ITT: post a painting, get a recommendation
ITT: post a painting, get a recommendation
Hard mode: no Barry Lyndon
That Tom Hanks movie with the puzzle thing.
Larry Byndon
>No Aster or Lathimos films
never noticed before that some of them are looking directly at you. spooky
Secret Life Of Pets
God, I hate Bouguereau paintings so much.
Any sweet Hallmark movie is up his alley.
Jacob’s Ladder
kill yourself
seriousityfag seething
Momma's House
His work speaks very deeply to me
very, very deeply
__ ______ ____, __ ______ ____
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___ _____ _____ __ ___ ________
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__ ___ ____ ___'__ ___ __ ____ ____ _______?
You sound like you would like Lewis Carroll
it was technically okay, i guess, but i don't see the charm
I find him extremely relatable
>i'm a pedo, not a pederast
Olde timey way to say:
>get that fag shit away from me
I suppose not everyone can have taste
wow the hair is fantastic
This painting makes me want to grow a bowlcut and a pedostache and makes me want to molest kids.
Higher res pls.
I'd like to slice your fucking face off
>Applejack is on the right side of the rightmost gold plate (the gold paintings lining the bottom).
>Rarity is near the two men hold spheres. The man with the crown is looking at her. If you go straight up from AJ, you will find Rarity.
>Twilight is just behind the chalkboard on the ground in the bottom-right corner. The man with the compass is looking at her.
>On the right side, above both the sphere-holding men and the people looking at the chalkboard; there’s a man writing in a book. Fluttershy is looking over this man’s shoulder.
>Rainbow Dash is resting on a cloud in the top-center.
>Pinkie Pie is on the chalkboard being propped up by a woman on the bottom-left. If you don’t believe me, look up the original picture, and you will see that the spot Pinkie is in on this board is blank.
This isn't helping your case
This obsession can't be healthy
Why are you like this
This isn't a way to live your life
It really isn't
Why did he allow our images on Yas Forums go through?
he only likes western cartoons like a plebiscite
Says the manchildren that can't stop trying to force people to like their garbage show for 3-year-olds
Any movies about unspeakable horrors looming just out of sight?
hard mode: no Deliverance
(No A24, Lathimos, CGI anthropomorphic talking animals)
Horsehead. Low budget Cure For Wellness (arguably more successful execution).
>Dominion: Prequel to the Exocist
Stellan Skarsgard in an Indiana Jonesy form
>FEED -- best body horror of the 00s, bogan kino
>It comes at night
>Excalibur (1981)
Into the Electric Mist
>posting stealth crops only a certified autist would spot as pony-related
>"forcing people to like their garbage show"
you are a silly, sick man
in the mood for an earthy British mid-20th century film romp
not lord of the flies please, already seen it.
Dunstin Checks In
Unironically hang yourself
I haven't watched the show in years, but I just watched the finale out of curiosity, and did they make Applejack & Rainbow Dash lesbians?
no idea about a movie, but cool picture
any movies about retired teachers attending book clubs? maybe like the Jane Austen Book Club movie but more serious
I'm this guy if anyone wants to return the favor or give bants:
archies weird mysteries.
that movie about the trans 14 year old ballerina.
Instead of watching a movie, ply silent hill 3.
warriors of virtue
the leftovers
snow white
final portrait
the outsiders
The OA
Kubo, strings of fate
slice your throat
Any adaptations of the great Chinese 'novels'?
>look at this image
>thought it was Japanese at first
Why do the Japs steal everything?
I wish we had a CG animated film that looked like this...