/hmmm/ Dark Crystal

Happy Monday, crystalbros

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>Decide to change my Netflix profile picture
>There's Dark Crystal pictures
>There's only 2 skeksis. SkekSo and SkekVar
>No SkekSil

It's not fair...

Yeah, it's weird that they left Sil out when he's the most recognizable skek. Maybe they wanted to showcase the ones unique to the show.

>Castlevania gets 3 seasons of garbage
>we get 1 season of bliss

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I went to the larp event at MoMI, it was more like improv theatre then script reading as was speculated here. The scenes were planned but we made our characters. It was fun desu.

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So everyone basically made OCs and self inserted into thra?

We should be somewhat thankful that someone show so much care for Dark Crystal to be respectful towards it. Compare that to what happen with Castlevania, which the people behind it didn't know anything about Castlevania, and had no respect for it to do more than a surface level research on it

Say I may have the chance to talk with skekLa, what questions should I ask?

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I'm curious to know what she thinks of SkekSo's Froud design.

And her opinion of the series in general...to my knowledge, she hasn't drawn any art of it.


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I've heard she doesn't like the new lore and would continue drawing it her way

why she loves the dark crystal so much and how she's managed to stay so dedicated for so long.


>would continue drawing it her way
I mean, she's free to do as she likes, but thinking the manga design of So is better than the series design is objectively wrong

this to be quite honest. I like her art but I'd love to see her draw stuff from the series.

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I mean you can't really tell whos self inserting and who's just RPing, but yeah

>doesn't like the new lore
Every time I hear someone say this, I suspect it's one of those idiots who watched the first ten minutes and threw a tantrum because it said Aughra got the orrery from the skeksis, instead of having patience and watching long enough to see the real story.

Sadly, the writers overestimated the intelligence and maturity of a chunk of the audience.

were you allowed to make a skeksis?

FINALLY got the vinyl record I pre-ordered in, bros! Gonna listen to it today. Might post some pics and/or a clip later. Excited as hell.

Noice, I'm jelly. I might pick it up at some point down the line since I assume it isn't gonna sell out. I don't have my hipster vinyl audio setup yet.

>I'm curious to know what she thinks of SkekSo's Froud design.
This, I'm curious. And what she thinks of Hunter.

Makes sense, she has her own little AU going anyway with the 'no romance allowed' thing. But NuSkekSo is unironically better.

oh no is Ekt okay?

Nothing that a little shut-eye can't fix. The real challenge lies in the morning after

no, because how the scenes were structured. It was a vapra village prepping for the tribute.

Were you allowed to play a skeksis fanboy?

That makes sense. I would probably still autistically plead my case that I'm a friendly skeksis even if it made no sense.

yeah, I was playing a hardass that believes the darkening to be just a rumor and would get mad at anyone who would talk ill of our lords

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Fuck yes user, it's the only way to be a gelf

i didnt even notice it's been more than half a year since the series dropped

>why yes, I do have a carving of the Emperor above my bed, why do you ask?

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Kek, based.

You know, that could be a possible story for a comic arc or something - a faction of pro-skek gelfling who fight against the resistance. I suppose it wouldn't work out well for them in the end, but it could be interesting.

I would love to see that

>it looks something like this

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>Seladon's legion
>all the gelfling still loyal to the all-maudra and the Lords of the crystal
>all dressed in goth uniforms

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That reminds me of that short comic about the Darth Vader fangirl. Such a great story. I'd love to see a version of that for zealot gelfs.


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Seladon has already defected to the resistance, so the movement needs a new leader. The perfect gelfling to step in: Dark Juni.

>jingle jangle; time to crucifix traitors

It would be a happy purge, at least.

so cal I buy a skeksis plushie yet?


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Youre beamed to thra as a skeksis:
1) whats your title and goal?
2) do you hang around the castle or go out into the world?
3) do you keep Gelfling as assistants, pets, or not at all?

1) whats your title and goal?
The explorer. I run around the world and hope to make a whole map of it.
2) do you hang around the castle or go out into the world?
I go outside the world.
3) do you keep Gelfling as assistants, pets, or not at all?
Gelfing as assistants. They are both the most useless subject and the most useful. I use them to test out for traps. They also have legends that the SkekSis do not have.

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Ooo, I love this sort of thing
1) skekRac the Academic. My goal is the acknowledgement of certain worldviews and their justification in philosophical terms, as well as the "education" of gelfling into an understanding of proper worldview. I overstep my bounds frequently by declaring things as being "skeksis" and "not skeksis", jerking the others around into a complicated song and dance where they have to engage in certain activities that conflict with each other until I'm called out on it and punished.
2) Lots of castle time, of course, as penning treatises does require frequent sitting, but it's pointless if I can't go outside and babble about them in city halls and town squares. Perhaps I'm not as fit as Mal, but I can make it up a flight of stairs without panting on the tenth step.
3) Gelflings are assistants that I treat like pets.

1. The Linguist. Goal: study the languages of Thra and pervert and twist words. And probably dick around with the skeksis high language they spoke in the original cut of the film.
2. I'd have to travel but would also hang out with skekOk and that cunt skekLi probably.
3. Gelfling and all creatures of Thra are research subjects and maybe for banter.

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skekFap the Coomer.
Don't care, as long as I coom.
Gelfling to assist in coom completion.

God damn I love crazy Seladon.

This hit way too close to reality, kek.

Truly we were the skeksis all along.

As shown time and time again the Skeksis are superior. What do Gelfing do other than show SkekSis superiority?

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Gelfs are nicer to animals...

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"As similar things typically do get along with each other, it only makes sense that food gets along with other food." t. skekRac

lol are you me? That's exactly what I was thinking. Just with the title being 'the cartographer'

Very nice, professor.

The Cartographer sounds slightly more fancy, which I imagine skeks would prefer. The Globetrotter would work if Thra weren't a flat triangle.

>The TriangleTrotter
Sounds weird.

'the cartographer' Is much better than what I said.

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“gelfling are friends, not food”
- skekGra, probably

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Since that random person got their skekSo statue I wonder if the user from round here got his.

And when he's gonna hotglue it.

>skekKor the Lawkeeper
>Go around gelfling clans and punish wrongdoers. Also solve difficult cases
>As assistants, They seem helpful

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"While it is okay to be attached to your livestock, one must be very careful not to form too strong an attachment, lest they forget what they're for in the first place. In fact, I recently penned a treatise titled 'On Excessive Sympathy' that blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah! Blah-" t. skekRac, ad infinitum

Does skekRac have a big rack?

March 2020, still no word of renewal. Well it was fun while it lasted senpai