Gets a 90 on Rotten Tomatoes. At this point im convinced that Keanu can just sell stuff just by showing up...

Gets a 90 on Rotten Tomatoes. At this point im convinced that Keanu can just sell stuff just by showing up. This film is pure garbage I have nothing else to say.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>the entire point of John Wick was that it was a stand-alone movie with an implied badass backstory, wherein John’s storyarc was already completed before the movie starts
>they turn it into a run of the mill action franchise

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>Keanu can just sell stuff just by showing up

>This film is pure garbage
No, it has Keanu.

>rotten tomatoes

It's mediocre and forgettable but not horrible. John Wick is certainly a case of each sequel being a major step down from the last one. I expect John Wick 4 to be quite awful

do americans really care about the rotten tomatoes score?

>This film is pure garbage I have nothing else to say.

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Any good and not pleb alternative to rotten tomatoes?

It's bad but it has an audience (same people who like Fast & Furious), and these days films like that are somewhat rare and therefore perform well.

It's bad. I mean I think John Wick is cool but the movies after the first one are all so mediocre

Issues with John Wick 3

1. Best fights are at the start
2. Using the horse to kill people twice
3. The 'Buying His Freedom' scene lead to the pointless filler in Casablanca which...
4. Was pointless. Oh look it's a woman who can shoot people and sends dogs to attack people who she just shot three times. It also used up his Mark which was dumb use of it.
5. The meeting with the top top top head guy and chopping off his finger and him ignoring it
6. The fight against armoured guys was great but ruined by the 20 min long sword/fist fight with the East Asians/South East Asians, man that was boring
The ending was interesting, I'll see JW4, but man, they need to give it more depth.

I know most people consider Keanu to be a weaker actor than most, but I just feel like he is terrible in these movies. He has more talent than he uses. Every line feels so forced and like he's trying to make it a one liner.

>and how would you like your coffee mr wick
>black... i'd like it... black...

it was better than 2 but still significantly worse than 1

That was you get when you let a stunt run a movie.

I cannot imagine being stupid enough to view John Wick as anything other than a paper-thin excuse to move from one beautiful action set piece to the next.

That's all it is. That's all it's ever wanted to be. And it is amazing at it.

The "worldbuilding" is so laughably thin that if you ever cared about it in the first place, the joke was on you. It was only ever important for establishing how much of a badass he was in JW by showing all the bad guys shitting their pants when they find out Theon robbed him.

the universe it expanded into was pure garbage. First movie was great, should have just made a sequel with his brother hiring a bunch of super hitmen to kill him instead of having the stupid sekrit world of assassins shit

finally, someone who makes sense

They turned it into an exceptional action franchise. Both 2 and 3 are better than 1.

This. JW2 opened with Charlie Chaplin for a fucking reason. The movies are pure visual adrenaline.

>Both 2 and 3 are better than 1.
I cannot imagine having this opinion.

Obligatory Ian McShane interview:
>“I worked with a girl on John Wick 3, Asia Kate Dillon. I shouldn’t say ‘girl’, because she prefers ‘them’, but she’s a lovely girl. She’s a terrific actor, too, but before we started I told her that I was sorry if I sometimes say ‘she’, but it’s hard to say ‘them’ when there’s only one of you. She explained that because of her stance she has become a role model for teenagers in Bumf**k, Illinois or wherever. They write her letters to say, ‘you speak for me’. So I do understand that aspect of it.

Why did they turn JW3 into a martial arts flick at the end? The knife fight at the beginning was kino, but I want gun fights at the climax. Also, killer dogs scene was cringe, that was some Resident Evil tier shit.

This. And the third movie is so self-aware of this fact it's like watching a video game play-through.

JW1 > JW2 > JW3

The more we explored the underground world of John Wick the shittier it got. Its just so unbelievable that there are so many assassins everywhere.


1 is literally LITERALLY a bargain bin script picked up by Stahleski and then reworked to have a 10x higher body count. 2 and 3 are written from the ground up to string the action set pieces together. They both have a much more unique and consistent tone in the storytelling and the action is way better. The only really good thing in 1 was Willem Dafoe. The story takes too long to get going and the climax was really underwhelming. There's no reason that mob boss should have been able to hold off John for any longer than a few seconds.

2 is the best movie out of the three. 2 > 3 > 1

John Wick is just Fast and Furious but for white guys.

World-building is half the reason I watch. Probably gonna CAM the next one before I watch it in the theatre.

