Moviebob is a FILM CRITIC

Moviebob is a FILM CRITIC

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One of the very few genuinely intelligent people left in this country. It's sad that historically the intellectual elite has been despised by the common folk. I would be surprised if he somehow vanishes one day without a word.

>marginalized people
Ah yes I loved that part of Ricky's act where he did an impression of Pepe's toast telling us what he thought of the nigs, wetbacks, fags, chinks and janitors

>billionaire media moguls and celebrities are marginalized

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casual reminder he said that mario vs sonic was like vietnam

>a cosmopolitan creative class as the emergent elite
name literally one fucking country

This is why it's in the interest of Hollywood billionares to push identity politics. No matter how rich they are there will be fucking retards like this who'll say they are marginalized and therefore above scrutiny

The fuck?

>this virgin keeps posting this shit every. fucking. day.

even the people who "like" him must be beyond over it, how does he even have an audience at all, or IRL friends, or even hatewatchers, they must be bored. god damn it's so cringe to even pay attention this guy in the first place but I can't stop, he's such a weird vortex of stupid and somehow still makes it as an e-celeb while third worlders starve

It's all planned. You make people fight over race and gender to distract them from wealth inequality.

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He wrote a book.

He also mentions in it that when he learned that Mario wasn't from Brooklyn he had a panic attack

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>cosmopolitan creative class

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>but I can't stop
You answered your question. Movie blob may be cringe but if you don't have the discipline to stop obsessing you're cringe too. Just further proof that humanity needs to die off already.

I am cringe but also was being a bit hyperbolic, I just check his twitter occasionally and yikes the fuck out which I shouldn't do at all. You are replying this thread though so... welcome cringe brother

Except racial and gender issues affect the economy, brainlet liberal retard.

You think wage depression would be as terrible as it is now if women weren't pushed into the workforce?
You think the African-American population has the same effect on America as the white population?

>punching up is only okay when we say it is

Troll, trolling the trolls. If you genuinely believed this, you are probably on home care. Someone call his case worker.

Wow he really wants any celeb to like him.

Bob literally thinks he’s both some kind of Mozart who mingles with the elite and DESERVES to be at the helm of human progress, while LARPing as working class because he never held a real job in his entire life and lives in his parents basement to skip grandmas funeral to play Nintendo

Good goy. Fight over crumbs while your ruling class give their pet dogs better medical care than you or your children get.

They brainwashed you real well.

Sonic 3 and Knuckles is better than SMB3

I too hope for a modern French Revolution.

>extremely rich worldwide celebrities
you fucking wot m8

he's right here though
not all rich people are evil
not all poor people are good

just as planned

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>makes 5000 times my salary

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>cosmopolitan creative class

I read tha and immediately lost any hope of this guy ever becoming tolerable. Its probably the most contrived nonsensical attempt at sounding political ever. Along with his other hyphenated nonsense. He is literally this guy. He ABSOLUTELY has no social circle, let alone anyone to check his nonsense.

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For someone who doesn't follow e-"celebs", who the fuck is this guy? As far as I know, he's just some fat fuck who "reviews" films. Why does he get this own threads?

5000 times zero is still zero lol


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Stop posting your shit here.

Because in the brain of people like Bob we still live in the 30’s and white rednecks are higher in the social hierarchy than black, asian, etc. multimillionaires

A turbo chad of unimaginable greatness who makes Yas Forums seethe every day of their lives. There have already been 2 suicides in connection to this, and these are just the confirmed ones.

And that’s why we have to plunge average iq by importing people from India, Indonesia, America, and South America?

For a guy named "MovieBob" he doesn't seem to talk about movies much,

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Brainlet liberal retard.

What about trying to quell racial issues when it comes to immigration?

How does that fit into your theory? The elite promote the ambiguous "racial conflict"... but immigration in the modern, cosmopolitan world is massively disproportionally beneficial to differing economic classes.

