothing. Long live capitalism.
ok Bernie bros, here's how Bernie can still win
I genuinely want to know: How do redditors cope with the fact that the black people they love so much refuse to vote for and constantly make fun of Bernie? Is there any cognitive dissonance they are experiencing?
Bernie is a loser
progressives are losers
Got nothing done, fuck all
Vote Biden and get things done, for once.
>turns out to be the main villain
Why do you think I'm voting for him?
Fuck this "lesser of two evils" shit
Maybe half, towards another summa camp
I'm looking forward to watching Big D go to town on Sleepy Joe in a debate. All he'll have to ask him is "What year do you think it is, Joe?"
That's Bernie's job. To lose. He never attacked Biden or Warren. Bernie is a jobber. He is suppose to lose and get a 4th and even a 5th house as payment.
>tfw every major candidate was born before the Korean War
>tfw you realize Bernie only exists to rile up the youth vote and mobilize them for the actual candidate
looks like feeling the bern is back on the menu boys
white sjws are by far the people who care most about cultural appropriation, calling races by the currently most politically correct term, and a whole bunch of other bullshit about races. in fact, the vast majority of nonwhites disagree with the white sjw identity politics bullshit. the irony of white sjws forcing their culture on nonwhites while decrying that very same thing is lost on them.
>>tfw you realize Bernie's youth voters never showed up to vote
my life is going to get worse no matter who wins i wish i had the balls to kill myself already
Can someone explain why berniebros are obsessed with social security? Why are they proud to pay taxes and subsidize some boomer's golf outing?
youth vote is down as percentage but stable compared to 2016. the problem is suburban voters are way up.
why make this thread?
aka, they did not show up, which is why he is not gonna be the candidate.
They don't even show up to vote for Bernie. Democrats hate bernie supporters because they view them as people who refuse to pledge their undying loyalty to the democratic party.
Because they unironically believe they’re going to see a cent of that in 50 years (or universal healthcare in 2).
>mfw I became a citizen just to vote for Bernie
Based. Drumpf? Well, he had a good 4 year on im.
I just wish Bernie ran directly against Trump. Then I could watch the berniefags' hopes get dashed when they're nice and ripe.
If he had any balls he’d run as an independent or on a new third party ticket but he’s too much of a cuck to even attempt that.
Funny enough his supporters’ balls are way bigger than his.
guaranteed (you)s
I saw some pretty amusing Reddit screen caps of Bernie supporters saying how blacks have the wrong political views and should follow their superior liberal ways.
The funny thing is that at the end of the day, it just comes down to blacks seeing Biden and thinking "AYO DAT NIGGA WUZ OBAMAS VICE PRESIDENT TAKE MY VOTE DAWG"
Shabbos goy vs jew
who wins?
So what is the problem there, is it actual uninformed voting or are blacks just pragmatists and want to get something they know rather than trust the government to handle more hand outs?
>le wealthy successful Bernie bro
lol no
always pick the most racist option
>bernie supporters
Reddittors are retarded. Normal human beings know already that black people are subhumans
Why didn't the DNC support her? She had it all woman, PoC, isn't even a christian. Literally checks all their boxes.
So it never gets better and you have no higher expectation to contribute because “whitey keepin me down”? It can’t be that simple
She has no principles, she's literally a clout chaser.
i don't understand this meme
is it implying that niggers are too dumb to even know about these issues, or that as beneficiaries of gibs and affirmative actions they don't have to concern themselves with them?
Too far to the left, and a literal who
I want to fuck her so bad, bros.
bruh I feel you. It's crazy to me that liberal/progressive people I know have seriously and called Tulsi Gabbard a Fascist. Baffling. I asked a girl why once and she just said "Because she...like, I dunno..." and that's fucking literally it.
I thought she brought a very valuable perspective as a soldier who had served the country and "progressives" think she should be punished for it.
fuck troops and fuck the military
Biden has aneurism.
Why niggers dislike Bernie? Is because they can’t afford to pay taxes?
that's the most hilarious racist gif I've seen all day thanks
>old commie
no, Yang was the last hope for you burgers
>literally everything is racist
I'm so tired. Just so so tired.
I mind it weird that my mind immediately recognized the background as being from GTA V
Put your tripcode back on Supafaggot