How would you save her career?

How would you save her career?

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convince her to stop being a bull dyke lesbo

Tell her grow out her hair, stop dying it, stop using drugs or whatever it is that's destroying her face

bully her into cheap escort service

Teach her how to beat through the nose.


Make her dress like she did on family feud

every day

Underwater was pretty based tbf

She's fucked no matter what. She's been on a range of roles and flopped in every one.

Most people here would suggest she take a role like in Blade Runner (basically a submissive hooker bot). She did that first thing and it was the only thing that kept her going. She's like a host of failed male action stars such as Adrian Brody and that guy who played the lead in Avatar. She's someone who got a lucky role, coasted off the fame to score a few high profile movies, then got dumped as it became obvious that the actor isn't what made their first hit a big draw.

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Maybe porn

too old

Not have her spend a decade making 5 forgettable vampire movies

Maitland Ward started doing porn in her 40s

I wouldn’t

>based tbf

Is this some kind of gang speak?

by ending it

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By rewatching her scenes in into the wild

And how many awards did she get? How fast did she have to resort to staring in shit tier interracial videos?

She starts doing mind control incest porn

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She's doing fine

Attached: Hot Ones.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

Somebody post the bum webm.

Almost all of them do interracial at the beginning now, it's not like the old days where'd you wait until your popularity began to wane

God she's so fucking hot

Notice the left, it's a practise run

Attached: Hote Ones.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

Detox /rehab 6 months with full fitness training as a regime , then acting classes to refresh her , and some unkind folk have said stop her smoking too as her breath Reeks

Blowjob compilation
4 hour film
Uncut and Uncensored

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Attached: KStew.webm (1066x600, 2.27M)

this is objectively wrong

>Footjob/Foot worship compilation

By marrying her and making babies with her.

put down the lard-infused milkshake pierce!


>soaking wet Kristen running around in her underwear for the last 5 minutes
made the entire movie worth it

That's for me and my personal vault.

Show off more skin

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I don’t give a fuck she still does it for me.

lol if they put this in the trailer people would have actually gone to see it

showing her the grace of God

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It was a pleasant surprised when I saw it in theaters.
Kstew was boner fuel the whole movie.

convince her to be an even more hardcore lesboid dyke and start using pussy juice sheen all over her face as makeup in her movies for the libidinal energy, jews and audiences can't resist. three trillion opening weekend guaranteed.

>grow her hair out
>stop doing drugs
>be barefoot
That's literally all it takes

Is there more of this in the film or is this a lone fappable moment?

BBC could save her career.
They love pale americans on tv in england

slutty outfit but literally no body

Low test

Two and a half hours of her having sex with multiple women. No censoring, no “artistic direction”. For all intents and purposes it should be a sextape released on the big screen.

You think she would've given Krager the time of day?
We have an idea of what she thinks of certain people

Remember that girl who did madingo plus 4 dicks at once and basically ruined her pussy forever, but then got no money for it? That was hilarious.


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Lesbians dress like 14 boys from the 90s.

Tell her to improve her dick sucking skills and add playing with the balls to her portfolio of skills, and offer the service of my cock as a training tool.

Start dating men. Show tits.

There, I just saved your career.

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Just that and the instant where her ass juggles in the gym.

Only low test manbabies can't handle short hair.


She just looks 10x better with long hair, you can't argue this

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I dunno, it was just pic I saw of the actress complaining on Facebook about how her pussy hurts like hell and she got nothing for it because people pirated the video.

I love short hair, however not every woman looks good with short hair. It depends on head shape and bone structure. Also the way she has it styled doesn't help, having short hair doesn't mean you need to style it like a lesbian

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She looks good with both because she is perfect

jesus fuck