QUIET! All of you

They're approaching a Jurassic Park thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:


sh'lain sebass?

>shut your mother fucking mouths, All of you!

What horrifying creature would lurk in the Yas Forums paddock?

I'm going to the vending machine for some used panties and a Butterfinger. You guys want a soda or something?

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comfy park edition


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Three double cheeseburgers with everything.


What did you guys think of Battle at Big Rock?

ya get me a snickers wud ya

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He should have bagged at least one of the raptors before he died

What's the coolest looking movie weapon and why is it the SPAS-12?

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Also this listen how to the dinosaurs calls in the background being part of the score. It takes you there.
The worldbuilding in this movie is world-class, 2 hour long movie and this world, all the technogy, feels alive. You can recognize the characters easily even by the things they wear.

For me an apple pie

Dr.Grant, I’m DNA

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This, then Tembo's elephant hunting rifle then Eddie's fictional Lindstradt. Both can't be best because they're never used. SPAS gets fired at least off-screen

>so there's another thread with dinosaurs, no jannies this time, and you want to send anons in?

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Sure Tembo was based and all, but did he have magnificent thighs cut from marble like my nigga Muldoon? Didn't think so.

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You are a long sequence

Cool actor I only know him from JP and Lord of the Flies. He sadly died six years later I wonder if there he already carried the cancer that killed him.

Look at Dern getting thigh mogged by a dude. Pathetic.

First one to talk gets to stay in my tyrannosaur paddock!



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has he ever played a character different from Newman?

>posting the edit
You cheeky cunt

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For U(racil)

clever girl

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If I remove a base on an exon, will you die?

If I take that off will you bite?

It would be extremely painful

was this the best JP toy?

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Is this OC?

Four million years ago!

No, this was

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It was, several threads ago. I didn't make it, just reposting.

What is it that makes this movie so good? The sense of adventure, the philosophical questions about recreating the dinosaurs, the characters?

Might as well post the list of all departed actor playing named characters in any of the movies. I don't think we've lost anyone from the newer movies.

Robert Kiley (Himself) (1922-1999)
Bob Peck (Robert Muldoon) (1945-1999)
Michael Jeter (Udesky) (1952-2003)
Greg Burson (Mr. DNA) (1949-2008)
Pete Postlethwaite (Roland Tembo) (1946-2011)
Robert Sachs (Paul Bowman) (1951-2013)
Jophery C. Brown (Jophery) (1945-2014)
Richard Attenborough (John Hammond) (1923-2014)
Sarah Danielle Madison (Cheryl) (1974-2014)
Julio Oscar Mechoso (Enrique Cardoso) (1955-2017)

>not posting the Mobile Command Center
You're never gonna make it here with the wolves, kid.

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Everything. It’s a perfect blend of appealing to mature audiences while still having scenes that children can understand.

>I'm going to the vending machine for some used panties
How much are these? Asking for a friend

>Why yes, I did read the book, how did you know?

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For me it's the GOD TIER aesthetics of the first two JP movies.

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Check this out:

>HBO miniseries that stays true to the book

>Jurassic Park
But it’s a fucking zoo!

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Idk why but whenever i watch jp1 or TLW, i feel like im on a tropical island myself. The movie captures the feeling of tropical jungle so well.

>Dennis our board is in your hands and you have cunnyposters?
>Hahahah, I am totally unappreciated in my time. You can moderate this whole website from this room with minimal janitors for up to no pay. You think that kind of shitposting is based? *sip* Or redpilled? You know anybody who can network under 8 proxies or make 2 million Sneed threads for what I bid for this job? Cuz if you can I'd love to see him try.
>I'm sorry about your financial problems, Dennis, I really am. But you do it for free

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>He sadly died six years later I wonder if there he already carried the cancer that killed him.
He did, I think that's why they killed his character off (the character lives in the book and was supposed to be in the sequel iirc).

>Why yes, I did read the book and concluded the movie was better, how did you know?

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As a CrichtonChad, I've got first edition hardbacks (of most) of his works.

So we're getting a live action show. I don't thin think there will be a lot of new things to do after Dominion but it may work as a appendix. And the cartoon too I guess I hope it means that the live action one will be allowed to be a little more brutal. For me it will only be an opportunity to see dinosaurs we haven't seen elsewhere because we've heard many times that they don't want to waste any opportunity to introduce new species even the short had one.

Based. Been considering doing that myself.

Who cares. It’s going to be soulless bullshit

Well it was but they're also very different. Back in the 90s JP was sometimes criticized for lack of scope. Basically fewer dinosaurs scenes. Today it's sometimes coonsidered an advantage and dinosaurs scenes from the book were adapted in the sequels anyway. And dinosaurs scenes weren't even the best thing about the book.

Not a bad idea. The book and movie are pretty similar, but a mini-series could be 4, 6, or 8 hours long. Anyway, the movie just dropped a couple big scenes from the book including one where Allan and the kids sail down a river in a raft and the t-rex swims after them. Also there were two t-rex's, but one was a juvenile. A lot of other small changes. Hammond is an arrogant dick in the book, the kids are less prominent, some characters who do die in the movie didn't in the book. I also read the Lost World more recently, that one is a lot different than the book.
The book and movie are about the same in terms of overall quality. I give the book a slight edge because all the movie stuff still is there plus some extra stuff like the river raft and a bit more creepy political and corporate espionage and drama.

>Spielberg's Subtext - Jurassic Park analysis - Mike Hill

From the same author, even better
>Terminator 2 & The Forgotten Art of Blockbuster Cinema
>Jurassic World, Jurassic Values

He shows how these movie appeal universal archetypes (especially family) and how movies like Jurassic world shit all over it and are written by people with no push to put a moral compass in their characters and story.
STRONGLY recommended.

The best JP toy was the T-Rex with foot-stompan and roaran
Red with black marks, often with a crumpled up tail due to the packaging.
That was the best. Especially with the dino-damage triceratops, under the Christmas tree while Indiana Jones was on TV
You fuckers never had a Christmas like I did

I had the spinosaurus. It was bretty good.

Also the book had the original Compy attack on a toddler. And Muldoon not only surviving, but also blasting raptors with a grenade launcher.
And Gennaro being not a scrawny weasel. And as you said Hammond not being a nice old grampa (and on top of that getting eaten by a baby Rex).
If competently made, it could be really, really good. Maybe dial down a bit on Malcolm's "HURR I AM SO SMART FUCK SCIENTISTS" blabbering.

>he needs some youtube fag telling him that Spielberg's main motif in his movies is family

Truly some of the highest level cinemàtic kino in contemporary media.

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This is their trex supposedly now

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That's obviously the juvenile.

There's also one that's three feet long.

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>>he needs some youtube fag
Watch the video, mine was only an example, and goes beyond Spielberg. Those three videos explain the core of the problem.
It may seem trivial to your arrogant ADHD ass but it ecplores other themes and helps anyone that feels the "wrongness" of modern movie without being able to put a finger on them/
If it was as simple as you depicted it, dipshit, we would not have the shit movies we currently have.

I still have this one, and the tail is still bent from the package.

God damn, both the actors of muldoon and tembo died of cancer.