This is Cathy Yan

>Director of Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn (2020)
What should she direct next?

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A load to the back of her throat.

i dont get it, how does someone so awful be payed MILLIONS to do something theyre not even good at?

My cock up Xer holes

How many chances do you get as a director until you gets blacklisted?

>And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn
has there ever been a bigger red flag in a movie title?

Attached: meowiee.png (768x768, 630.7K)

she should direct people to their theater seats!

Attached: 1572103612986.png (701x394, 313.05K)

She should direct her way to the kitchen and bring me a beer.

tank girl


based boomer

Didn't they have to bring in the John Wick directors to reshoot all the action scenes? Doesn't seem like someone who should be directing action movies.

Not all but some, yeah.

Propaganda films for the Chinese government.

I'd actually watch that

Her ass to my face.

People to their seats in the theater

She looks like she has deep internalized self hate towards her race and fucks white guys

Can't find a single photo with a 'boyfriend'

My face to her ass

The Metroid movie to get revenge on the evil gamer boys

>Cathy Yan
Is that her real name?

I can't think of one good movie with a title that long.

>Director of The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel (1996)
Say something nice about him

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Is that pained grimace supposed to be a smile

Because fuck buddies come over to her house in the middle of the night and vice versa. You never boned a minor celebrity? It fucking sucks, you gotta get your ass up at 3 or 4 in the morning sometimes.
>user wanna fuck you gotta cum here i cint drive 2 durnkl

Anything to further the agenda, user. You should know that by now.

>starting your directing career with a huge budget superhero blockbuster that Jew producers will stick their fingers into every part of
If she actually wanted to make a patriarchy-smashing girl-gang movie why didn't she just do that? Lady Bird is infinitely more inspiring and empowering for girls than birds of gay and was made with a tenth of the budget. I know it's a ridiculous equivalency but if she really wanted to make a film with an independent feminist spirit why would she not go indie and jump in bed with Warner Bros of all people?

KEKSIMUS MAXIMUS I'd forgotten about that. Now I want to see Avians of Death: The Friptastical Falordination of Barley McWheatpants.

Pretty sure she isn't interested in men.

Because she wanted to SMASH TH PATRIARCHY and indies films aren't often the realm of masculinity. Men are largest consumers of capeshit, hence why she targetted the "genre". These people have no souls, just ideological drive to flaunt their influence in the face of those they've been trained to hate.

I'm 99% sure just by looking at her that she fucks anything that isn't a asian guy

She made one of the best performing patriarchy-smashing movies. The World's her oyster.

that describes all women

I cringe every time I read that title. What were they thinking?

Dogwhistling homosexuals and women I suppose.

>What were they thinking?
They let a bunch of women have full creative control.

my toungue into her dirtbox

As of last year, she was supposed to direct Sour Hearts, based on some ching chong book.

> based on the short-story collection by Jenny Zhang, who will co-write the screenplay alongside Yan. A24 will finance, produce, and distribute the film, which is described as a coming-of-age story about the immigrant experience from the perspective of children and parents. Set in the boroughs of New York in the 90s, the story is portrayed through the point of view of a young girl, whose parents relocated from Shanghai, as her family as the work to reach the middle-class status.

But don't see that listed on IMDB and rather doubt someone is going to toss real money her way now.

Ah, looks like it's been pushed back to (((development))). Gee -- wonder why.

It's a Shakespearean tragedy what American culture and feminism does to Asian women.

>How many chances do you get
Every successful block buster can fund 5 shitty SJW indoctrination vag fests

More like direct to dvd lmao

You are all misogynists for not going to see Birds of Prey: And The Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn. I hope you drown in your toxic masculinity, incels.

God, I love Asians like that, lads...

Wait didn't they changed the name of the movie to Harley & Quin and the crustaceous amalgamation ?

Asian girls go insane if not kept under strict control by tall powerful white men.


She should direct herself to the bottom of a lake

Exactly. Faggots, especially prissy ones, are the only people who talk like that (fantabulous: kek!) and women eat it up. The only problem is that prissy fags and women don't pick out what gets watched at movie theaters.

Traffic in a podunk town

I unironically had a grown man tell me today about how he was sick of his former workplace's culture of "toxic masculinity". I'm sure they thought he was a massive faggot too.

The city employee in charge of homelessness in Seattle (which is a huge problem) made over $100,000/yr; she was forced to resign after video emerged of a tranny stripper brunch paid for with city money. Settling aside the tranny stripper brunch, what on Earth was that fat credentialled dyke doing that justified $100,000/yr?

Her suicide.

>when you're so cinematically worthless even A24 won't answer your calls
Achieving levels of dreck which shouldn't be possible.

Would somebody please examine these consecutive integers.

Make my latte.

Me and Margot Robbie's sex tape

True. How much of our Joker tickets went to finance this trash?

>Not all
All the good ones. You can clearly see the ones done by her and they are some of the worst I've ever seen in a big budget flick.

>can't even smile

a movie called "No Eggs: The Reason I Hate Men"

Jaws the remake but with a female shark