What are unironically some kinos for confused young men with no direction in life?
I will watch every single recommendation out of pure desperation.
What are unironically some kinos for confused young men with no direction in life?
I will watch every single recommendation out of pure desperation.
Other urls found in this thread:
stfu you needy little bitch
Falling Down
Simple Men
Big Lebowski
any vincent gallo flick
Taiyō o Nusunda Otoko
Welcome to the nhk
>Falling Down
Would be 10/10 without the cucked cop subplot.
What are those things on the table next to the bottles
12 Rules For Life
Sniffing salt for lifting
All memes aside, is it worth a read?
The Passion of the Christ
You can go for the audiobook like I did if you don't have time
That stuff is great. Really wakes you the fuck up.
Did Kermit record it himself?
All memes aside there is a lot of good advice in it, I don't see why it wouldn't help somebody who's completely lost in life
Ye, you could even hear him sobbing when he was talking about his dead friend
Why the fuck is there smoke coming out of that guy?
Nice, I'll download it on redacted.
why don't you try going outside, or trying new hobbies, or getting off the fucking computer.
>if you don't have time
phew, yeah, busy busy! got places to be you know? haha
If I go outside there's concrete, traffic, roads, cars.
what does it smell like, how does it work?
I'm presuming that he was sweating very heavily into his helmet, which he just took off, in very cold weather.
He is activating Gear 2
>Forgive me master, i am going all out this one time...
Not gonna help you though.
How come normalfags always suggest getting a hobby when they have none?
You're onto something there, normies never have hobbies
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
"Get a hobby" is depressing if it's actually what one should do.
Accept your shitty life but carve a spoon in the evening to distract you from it.
Why do normalfags always call other people "normalfags"? Literally, anyone who considers oneself to be out of the ordinary, is not. People that you consider normies have more depth in their lives than you do and probably have a lot more going on in their head overall than you do. And no, by your definition I'm not a normalfag, I'm just a spineless and useless faggot like you are.
Bro I'm a 26 year old virgin with no friends, I am by the very definition not normal. The day when guys like me are considered normal will be a very sad one.
>Accept your shitty life but carve a spoon in the evening to distract you from it.
That's literally all you can do. You think you got what it takes to overthrow the system?
I don't know. What even is the system? I work full-time but that's not the worst thing. The worst thing is coming home wondering why you're even going to work accumulating money in the first place.
>d fens
are you trying to confuse him more? They are total opposites
Most self-improvement advices are depressing if you follow them by the book. You need to understand the main lines and let your imagination do the rest.
I consider you normal, I'm in a similar situation. 24-yo, not a virgin tho, but I'd might as well be. I'm autistic and maybe a little bit retarded, literally doing nothing with my life, I haven't worked for a single day and I got no degree, but I don't still consider myself to be out of the ordinary. We are still just like them, but just a little less than them. You're not special, you're just a failure and there are many failures here, most people are failures.
James White
Nice attitude, loser. I'm sure many girls would want to have sex with you after reading your post. Don't reply to depressed anons if you're even more depressed than them, you're not helping anyone.
I can recommend Zach Braff's "Garden State". I watched it during a weird time of my life and I like to think that it helped me a bit.
Also, the soundtrack alone makes it pure kino.
go outside and do what
Thanks for the hourly reminder that having sex with a lot of strangers is the most ambitious and succesful thing you could ever achieve.
Inside Llewyn Davis
No, I also got a law degree. I guess sitting on your fat ass all day long makes you so much better than me. You were right, you truly are a retard.
We're trying to push anons to get better while you only came here to pull people downward.
I used to fantasize about dropping everything, packing a backpack and just hiking homeless from spring til fall but I never did it. Now I'm 25, too old and need to find something in-between.
I'm not even the guy you responded to but okay. I'm just saying that the whole 'have sex incel' won't necessarily make people happy.
how is 25 too old
Is this achievable natty ?
>he fell for the law meme
45 is not too old either but you know what I mean, stuck in a job I studied for and can't just drop it
not him but im 25 and also feel too old for most things
>24-yo, not a virgin tho
Should have stopped reading there but I didn't. I never said I wasn't a failure, obviously I am and that's part of my continued abnormailty. Sounds like you're gaslighting inceldom, acting like it's normal for young men to literally have no fucking friends or sex.
>I'm just saying that the whole 'have sex incel' won't necessarily make people happy.
How could you know? You never had it. Being able to seduce a girl to the point where she wants to have sex with you gives you a big confidence boost at least the first times, it's quite obvious.
Actually you can just do it
I'm making 4000 euros every month on average, not so bad for a meme.
What are you doing of your life, big guy?
>What are unironically some kinos for confused young men with no direction in life?
You only need to watch one: Harold and Maude.
I'm not depressed, I've never been, I'm quite happy actually. It's a matter of perspective, I know exactly who I am. I don't feel sorry for myself because all I know what led up to me ending up like this and that I could've been better. All I can do is keep my head up and be happy about who I am and that I'm doing everything I can to be the best that I can be.
Matrix trilogy or Taxi Driver
I prefer Matrix trilogy, fuck Robert De Niro that whiny libtard bitch.
I don't get why you're so upset that you have to assume that everyone but you is a loser virgin, it seems you have quite some insecurities to work out for yourself.
Neither are you, you're just here bragging to a bunch of losers about how much better your life is. May as well walk around a homeless camp flashing money at some guy wiping his ass with a newspaper.
>I know exactly who I am.
No, you don't. Did you pass an IQ test to check if you really had below average intelligence? Did you actually move your ass only one time to see if you could be good at something?