Once again I can't hold that opinion. As I said in my first post, I was only ever on board for the basic premise. Making John go through further character arcs defeats the basic premise of the movie.
I thought 2 was fucking horrible and led me to avoid 3. The set pieces were "better" in the way you describe, but the narrative drive of the movie was nonexistent.
I'm also very biased because I took three people to see it and immediately realized that 2 would be nothing like 1, they all hated it.

>The story takes too long to get going
You might have assburgers, user.

>2 and 3 are written from the ground up to string the action set pieces together
>this is a good thing

Read the post above yours. Nothing about the movies is supposed to be believable. They are comedies.
Dude there's like 30 minutes before the home invaders come into John wicks house.

Brainlets don't understand this tho. They think they are too smart for it.

> John Wick 1.
> Paralell society ruled by criminal organizations, where every service and need is catered to by underground organizations and businesses. Good hitmen are few and far between, but they're everywhere.
> John Wick 3.
> Every fucking chef and desk clerk is a master at firearms and hand-to-hand combat.
Personally I think the most lucrative profession in the world of JW is to be a personal trainer, since everyone must be at their peak physical fitness in case the most dangerous man in Manhattan goes rogue.

>Dude there's like 30 minutes before the home invaders come into John wicks house.
Jesus, no wonder Iohn Wick 2 and 3 did so well with zoomers

Imagine watching JW for plot lmao

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Since the first movie the world building has fallen apart if you think about it for more than about 5 seconds.

>Dude there's like 30 minutes before the home invaders come into John wicks house.
I haven't seen it in a while, but I very much doubt it took that long. Provide a screenshot when the home invasion happened with the time and I'll believe you.

>since everyone must be at their peak physical fitness
Not really

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>Sumo wrestlers don't exercise

>Nothing about the movies is supposed to be believable. They are comedies.

What a shit take

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30 minutes of BARGAIN BIN plotting. JW1 doesn't actually have a good story. 30 minutes of wasting my time befo the good action starts.

>action movies focus on the action first and foremost
>this is a bad thing
Of course an action movie NEEDS a story, but thinking the story needs to be particularly deep or complex is just silly. That's not to say you can't have a great action movie with a great story that's deep or complex, but people watch action movies for the action above everything else.

Watch a movie you are interested in

Jay likes John Wick because to paraphrase, they are pure action movies with one fight scene after another the entire film and they are great at it. And he's right. The worldbuilding and plot are just salad dressing, the action makes the films, and its great.

The Raid is a better series though.


They are literally comedies inspired by Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton. It's about visually exciting and entertaining setpieces. John Wick is more like Looney Tunes than Jason Bourne.

Are you most definitely a zoomer raised on capeshit.

it's the best action franchise released in years and it's not even close, nice try though

> Uses sumo wrestlers as an example of poor physique.
Gaijin show yourself out.

Based Armond liked John Wick 3.

They had world building in two, and three but it got put on hold for the action.

3 actually made the world feel less unique by boiling it down to a gang war.


>30 minuets


Attached: 14 minuets actually.png (615x401, 89.84K)

I liked the dog scene and the knife store fight, thats about all I remember of the entire movie.
Except that the two minibosses at the end were the two main antagonists of the Raid films, which was fucking hilarious.

Why shit on 1 just to upsell 2 and 3. They all have paper thin plots to justify incredible action. 1 was on a smaller scale so it manages to be stronger in a story sense but the scale increases in 2 and 3 leading to better action but weaker story.

1 was a dumb fun movie, 2 was just dumb, and I have literally no desire to ever watch 3.

I don't understand people who would, honestly. If I wanted something I could turn my brain off to and watch a one man army kill everything in sight, I'd rewatch something like Commando. Because at least then I'd get some blood out of it, instead of a PG-13 shitfest.

2 sucked imo.
Majority of the shootouts were just dudes walking towards him 4 feet away with their guns out.
3 at least spiced up the fights a little, although they still weren't very memorable.

unfathomably bad taste, user

No. 1 is a really, really mediocre movie aside from the fight scenes, and all of the fight scenes are better in 2 and 3. The campy tone in 2 or 3 suits the action style better anyway. 2 has great shootouts and 3 has awesome martial arts and unique scenarios (knife throwing, body armor, etc). These movies are choreography masterpieces linked together by a Razer thin story. John wick 1 has too much story and it's over serious tone does not mesh as well with the action as it does in 2 and 3.

review aggregates are a waste of time, especially now that critics are no longer real journalists but left wing bloggers who bitch about there not being enough black people in a movie

i got through 15 minutes of 2, then had to turn it off

This movie is pretty based tho