It was all in his head right?
It was all in his head right?
nope, it happened in real life.
MMA proved Kung Fu was a just a meme.
I’m willing to bet he did beat the crap out of Bruce Lee, but not to the extent that it happened in his flashback.
I think so. I didn't realize it the first time but when I rewatched it later it became so obvious.
How the fuck did you think it's not? The movie is pretty explicit about the fact that it's just Cliff daydreaming about the alternate timeline where he gets the job.
It was a flashblack.
He didn't beat the crap out of Lee in the flashback.
He throws him against the car and then they do a nonsense kill bill / kung fu shit with blocking each others attacks and the fight is broken up.
It was a flashback you absolute brainlet
He's remembering the reason why guy wouldn't give him a job again
Whatever helps you cope more, Chang.
Everyone knows the best fighters are Asian men
>too dense or willfully ignorant to understand a movie scene in favor of cuck memes
Classic Yas Forums
Everyone fantasizes about beating up whoever the erstwhile "champ" is. This was a daydream fueled by the threatening data he had recently received.
mike tyson could literally kill any gook fighter you make go against him
No it wasn't.
Cliff was depressed that he didn't get the job. Mainly because the cunt producer though he actually killed his wife. So now he's stuck "fixing the antennae" and doing bitch work for Leo's character, instead of evolving his career. he daydreams about kicking the shit out of Bruce Lee. Making himself believe that it would be for the best not getting the job, because he would just fuck up the production and sabotage his career anyways.
Besides, the fact that Cliff was told outright that he wasn't getting the job in the first place wasn't a clue that the Bruce Lee fight wasn't in his head?
He didn't get the job because the female director thought Cliff killed his wife.....not because of this imaginary fight with Bruce Lee
IT was a flashback of him thinking why he didn’t get the job, because he fought Bruce lee
You’ve never been left out of somthing before and feel upset? And then in reflecting on your past behaviour you realize why?
No, he didn't got the job because he beat Bruce Lee up before and got blacklisted. His clothes wasn't even Leo's clothes on the flashback dude
It also proved to be the most boring shit ever in that Israel Adesanya fight
But that's not what happened.
In the sequence of scenes leading up to the Bruce Lee fight. Kurt Russel's character told Leo's that Cliff wasn't getting the job because his wife/the director thinks he killed his wife. Leo tells Cliff he wasn't getting that job, then soon told him to go to the roof and fix the antennae....climbs to the roof, takes his shirt off, and reflect on what he was just told and his current station in life.
...then comes the Bruce Lee fight, which is just his imagination running wild, trying to cope with the stigma of being a wife-killer that is setting back his career.
all the clues to this transition between scenes is there, plain as day....the fight was all in his head.
there is nothing to indicate he was daydreaming rather than just remembering. cope.
Retard, he wouldn't get the job because Kurt Russel didn't already liked him because his wife didn't liked him and ALSO because he fucked Bruce Lee up.
He was blacklisted because the female director thinks Cliff killed his wife, and wants him blackballed.
Doesn't make sense that Kurt Russell said "she thinks he killed is wife" eariler on, only to hire him anyway, and create the situation with Bruce Lee.
Tarantino has outright stated it was all a dream but of course you autists will keep arguing
What the fuck does it even matter if it's a dream or not? It's not like the movie has any plot that would be impacted
You're denying the facts....u cope.
Faggot....Kurt Russell didn't mention anything about the Bruce Lee fight, BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED!
For the millionth fucking time, Kurt told Leo that Cliff isn't getting the job because the female director thinks he killed his wife......
answer me this: If the fight actually took place, then why didn't Kurt mention the Bruce Lee fight as the main reason, as opposed to the stigma of being a wife-killer?
maybe it was all a dream or even just a movie but brad pitt would probably still crush bruce lee in a real fight
>answer me this: If the fight actually took place, then why didn't Kurt mention the Bruce Lee fight as the main reason, as opposed to the stigma of being a wife-killer?
Leo already knew Kurt Russel didn't liked Brad Pitt, he didn't even asked
watch the fucking's as plain as day.
Does jaw literally fix everything about a person?
So, no source?
i thought it was ambiguous
>Leo already knew Kurt Russel didn't liked Brad Pitt, he didn't even asked
probably because Kurt agrees with his wife-director that Cliff killed his own wife....?
and again, if Cliff actually did kick the shit out of Bruce Lee, wouldn't that be the front and center reason?
