oh, too stupid to understand high finance? here's a vapid naked blonde whore to explain it to you, dummy.
Oh, too stupid to understand high finance? here's a vapid naked blonde whore to explain it to you, dummy
It's a good movie and I enjoyed it, but the celebrity cutaways are going to age really badly.
Y post this in non-HD. Coomers need to be accommodated.
oops, sorry
only because people in the future won't know who they were lol
enough of this finance bullshit, I want to drink her bath water
you had one job
She isn't naked she is wearing foam.
she should be wearing my coom.
Thanks. I like vapid blonde whores.
You call this bullshit HD?
tfw relatively complicated movie about finance and margot robbie shows up in a bath tub and now im just thinking about being her personal servant handing her champagne while being locked in chastity
our game show host president is also too stupid to understand high finance, just look at the stock market
again i have failed ( ._.)
What does the president have to do with the stock market?
>whoops, caught you male gazing
orange man bad, in all cases, and to blame for everything.
if he has nothing to do with it why did he always take credit when it went up?
they already did by the time the bluray rips dropped
Yes, that's the joke, good job. It's a critique of how retarded normies are and how you need sex appeal and dumbed down explanations for them to even pretend to understand something.
let's be real, you needed the explanation.
>too stupid to understand high finance?
I actually am
had to watch Margin Call like 5 times to understand what was going on
Judging by your post, you ain't much better.
Imagine a french maid doing her toenails while she explains everything to us. I WOULD CUM DIAMONDS
what makes you think she's vapid ? Do you even know what thatt means ? Isn't it past your bed time ?
fuck these plebs, i got this senpai
I wished it was Alan Greenspan in the tub, that way I could focus on the explanation and understand it better, finally, but noooooo....
That's because Margin Call makes zero effort to explain the situation, it just assumes you have an understanding of the housing market collapse. Ironically Margin Call made sense to me on first watch because I saw it after The Big Short.
It was sorely needed. I know people who consider themselves smart who didn't get the movie. Despite how spoonfed the whole thing is.
Doing god's work
I wonder how many takes they did for this scene? She looks so flushed she must've been in that bath for a while
>imagine being this insulted by your jew overlords and all you do is clap and say thanks
how the FUCK did the US ever managed to become a superpower
The economy runs on optimism. Trump radiates optimism so makes sense to attribute his cheerleading to the economy doing well.
Is there great books to master the high finance without going to a businesss school ?
Because a lot of big players in Europe conspired against Britain to weaken them. Who knows if Americans would have gained their independence if it wasn't for Britain's then-enemies on the mainland.
She has zero ass, zero tits, zero hips.
her face is a kangaroonigger work of art though.
well I am too stupid to get it, not that I have enough money for it to matter
>only because people in the future won't know who they were lol
are you retarded? that's exactly what he said
Daily reminder that Margor Robbie is poor man's Jaime Pressly
thats one of the reasons. butmost of adam mckays style is buzz-y and cutaway heavy, none of which works well as it begins to look forced and artificial on reviews. vice was so bad with it that it was already stale on the first viewing. im hoping he doesnt screw up the biopic of that silicon valley psychopath lady too bad with them
margin call was a superior movie
jamie is literal trailer trash though, and over a decade older
I am non-american and I did not know any of the cameos (I actually assumed they were not real people) and I still found them pretty funny desu
really can't argue against this but then again it was britain who went HELP AMERICA HELP GERMANY IS OPPRESSING US! instead of just joining germany in ww2 to take over the world
but who is the best vapid blonde whore?
>how the FUCK did the US ever managed to become a superpower
only big fish in the pond of the western hemisphere.
basicly economics wasn't well understood back then so france bankrupted itself squeezing out a victory against britain that was quickly squandered when the US promptly realigned with britain anyway
>Brit complaigning about conspiring to weaken another country
and margot is aussie trash that looks 10 years older than she is
t. simp betacuck
This desu
>uses bubbles because she doesn't have tits to show
I felt like these scenes were the opposite of the ones in wolf of wall street where Leo literally says "I know you're not understanding this." I didn't think the big short was overly condescending like wolf was. The part I took issue with was them trying to make me sympathise with steve carrel as he reluctantly became a gazillionaire.
If this is trash show us the top shelf goods
Margot is cute and down to earth
Why would you "take issue" with that? Are you retarded? He literally did nothing wrong.
France and Spain only joined in because the USA showed just how weak the British actually were
that guys actually like that irl, he's spent his newly acquired retirement raising awareness of financial scams and misleading account practices
I didn't even understand after she explained. Does this mean I am retarded?
i watched it for the first time recently and was following it ok, but the third act generally started losing me a little bit, was a bit of a whirlwind imo
mainly remember that good old goose was excellent in it, stood out compared to the rest of the cast, he would be absolutely great in any kind of goodfella's/wolf of wall street type role with shitloads of narration/fourth wall stuff
Dow "Joans"
>It's a good movie
Reminder: Before this the director had only one film to his name, that abysmal Stepbrothers
i thought it was the same guy that did the other guys, although maybe it was the writer/producer rather than the director
I didn't either
Id like to ""have sex with her""
Such a fucking stupid movie. Most Reddit shit I've seen in my life. Absolute pleb trash, no wonder it's so popular with you stupid assholes
I think she explains it very poorly.
6 months ago the strong economy was obama’s doing, but now it’s trumps fault? also it’s still extremely strong, id advise you to put some capital in while it’s low because in a few months time it will be breaking 30. oh that’s right you gave all your money to bernie who will promptly hand it over to whoever the DNC tell him to after he gets cucked in july.
Le orange man started the Corona virus and an oil war between Saudis in Russia! It's his fault too that literally every market in the world is tanking right?
prime jaime blows prime margot out of the water.
>Margot is cute and down to earth
totally agree
>6 months ago the strong economy was obama’s doing
Trump was literally taking credit for the economy BEFORE he took office. He's bragged about it in his every speach, at every rally, in every third tweet. It's hilarious how fast you faggots are backpedaling now.
Prime Jaime got a hot body but in term of face and gaze idk man
This, they were always cringe. They ruined Vice too with all the gimmicks
Basically what I think she's saying is that people stopped buying houses for a while, since the mortgage they'd have to take out became way too risky as the banks were desperately trying to make their money back.
Unironically yes because the US economy and employment rate has been out pacing all other top GDP economies since his presidency. This economic downturn is being caused by factors outside of his control and affecting every country. Imagine being such an economically illiterate retard and lacking this much nuance where you can't even critically think about something beyond black and white. Head back to chapotraphouse tranny
they literally look the same m9
nobody is backpedaling, it’s trumps economy. six months ago liberals said it was obama’s economy. what changed?