/jazz/ -- I am Jazz

Thread dedicated for the discussion of the TLC TV show entitled I am Jazz.

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Other urls found in this thread:


what's noelle's real name



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What happened to jarons penis after they removed it?

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>had another dream where I’m having sex with a tranny
Why does it keep happening? I hate them, no I don’t secretly want to fuck one

Sort of related:
Am i the only one who finds the gap in the front teeth (ex: top left) particularly repulsive
Obviously moreso on trannies, but on girls too, that shit is fucking disgusting.

>Pizza Rolls
>Gender Roles
>Jazz Rolls

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dead link, probably for the best.


I think it's time for you to dilate

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>based incel containment thread

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uh oh nazi bros..

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He really should have spent the money he blew on his transition on a dentist.

Woah...ok...wait just a second...hold up...wait wait wait... question... what in the FUCK is dilation?

I encountered a real life tranny the other day. I couldn't quite tell what its original gender was and what it was trying to present as, pretty sure it was a MtF but maybe it was one of those genderfluid ultra special snowflakes? It was working at a local nursery / gardening store cash register, and I was buying a bunch of plants. For some reason this place put all five of the medium sized plants I bought into a large box, and this short and skinny as a twig presumambly MtF lad offered to carry the box to my car. Given that he could barely carry the box, the manager or owner of the place came over and took it from him and carried it to the car for me instead.

Anyways I was just weirded out a bit, and kind of saddened just by seeing him. If he was MtF he wasn't remotely passing and it was just like all those troons pics that are posted in these threads.

where's the data for +30.... oh wait

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let's see what we can do to get those numbers up!

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>no I don’t secretly want to fuck one

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Jazz Jennings is inspiring trans people all over the world! Her bravery and strength is what makes this show so important.

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So inspirational

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The granpa was cruel there.

looks like a fucking ghoul lmao

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>accepted into Harvard
>doesn't know what basic words mean

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Yea... they're making products out of the process.

... and all the brave heroes like Affleck, Damon, Pitt, Phoenix, Di Caprio, Downey, Jr., etc. can do is provide more symbolic gestures.

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Harvard accepted her for brownie points, knowing full well, she'd never show.

tranny delusions

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The cool spring wind blows
But he cannot enjoy it
It's time to dilate

Who's your favourite jazz friend?

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Has anyone got a gender swap version of Jazz? Wonder what he'd look like as a Chad.

isn't that the fas girl from yt?

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On real girls who already look really good, a gap in the front teeth can sometimes be hot.


tranny general

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There is one floating around but i don't have it.

We're discussing the show, brah.

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uh oh trannies...

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Literally nothing wrong with that. Spiders use hydraulics to extend their legs, it's very erotic.

Will the Muslim inside Noelle kill him, as his entire life is an insult to Islam?

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Noelle is doing GREAT!

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From between his legs
The cthonic maw beckons
Yet none will enter

Noelle is Shia.

Why did she do it Bros?

I bet TLC will get someone to fuck jazz by 2021. Keep in mind how many thirsty blobs there are out there.

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This webm maker is way better than that other fag

If she still had a penis I’d do it right now. Wouldn’t even need her to shower

24/7 tranny general??

Think about her dad a minute. He has a boy who can go to Harvard, but prefers to not work, live on daddys money, and change gender. The failure

Winter of his heart
In the summer of his youth
Unloved, unlovely

New ep tomorrow.

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>daddy’s money
Does TLC not pay them?

I do it manually, the other user uses some automated process with a browser extension I think. He's able to make a lot more a lot more quickly. I'll probably just make one per episode for the rest of the season, unless it's a particularly good episode and has a surgery or something.

TLC only pays for the horrors and humiliation.

Will you make Ari centered webms?

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Woah, thanks!


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>isn't that the fas girl from yt?

He is a communist

she's dilating the wrong hole!!!

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high effort webm poster