Cliff killed his wife
even if a source was provided, would you have the attention span to comprehend it? I mean, you couldn't pick up on the obvious cues that the fight was actually in his head in the first place.
a ballet dancer chink against a Hollywood stuntman , no wonder he got BFTO
Cope, Cliff remembered the reason he wouldn't be hired is because Kurt Russel wife didn't liked him, he beat up Bruce Lee and fucked Kurt's wife car.
lol it was a flashback, he's remembering the last job he had with that stunt coordinator as his boss and how he fucked it up
he almost didnt get it cuz of the suspicions about killing his wife, but Leo worked Kurt over so he could get it.
THEN Cliff fucked it up by starting a fight with Bruce and denting Kurt's wife's car in the process, which is why he definitely won't get hired as Leo's stuntman for his new gig.
>Cliff killed his wife
No proof that he actually did. It was purposely left in the air whether he did or not. Only that "by law" he was cleared of the charge. The entire arc of Cliff's storyline was made so the audience can make up their own mind, as the character and personality of Cliff would speak for itself, as opposed to direct evidence proving he did kill his wife.
I mean, would a wife-killer deny himself getting a blow-job from a questionably aged girl hitching a ride? He doesn't want some naggy hag bitching his ear, right? "so kill her" and find a submissive hippie cock-slave too busy to nag, right?
These threads always make it sound like Cliff gave Bruce Lee the biggest ass whooping of his life, but then I watched the movie and they had both knocked each other down once and got interrupted before the deciding point
how the fuck does this make sense. She thinks he killed his wife, but gave him the job anyways?
fuck off, you're done.
definitely a flashback to when Leo pulled strings to get Cliff to work with him on Green Hornet, and Cliff fucking it up by denting the stunt boss' wife's car
nope...way off base.
See Chang
that's because people only make these threads because a bunch of Chinese-American millenials were butthurt that their mythical hero received a scratch in a fight
>ZERO male chink UFC champions
Why are people so upset about a fictional character fighting a long-dead martial artist and winning? The point was just to show that Cliff was a badass but some people online are taking it as a personal attack.
Kurt hired him behind her back and hoped he would keep a low profile, but Cliff was too alpha and started a fight with Bruce, in which Kurt's wife's car was a casualty, which she soon saw and flipped out
Just a reminder: this has become a troll thread.
Since any person who thinks this was a real flashback, hasn't produced one iota of proof to that fact. While those who proved it was a daydream gave nothing but evidence to prove their stance.
I know this is bait, but let me still take the opportunity to teach newfags about the meme that is Kung Fu. You see, the best Kung Fu practioner of all time wouldn't be able to hold his own with a fully trained mma fighter of similar weight.
If Cliff didn't get the job because of the fight, then that wouldn't been the first thing Kurt Russell said to Leo......NO!... Cliff didn't get the job because Kurt SAID his wife-director believes Cliff killed his wife, and NOTHING about the fight (if it was real) was mentioned in that scene.....100% fact, done, signed, sealed, delievered, DONE.
lol see
>While those who proved it was a daydream gave nothing but evidence to prove their stance.
Give one (1)
Kurt's word was final in that scene with Leo. There was no indication he broke down and agree to put him on the set.
Imagine getting filtered by a Tarantino fanfic about his Sharon Tate waifu
this, Leo never even bothered asking Kurt about using Cliff on the cowboy show, BECAUSE of what happened on Green Hornet
lol...disproved over and over again
Hell,it was a chinese guy that proved it, a regular guy in China trained in MMA for a few years and started beating the shit out of kung fu/tai chi "masters". Their government even made him apologize publicly because it was considered insulting to Chinese culture lol
Cliff was trying to get that job on the Green Hornet hoping Leo would back him, that scene with Kurt was him saying no!
fucking faggot.
You're unironically braindead
fuck you too faggot, pay attention next time.
>fuck you too faggot, pay attention next time
Brad Pitt has said that if fans knew the truth about who killed Cliff’s wife it would ruin Cliff’s character
lol you dumb fucking nigger i bet you were too focused on the feet to follow the easy pacing of this kino
this is what happens, scene by scene:
1. Cliff talks to Leo about his cowboy show gig, asks if there's any chance he could get work on it
2. Leo tells him it's not likely because kurt's wife hates him. leo goes to set
3. cliff goes to fix the antenna, starts reminiscing
4. remembers last time Leo worked Kurt over to get him hired (for Green hornet), kurt is reluctant because his wife is already cheesed about the murder rumors, but Leo pulls out all the stops to convince him, and he does.
5. kurt exits trailer, Cliff is right outside, tells him he's in but to not cause trouble
6. cliff starts trouble by starting fight with bruce
7. cliff slams him into kurts wife's car
8. kurt's wife flips shit, not only because cliff the alleged wifekiller is there, but he fucked up her car, too
9. cliff's flashback ends, and he realizes that Leo is right, after that shit there is no way he gets hired for the cowboy show, smiles and laughs it off