It's almost as if... "racial politics" isn't pushed as much as "anti-white politics" are pushed... but saying that would have reddit make fun of you! You couldn't hide behind the ambiguous, milquetoast fight against "elites pushing racism"? Right?

honestly what is there even to gain from all of this tweeting
Yas Forums is a waste of time I know but it makes me laugh
he seems like he’s actually straining his brain to write all this shit, for what? M’lady’s?

A self proclaimed film critic with weight issues and lefty views on politics.
It’s a shame ‚cos he’s opinions are interesting, but somehow he politicizes everything.
For example in his opinion Matrix is the movie about Trans people

The only people high in the social hierarchy are the millionaires. This has been the case for a very long time. As far as races are concerned, there is no real hierarchy. You might think one side or the other is being oppressed but that's not really true, things are split 50/50

There are people who are about as retarded as he is who like him unironically, mixed in with those who are fascinated with how fucking awful he is. He's like a fatter, less entertaining, more political, and somehow more retarded Darksydephil.

you don't need a turbo-autist who considers super mario brothers 3 the pinnacle of human achievement to tell that a movie made by two men that engaged in ritualistic sissy play with a dominatrix that injected their dicks with ketamine might have some trans themes

he's such an obvious white trash poser lol, he can't even spell or format words correctly. his entire obsession with a "cosmopolitan creative class" is based on self-loathing of his own mountain dew chicken origins

those people literally don’t care, they are willfully ignorant towards this because it furthers their own goals. They’d rather make the bidding of millionaires and hurt society as a whole than to admit that their political adversaries are right

Immigration is part of that weapon against the lower classes. It lowers wages and divides the people culturally and ethnically. The immigrants are dependent on the state which increases the tax burden on the lower classes that are already being swindled and replaced.

>Literally le word salad man

Fuck you Chipman

You may call him retarded but a lot of his talking points are shared beliefs amongst liberals.

>implying blob has ever seen a salad

>for what? M’lady’s?
Unironically yes, he thinks that people respect his opinions when in reality his whole career on the internet is dead as it gets and people mostly follow him to make fun of him

Movies are pozzed nowdays, theres nothing to talk about but the common message behind them.

The truest thing stated in this thread. Immediately negates 99% of anything moviebloeb says and anything anyone says to defend him



Is it maybe because "the elite promote racial tensions" isn't as accurate as "the elite promote anti-white racism"?

I don’t think the mainstream opinion of liberals is that all white men from the lower classes should be euthanized and that internet movie critics deserve a mural

Great minds at work.

Most are pozzed, but we get a few gems from time to time. I loved Bloodshot, especially the water waifu.

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Fucking insane...

I am pretty sure they believe the first one.

Ok it may, but fuck me not everything has to be about fucking politics
Tell me oh wiseman why does he goes on politicall rant for about 70% of his review? I came for movies not for his views on current state of affairs.
He should name himself PoliticalBob for fuck sake

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he's a famous lolcow because he got lucky and struck e-celeb gold in the early 2000s among the autistic likes of channel awesome, spoony, AVGN etc. but what makes him especially spicy is his weird ideology where he constantly shitposts about how capitalism is perfect and movie stars deserve to go to space like star trek and all rednecks must hang because they prevent "us" from utopia, but ALSO believes himself to weirdly be a part of the elite "us" even though he's a virgin living in a basement who makes shitty videos about gaming on youtube. he is the epitome of the "mediocre white male" these socjus types harp about, and has no self awareness because he would be homeless if he didn't get lucky, it's truly a sight to behold.

I have no idea how this guy isn't an incel planning to shoot up a school but instead he worships celebrities while he jerks off near his video game shelves and remains content. e-fame does strange things to a man.

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>Is it maybe because "the elite promote racial tensions" isn't as accurate as "the elite promote anti-white racism"?

Well they're not pushing for more blacks into Mongolia or for more whites into Africa.


