ITT: real life horror kino that should be turned into film

ITT: real life horror kino that should be turned into film

do you think he was a Yas Forums poster?!?

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>balding manlet
He's a mod

that's what half of you look like

Are lenscucks even human?

>kidnap a 13 year old cunny who isn't even attractive
what the hell was he thinking!


Yas Forums poster spots girl. Becomes obsessed. Must hav waifu. Kills her parents and makes her waifu. He traps her in a mattress box 12 hrs per day. Waifu by night, while shitposting to Yas Forums. After 6 months, she escapes the matress jail and they catch him. He avoids the death penalty by pleading guilty and sparing her from having to testify to the details of being a depraved shitposter from Yas Forums's waifu.

what was he thinking snatching that pig

ill have you know thats a wisconsin 8

Including you of course

>He avoids the death penalty
He kidnapped a child. Do Americans really?

and killed her parents

alot of times murderers can get out of the death penalty by telling people where he put the bodies, cooperating fully etc etc. Logic being that he's going to die in jail anyways, so what difference does it really make. Chris Watts is another example of this. killed his wife and two kids and still just got life in jail because the victims families petitioned the court

This is your typical white guy in Wisconsin. This place is awful. I'm not sure WHY it's so bad but it is.
t. moved here for work

In europe he'd get 5 years in a 4 star hotel before being given a free house and employment to assist his "rehabilitation"

I am lead to believe those on life time death row get Better cells and food an stuff in Mutt jails

After starving her for months she must've lost of a lot of weight. The pig was just slow to run away and easy to catch

There are other countries that aren't in America or Europe.
That's ridiculous but if that's really how things are then okay.

>ill have you know thats a wisconsin 8
christ almighty

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only if asylum seeker

This, I'm surprised he did this since he too would be considered quite an attractive catch in the fine state of Wisconsin.

was that pic taken when he caught the butterball then kek

I, too, base my entire world perspective on imageboard maymays

that looks like a tranny jazz freak

>didn't kill her

fucking failure

>Closs later told police that Patterson would force her to hide under his bed to conceal her presence when his family members came to visit him.[9] When Patterson left from time to time, he barricaded Closs under the bed with tote bags, laundry bins and weights stacked around it and told her that he would know if she tried to move them while he was gone
I thought you were exaggerating about the mattress jail but this sounds cartoony as fuck

Well some white collar jails(financial, white collar crime types) will let you have televisions in your cells, video games and stuff like that, they'll even let you have internet access. Our supermax jails though you're lucky if you have a book to read, and if you're a convicted murderer odds are you're going to a max security and you're going to be very miserable for the rest of your life. For reference, they put Weinstein in Rikers, which is a relatively low security prison and he still is suicidal and miserable there

Yeah can you imagine doing that?
>Posts mutt meme

anders breivik basically lives in a comfy studio apartment with fucking video games lmao

Thanks for that user which jail were you in ?

>low security prison and he still is suicidal and miserable there
He was accustomed to living in luxury, of course he'd be miserable in prison no matter what. And a lot of supermax prisons aren't that bad, they certainly get at least some books and the like.

But he like wienstien did Nothing wrong

Was he really that bad? Seems to have treated her nice outside of killing her parents

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>Logic being that he's going to die in jail anyways
the logic behind sparing people who tell the authorities where the bodies are is that it gives the victims family's closure, you fucking retard

God was is with Wisconsin and serial killers/psychos

weinstein is a kike so everything he does is automatically wrong

>Cops arrive within 4 minutes of 911 call
>Criminal in and out of the house with 2 parents dead and a kidnapped teen in tow in this time
>Just call the cops bro! No one NEEDS a gun!

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Wait, he didn't fug her? Literally what said, he just wanted a waifu.

Yeah the thots only complain when they get released

in truth he tried to starve her because she was too fat before actually fucking her


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did he use a big cargo container to snatch her with

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Because it's in Middle America. There's a reason why most everyfuckingbody hightails it for the coastal cities.


And the coastal cities are even more retarded
Is there no sane place in america?

Her dad was at the door with a gun, but if the guy leading a midnight raid on his house was a plainclothes cop and he shot him he would have gone to prison, so he asked to see a badge and got his head blown off instead.

Such is life in America. At least this little faggot has a life of prison rape to look forward to.

>he doesn't know about everyone fleeing those coastal hell holes

Shooting cops raiding your property shouldn't be a crime, even if you're guilty of whatever they think you're guilty of.

or just shooting cops

>At least this little faggot has a life of prison rape to look forward to.

what a waste. instead of wasting decades of resources just use people like him for human testing then put a bullet in his skull and be done with it

he will get put in a special nonce prison an have a great time

and redpilled

>Weinstein is miserable only because he traded caviar for Ramen
>every middle class person would feel right at home in Rikers

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Wikipedia says he's 6'0"

Everyone here is 6’5 with penis the size of a Pringle can.

>I shift goal posts

>Was he really that bad?
Yes the guy was clearly unstable as fuck, he was probably one snide comment about his hairline away from bashing the girls head in.

You say that like its a bad thing
We need to work towards rehabilitation, not tax draining jail sentences

killing the parents is the bigger crime, normally I would say death penalty but since he is cooperating we need SOMETHING to convince future people to cooperate more so reduce to life in prison seems fair

Lol, she only got 25k for saving herself. Not the 50k

>that's 21y/o
what the fuck

some criminals cannot be rehabilitated. removing them from society is the only option, beside just executing them

I mean i give him props for not raping her but he still killed her parents so yes pretty aweful dude

>6’5 with penis the size of a Pringle can.
Unf daddy
I'm on the right board
t. gay user

This kid was that quiet middle-class redneck in your high school who played CoD all day and got C/Ds in every class because he had no motivation in life.

He joined the military when he got out of school, got thrown out for being an out-of-shape maladjusted nerd, spent two years being a NEET living out of his parents hunting cabin, and then randomly decided to kidnap a girl he saw getting off a bus while on the way home from one of the many minimum wage jobs he worked at for less than a week before quitting.

He murdered her family, took her away and literally kept her under his bed for a few months, and then she snuck off and called police when he was out for the day because his mom forced him to go to a family dinner.

Almost certainly a robot, if not a Yas Forums poster

his skin and features look young, if he just shaved that shitty facial hair and wasn't balding he'd be fine as far as looking his age goes

>Not reintroducing the gulags and putting criminals to work

A movie about the case of Hisashi Ouchi.

>board games
my nigga just wanted a co-op partner

Wisconsinite here, she's a 5 at best.

Why didn't he raped her? It's seems a bit odd to go trough all that trouble and not reward your self with prime pussy/asshole in the end?

As another user pointed out, there is no rehabilitation in glorious murikkka.
The whole system is broken.

They're fleeing coastal hellholes to move to less liberal cities, Jethro. Nobody is willfully moving to Middle America unless they absolutely have to.

liberals like you decided one day that prison should be about rehabilitation and then bashed it for not being there. Prison was never about that, it was about segregating a dangerous segment of the population, just like most mental health facilities weren't entirely invested in treatment. Fuck you straight to hell and fuck your whore Hillary

No, it's all just extremes because we're all too retarded to handle nuance now.

He probably figured she'd be so impressed by his badass display in raiding her home and killing her parents that she would naturally want to fuck him at some point, kinda like Badlands. That's how cucks like him think.

>real life horror kino

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