Yas Forums BTFO
Yas Forums BTFO
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>it's a felony to ask to have sex with a person that doesn't exist
based Americans
Thanks for posting a reddit screenshot, you fucking retard.
>it's not entrapment because we're now law enforcement
Don't you need to be law enforcement to commit entrapment in the first place? Or did he mean to write 'not' instead of 'now'?
I think he meant "not." If you are not law enforcement you can't commit entrapment.
she isn't underage and thus they shouldn't be charged
Unless you are working WITH law enforcement. Which they were.
Not for the part where they talk to the pedo, by the time he sends nudes/porn and shows up he is already committing a crime. In either case, Hansen further explains that the decoy explicitly says they are underage. They also used to make it a rule that the decoy never starts sex talk too.
But this has all been addressed before so no point harping on when dumb pedos refuse to listen.
It doesn't matter. When you are working with the police its entrapment.
I remember there was one where the some guy arrived by car, circled the block twice and just left, but it was apparently still enough to arrest him. Nevermind that it's possible it was just someone that was lost.
>talk to imaginary non existent child
>this is a crime
WTF do I also go to jail if a threaten someone's imaginary friend in America?
No victim no crime
>Nevermind that it's possible it was just someone that was lost.
>Nevermind that it's possible it was just someone that was lost.
They know their names and identities. It wasn't just some random person. And yeah it was fucked but he probably sent porn which is illegal so they likely nabbed him on that.
So? Who cares? It still outs him as a pedo and all pedos should burn.
All he really did was commit a thought crime
for the majority of human history men were married to "underaged girls" and it got us to this point guess they all should of burned huh
>Who cares about rights as long as it results in hurting people I don't like!
Fuck pedos but I really hate the pilpul in trying to claim you aren’t working with or for the police haha they just happened to be at the same location for unrelated reasons haha we totally didn’t call them and set this up or anything haha I don’t even have a badge! This fuckin Jewish shit is the exact some thing the goddamn ADL does with the FBI.
in short fuck pedos fuck jews fuck n!ggers and fuck jannies
I guess I forgot about that part.
Sending porn/nudes/their ridiculous fantasies to other people and then showing up in person isn't a thought crime.
If you make someone fear for their life with a fake gun it's still a crime because crimes are intent and action not passive physical analysis.
>Hey im 13
>Hi i want to fuck you can i come over now
>Uh what is fuck?
>Its fun
>Ok you can come over
>Gets arrested
>Wtf i dindu nuffin
this is your brain on cunny
based kike attorney
don't you need permission from the pedo to air the episode uncensored?
it all seems staged/reenacted/scripted
He sent it to consenting adults who were pretending to be children. No law was broken.
Still not seeing where there's a real child at risk, blue knight.
Shut the fuck up child rapist.
Hansen is a national hero
wow, i guess that's why all their cases got dismissed right?
dumb fuck
Mob style lynching is sometimes based tbqh, in the cases where a criminal weasels out of charges by some technicality.
Literally children at large. We dont remove a child from a pedo and say problem solved, we remove the pedo.
So, remove the pedo and neck yourself.
all antipedos must burn
>implying there were cases
It was actors retard.
Ah yes. Truly the most brainlet of takes for allowing unscrupulous legal tactics.
but sex is literally illegal in Europe
why are pedos so retarded?
Who fucking cares about pedos
They should all get the rope
Pedophiles willing to drive 50 miles to fuck a child are an imminent threat to children.
Stop weasling you subhuman filth and put your head under a fucking bus tire.
your butthurt fuels my erection normies
Don't confuse the Islamic police state of England with Europe
False equivalence you stupid moron.
They literally arent europe anymore
Absolutely terrible deflection, schizo-tier even.
1. They are working WITH law enforcement, with the specific goal of luring people in for the cops to arrest. This is entrapment de facto.
2. No crime has been committed. They are sending nudes to and talking to adults who pretend to be children. adults. who. pretend. It's not a crime to go and have sex with consenting adults. If they were using ACTUAL children this would be different, but they dont.
To illustrate point 2. If I dress up in a skirt, chop off my dick and wear makeup, I am NOT a woman. I am still a MAN.
Spoken like a true brainlet who doesn't know that the real threats to children are by far more often those within a single block of them.
Perhaps you should protect a child from yourself instead of trying to corrupt the legal system in the name of da childwens?
I get your point, but 50 miles is not a long distance.
Quite Stalinist thinking
Can we do both?
sure is fun to lie about something that can be googled in 3 seconds
Can we... corrupt the legal system and put parents and family friends under constant surveillance on the off chance that they'll harm a child?
I mean, I guess we could. But the larger point I'm trying to get at is that it's a bad idea.
kys pedo
>anti pedo is communist
to the gulag with you
Ok Pedos
It is only entrapment if the law enforcement agent entices to you commit e a crime you would not otherwise have committed.
Not entrapment
If the hot female cop says she'll fuck you if you buy her drugs and you giver her a couple of tabs you already have.
If the hot female cop says she'll fuck you if you buy her drugs and you go and buy drugs from the sketchy guy in the corner explicitly to give to her.
>hey Epstein hook me up with hit girl
Eurotard logic
How the fuck is anyone corrupting the legal system or putting people under surveilance?
Pedo retards message supposed children and when they show up get arrested. This isnt the patriot act.
Intent follows the bullet pedo fuck.
pretty sure paying someone with drugs is illegal and so is prostitution
And here we see the brain of someone who's so scared of a statistically insignificant criminal faction that he's willing to destroy a nation to get rid of them.
Should have just shot him. Cunts like that aren't safe for anyone around them.
Why do cops waste their time getting people to buy drugs instead of hitting the supply chain
Isn't this basically eugenics though? I don't get what you're complaining about.
the majority of human history also decided that autists/undesirables should be put down, yet you're still here
>if you stalk outside of a farm, see someone and shoot them 10 times but find out its a scarecrow you did nothing wrong
i thought it was canonized tcap knowledge that "what no way" guy beat the charges
It doesn't matter what cops actually do. I was just providing the legal distinction that coomer pedos would understand.
Forgive my ignorance but that doesn't look like it was done by Chris Hansen.
But they think they are children, you dumb pedo fuck. It's all about intent.
Which has what to do with the legal tests for entrapment?
It's what you would need to do in order to actually address the primary threat to children, you mong.
It's actually "Molestation and rape almost always happens in the immediate vicinity of a child's home by parents, friends, or authority figures."
As you do not have an easy way of baiting this kind of shit out barring a confession from the child themselves, the only way to actually put the kibosh is constant monitoring of the closest adults and treating them as suspects JUST IN CASE they commit a crime.
If you can't figure out how this is bad, I can't help you.
cool it with the seething
The lengths the pedos itt are going to defend their degeneracy makes me even more ashamed to be one of them. Only difference is I know it's fucked up and I have no problem abstaining. Maybe I'm lucky though because I can still happily fuck adults. Not sure how other pedos work.
t. discord tranny who wants to indoctrinate young kids on the internet
No one is suggesting this you absolute retard. If we can bait a few pedos out why not do it and arrest them? Chris Hansen isnt invading your home and installing anti pedo cctv systems in every room of every house. You are not addressing any real issue and instead creating fallacious strawman shit to attack.
Neck yourself, shoot yourself, cut yourself, drown yourself, jump off a fucking roof, crash your car into a tree, light yourself on fire, I dont care which but make it quick.
They can't diddle and kids or cunny if the person they were talking to was an adult.