Sort of like a certain 4channel board

It's a condo

the elite promote a caste of welfare slaves paid for by you, which in turn consooms shit like Yas Forums television & film to funnel money that was yours into their pockets

Fuck yeah, I love the Brad Kennedys

How can people listen to this trash and enjoy it? Fuck, I hate punk

I doubt many liberals share his "WAR ON ALL FRONTS OR NOTHING AT ALL"

Which by the way is some radical nonsense

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except that the mass voting bloc of the democrats is still filled with neo lib boomers who don’t care about anything except for the occasional bombing of some shithole in the Middle East for Zion, giving alms to black people and that they can get good healthcare for themselves, hence why Democrats will always choose their DNC mainstream candidate and not some cook like Bernie

Most? no, they are ALL pozzed.
Name a single movie made this year that isn't.

He really believes he's one of them, now i see why he didn't like Joker.

I legit am asking myself where Bob gets his news from. He’s mentally a complete boomer, yet he tweets like some 16 year old white girl

>I choose to fight both, or neither
What the fuck does that even mean?

>cosmopolitan creative-class

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I think its because hes trying to "how do you do fellow kids" and doing on twitter the equivalent of shouting "i support the troops" like appealing to the common ground to get some claps and support.
Signaling the (illusory)virtue

>marginalized celebrity multimillionaires
This guy has trouble grasping what the word marginalized means

Still stuck in the edgy teenager phase, nice.

A film critic reviewing only blockbusters and capeshit is like being a food critic that only eats at franchised restaurants. He's a hack. I doubt he's even see a Bergmann movie.

The push for more blacks in China has started. Mongolia isn't that significant of a business interest. There's also encouragement of Chinese investment in Africa.

And white governments out of Africa has left it ripe to become an absolute victim of personal interests and corruption. It makes no sense to encourage a declining population of high-status whites to become workers in fucking Africa. It makes all sense to drive the billions of surplus poverty-striken people into wealtht countries to depress wages in their low-skilled labour which has a carryon effect for other labour jobs AND, ideally, government welfare system that supports these people as low-intelligence people make fantastic consumers.

Please tell me more about how "da elites just want you to hate black people coz da elitez want to steal ur money" though.

What's a dunk? Why can't Americans use grown up vocabulary? Is it so difficult for them to use big boy words that didn't come from the TV?

Kill the children
Save the food
They're nothing but a bunch of black jiggaboos

>Posh Brit
He grew up in the British equivalent of a housing project. He's nouveau riche at best.

Bloodshot. It's literally only about a guy getting revenge on the people who tricked him into getting revenge. It doesn't do much else than that. The female lead is pure eye candy and it's Vin who does pretty much all the asskicking..
To be fair, though, it's not technically released yet.

Well there was this one episode of Star Trek

Before Bob became his movie reviewer persona, he had a gaming channel where he admitted that he only ever played Mario form the classic Nintendo games and the Metroid other M is the best of all Metroid games. This guys is as pleb as it gets with his taste in media

It's a divide and conquer tactic. One that you've completely fallen for. And I guess it's easier to fool someone than it is to tell them they've been fooled.


he doesn't even make enough to live on his own in a flyover state at 38 years old lmao, he lives paycheck to paycheck by his own admission

Pretty spot on. Throw in a dash of 20 year old lib arts student who makes up buzzwords and hyphenates them

Hes fat, hes lazy, and hes also above doing anything including anything he says. Everything with him is a circular catch 22. Im sure if you were in person with him every argument would come around to "id do it/believe it but whats the point"

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Nah he’s top delusion.
I was listening to him a few years back snd you can hear when he’s getting hard talking about faggots, trannies and obama

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that’s a mainstream sentiment on the left

>le word salad man

I'm not sure you know how to read, friend.

I suddenly remember him claiming that humanity was the bad guys, and the aliens were good because multi-cultural. Then proceeded to say that there were no blacks in humanities side ignoring the best fucking character of course.

you're right, i'm pretty drunk and didn't realize you were talking about gervais. sneed

A modern Ignatius J Reilly. Truly awe inspring.

Shit have you seen him try to cook? He's as pleb as it gets with his taste in everything.

MovieBob is an absolute dumbfuck and probably the least insightful movie critic of the decade outside of the Retard Letter Media manchildren

Does he think he's in the creative class because he had skits in his reviews?