Normalfag never meant a successful person, dumbass. The average young male in north america is depressed, has a mediocre job, unemployed or in some mediocre community college. They're hopped up on pills, have less interaction and sexual relations with women than every previous generation and largely have no goals in life. So you fit pretty well in the definition of a normalfag, user
People who have had sex need to just stop saying sex won't make you happy. Will fucking an escort make you happy? Probably not. Will fucking a girl and hearing her tell you to cum inside her, then cuddling after make you happy? I'm guessing at least a little.
You are saying that it's not when it has happened all through out the history. Of course, nowadays it's even more common because young men can just escape their life on the internet and the society has became more complex and the weakest are being wiped out of the gene pool. It's just nature doing it's work. You're implying that everyone is entitled to friends and sex, that's not the case. Friends are for people that are worthy of having friends, it's reciprocal. Sex is for people who are attractive, sure of themselves or just have the money. If you're not those things or capable of being those things, why be mad?
>You were right, you truly are a retard.
>How could you know? You never had it.
>Did you pass an IQ test to check if you really had below average intelligence?
incels deserve to be bred out of existence. It's eugenic and based. Glad they're stuck in their rooms, jerking off while crying.
You understand that googling it would reveal the answer, yeah?
It smells kind of like piss, you get nasally irritated which forces you to inhale and wake the fuck up.
I did and got 118, I'm still a retard, otherwise I wouldn't be a failure. IQ is meaningless and flawed system. Yes, I've tried but not enough because I'm insecure and a spineless worm.
>tfw have tons of super normie friends who always invite me places but women cant stand to be around me
at least im half normal
>it's n-n-not m-me it's y-you
Being able to seduce girls gives you confidence, it's a fact. So yes, it's important. If you weren't a virgin, you wouldn't make those comments.
As I said, I have a decent job, I'm not a virgin and I wouldn't even have to brag if retards like you weren't trying to make depressed anons even more depressed. Go back sneeposting if you think everybody has to be a loser like you.
BvS unironically
I Vitelloni is a good one. Might actually be a bit hopeful as well
>randomly brings up sneedposting
If were such a big shot you wouldn't feel the need to validate yourself on an indonesian canoecarving forum but yet here you are strawmanning so you don't feel like an incel failure for 5 minutes. Pretty sad if you ask me.
Seems you're too dense to realize you bragging here is even worse than all the self-defeatists idiots posting their own anecdotes. Nobody gets anything from you talking down to people, faggot.
>young men work wagecuck jobs and are in community college
Yeah no fucking shit. you vastly overestimate how many have legitimate depression and not just "hurr ima sad." Again you're basically normalizing millennial misery.
>Will fucking an escort make you happy?
Obviously not, as I said, it's not about sex, it's the seduction process that is gratifying.
>I did and got 118, I'm still a retard
No, you're just lazy as fuck, you don't get good at something by miracle, you need to put hours of work and accept to be bad at first.
>IQ is meaningless and flawed system.
Flawed how? It's actually the best rating system we have.
Nope the average normalfag is depressed. Sounds like you're just coping. You're a normalfag just like most people, user. You fit the descriptiom almost perfectly.
>Ah bloo bloo I have REAL depression I'm so speshul :( :( :( not liek those normies ewwww
>Nope the average normalfag is depressed
K where are the proofs then? If course I'll take them with a grain of salt since, again, normies play up their woes for attention. I never said I was depressed wither, I'm not really, just highly unmotivated.
>If were such a big shot you wouldn't feel the need to validate yourself on an indonesian canoecarving forum
How would you know? You never did anything of your life. Also, I didn't ask you anything, you can come back to your quiet corner.
It wasn't my intention to brag until you guys turned it into something personal after this post (You) See, I never talked about myself at first, I was just mad at you.
OP here, I wouldn't say I'm clinically depressed, It's just a general feeling of emptiness.
Sounds like apathy to me
Let’s say you carve a spoon a week.
>huh, I’m getting pretty good at this
>I don’t make the same spoon-carving mistakes I did a year ago
>it’s weird how if you try at carving spoons, eventually you learn- even with no teacher and no classes
>all it takes is trying, over and over again
>I wonder if other things are like that?
>oh shit, they are!
>well now that I’ve learned all this discipline and patience carving spoons, learning other stuff won’t be so bad
You can sell your spoons. You can teach spoon carving to others. You can show your spoons to women and they’ll like them (women like talent, doesn’t matter what it is).
It’s not a distraction. It’s incremental work on yourself.
Kek you're so high IQ you have to correct your posts in blind seething rage
>You are saying that it's not when it has happened all through out the history
Yeah when we were living in fucking caves. Good to know that's basically how far we've regressed.
>No, you're just lazy as fuck, you don't get good at something by miracle, you need to put hours of work and accept to be bad at first.
I consider laziness to be a form of retardism. I'm not able to put hours of work because I'm retarded and I know for a fact that I would never be good enough because all my life experience tells me that even if I try, I'll always be average at best.
>Flawed how? It's actually the best rating system we have.
Even when being the best rating system, doesn't mean that it can't be flawed. Intelligence is such a great concept, that it's almost impossible to truly measure. The best way to measure is to observe how successful one is, where did he come from, what he became and so on. In a nutshell, intelligence is one's capability adapt, learn and thrive. So, technically a loser can't be called intelligent. The most intelligent person is the one who is the most successful considering where he came from and what he had to do to get there.
same shit
Nice made up scenario, what's your hobby?
Let's just skip directly to the goal. Teaching, making money and getting women?
You have so little things to say that you can only talk about the edit I made to address my reply to the right user. Don't force yourself to reply when you have zero argument, just stay quiet like in real life.