ITT: post a painting, get a recommendation

ITT: post a painting, get a recommendation

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hard mode: no Barry Lyndon

That Tom Hanks movie with the puzzle thing.

Larry Byndon

Attached: 12678-1964-12342.jpg (2019x2492, 2.58M)

>No Aster or Lathimos films

Attached: ART_PAINTING_GreatDaneBlackHallway.png (1000x1393, 1.94M)

never noticed before that some of them are looking directly at you. spooky

Secret Life Of Pets

Attached: Guitar lesson Balthus 1934.jpg (584x750, 73.06K)

God, I hate Bouguereau paintings so much.
Any sweet Hallmark movie is up his alley.

Attached: 30D9321E-7A7F-4F0B-BF57-60FE76ABC293.jpg (1024x576, 61.2K)

Attached: 1582620045322.jpg (2048x1390, 367.99K)

Jacob’s Ladder

Attached: 1200px-Jean-Léon_Gérôme_003.jpg (1200x718, 194.27K)

kill yourself

seriousityfag seething

Momma's House


Attached: 1572597278229.jpg (1616x2889, 577.93K)

Attached: henry raeburn-girl sketching(1810).jpg (840x1001, 101.91K)

His work speaks very deeply to me

Attached: 8070-1253-28484.jpg (2528x1986, 590.16K)

Attached: 1b2aa37d96c0ed3704ebf75ad55ea8ad.jpg (1919x1080, 728.16K)

very, very deeply

Attached: 30251-4687-12759.jpg (1228x2028, 541.42K)


__ ______ ____, __ ______ ____
(__ ______ ____)
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__ ___ ____ ___'__ ___ __ ____ ____ _______?

You sound like you would like Lewis Carroll

it was technically okay, i guess, but i don't see the charm

Attached: dragan bibin-rebels preface illustration.jpg (1108x1600, 477.78K)

I find him extremely relatable

Attached: 1583798645580.png (1066x808, 107.11K)

Attached: 1920px-Jean-Léon_Gérôme,_Phryne_revealed_before_the_Areopagus_(1861)_-_01.jpg (1920x1200, 612.75K)

>i'm a pedo, not a pederast

Olde timey way to say:
>get that fag shit away from me

I suppose not everyone can have taste

Attached: 1583798815158.jpg (1686x2800, 3.57M)

wow the hair is fantastic

Attached: 1539074199567.jpg (1920x2662, 1.46M)

This painting makes me want to grow a bowlcut and a pedostache and makes me want to molest kids.

Attached: yanjun cheng.jpg (1000x729, 202.76K)

Higher res pls.

Attached: R-13905159-1563747078-2309.jpeg.jpg (600x594, 152.49K)

I'd like to slice your fucking face off

>Applejack is on the right side of the rightmost gold plate (the gold paintings lining the bottom).
>Rarity is near the two men hold spheres. The man with the crown is looking at her. If you go straight up from AJ, you will find Rarity.
>Twilight is just behind the chalkboard on the ground in the bottom-right corner. The man with the compass is looking at her.
>On the right side, above both the sphere-holding men and the people looking at the chalkboard; there’s a man writing in a book. Fluttershy is looking over this man’s shoulder.
>Rainbow Dash is resting on a cloud in the top-center.
>Pinkie Pie is on the chalkboard being propped up by a woman on the bottom-left. If you don’t believe me, look up the original picture, and you will see that the spot Pinkie is in on this board is blank.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x153, 28.24K)


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This isn't helping your case

Attached: MLP stealth image 1.jpg (1920x1080, 150.67K)

Attached: 05388AB1-0F2E-4C12-B6E4-80B34166A563.jpg (822x378, 59.17K)

This obsession can't be healthy

Why are you like this

Attached: MLP stealth image 3.jpg (1920x1080, 133.29K)

This isn't a way to live your life

Attached: MLP stealth image 2.jpg (1920x1080, 123.82K)

Attached: 9E499A13-14DC-4109-93AC-FBD037DA63EA.jpg (658x557, 58.41K)

It really isn't

Attached: MLP stealth image 4.jpg (1920x1080, 146.94K)

Why did he allow our images on Yas Forums go through?

he only likes western cartoons like a plebiscite

Attached: A3880D01-4F56-431F-8918-33DEA49CD500.jpg (938x756, 294.11K)

Says the manchildren that can't stop trying to force people to like their garbage show for 3-year-olds

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 10.52.36 PM.png (633x135, 29.02K)

Any movies about unspeakable horrors looming just out of sight?

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hard mode: no Deliverance

Attached: Bayou_Navigation_in_Dixie,_1863.jpg (843x521, 116.89K)

Attached: nook.jpg (1300x974, 538.98K)

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(No A24, Lathimos, CGI anthropomorphic talking animals)

Horsehead. Low budget Cure For Wellness (arguably more successful execution).

>Dominion: Prequel to the Exocist
Stellan Skarsgard in an Indiana Jonesy form

>FEED -- best body horror of the 00s, bogan kino

>It comes at night



>Excalibur (1981)

Attached: PAINTING_X_WizardBrunch.jpg (1121x1000, 474.84K)

Into the Electric Mist

Attached: Fitzcarraldo.jpg (788x1200, 201.56K)

>posting stealth crops only a certified autist would spot as pony-related
>"forcing people to like their garbage show"
you are a silly, sick man

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in the mood for an earthy British mid-20th century film romp

Attached: 1fcf35fc51fdab43d9bbeb0e87caa1b8.jpg (736x894, 118.39K)

not lord of the flies please, already seen it.

Attached: 1561040409096.jpg (2000x1518, 722.2K)

Dunstin Checks In

Unironically hang yourself

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 1.25.51 PM.png (368x104, 14.1K)

I haven't watched the show in years, but I just watched the finale out of curiosity, and did they make Applejack & Rainbow Dash lesbians?

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no idea about a movie, but cool picture

any movies about retired teachers attending book clubs? maybe like the Jane Austen Book Club movie but more serious

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I'm this guy if anyone wants to return the favor or give bants:
archies weird mysteries.

that movie about the trans 14 year old ballerina.

Instead of watching a movie, ply silent hill 3.

warriors of virtue

the leftovers

snow white

final portrait





the outsiders

The OA

Kubo, strings of fate

slice your throat

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 9.40.54 PM.png (939x357, 91.78K)


Any adaptations of the great Chinese 'novels'?

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>look at this image
>thought it was Japanese at first

Why do the Japs steal everything?

I wish we had a CG animated film that looked like this...

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