>spooky movies that traumatized your childhood
Spooky movies that traumatized your childhood
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The Grifter.
Caught 3 seconds of it on accident.... never been the same since. Thankfully the sleep paralysis has subsided, assuming they weren’t really in my room....
this pic takes me back. probably the third or second pic i ever saw on the internet
Please dont bring that up, I havent been the same. I watched the first 2 minutes of it and now I need medication just to get up in the morning.
why does it look like fashwave
The first Nightmare on Elm Street scared me shitless for a long time. As a kid you're like "If I go to bed he's gonna get me!"
This fucker made me sleep with the light on for like a month.
because that pic is literally older than the internet
Freddy Kruger is pretty scary when you're 9.
get v& faggot
It's kinda funny now, but hearing its crazy gibberish still creeps me out.
The scary faces in The Ring had me getting very little sleep for an entire week after I watched it.
Spongebob Nosferatu episode and Deep Blue Sea. Sharks are scary. I don't swim in the sea/ocean ever since that movie.
Not childhood but Insidious creeped me out. The little kid ghost hiding in a corner, that smiling bitch, the fucking hag in the mirror etc.
Holy shit don't remind me. Watched it for 3 seconds and now I have to wear diapers 24/7, shit myself everytime I see a baby or a word that starts with "G". Speaking of which, mommy needs to change my diapie now.
Wow as creepy as it kinda looks it's still pretty photoshoppy fake
Insidious was such a good, refreshing movie alongside the Conjuring, but they fucking ruined them by making all those awful sequels and spin-offs.
It's a shame how studios have to beat these good movies into the ground.
The Grudge desu.
13th ghost
For some reason at night I got real scared for the jackal
>posts some gay anime
XD u kush bre??
No haven't seen that yet. But I was talking about the american one released in 2003. I also thought the sequels were scary. People have been recommending me to watch the original Japanese ones because they'r'e worse but I'm not trying to get even more scared here.
Now The Ring never scared me but most J Horror films do because they all have the more plausible concept that the ghost will somehow possess you or freak you out to make yourself kill yourself and that shit scares the fuck outta me. Can't remember the names but those Jhorror ones are like damn wtf?
Holy shit this. I mean just the kid meowing like the dead cat or the wife coming out of the water n shit is fucking scary.
Pocong. The shrouded corpse hopping down the stairs.
The problem with those Ring/Grudge films is not so much the backstory of wife cheats on husband and gets killed or daughter is some creepy psychic or whatever it's the fucking execution of that shit. No the American remakes suck but the original Japanese ones are and were pretty fucking creepy for what they were and this is coming from a guy who finds ghost shit not that scary at all
This. Wish I had never seen it. Fuck...
I fucking can't stand body horror from either people having alien pods implanted to serial killers maiming them. It's why every movie from Human Centipede to Tusk or Martyrs or Slither or The Blob or Aliens etc fucking creeps me out. Just a monster or a killer doesn't scare me though
>Jumanjij and Indiana Jones
I used to be a gigantic pussy
Conjuring turns into Ghostbusters halfway through ... At least conjuring 2 built up the tension till the end
Literally ruined my childhood, had nightmares almost every single day for several years. I'm good now but I'm still afraid of ghosts
>The part in the Mummy where the guy pulls his arm out of the key hole and all the skin/muscle is gone.
I was also a lil bitch
How new?
fuck, I remember a scene in a movie I've been trying to find for a longest time.
>basement of mental institution
>female character is tied to a chair
>screams for her life
>shadowy figure appears
>starts to charge up the defibrillator
>OH FUCK.jpg
>she cries and yells from the top of her lungs
>figure disappears
>female character cries looking straight into the camera with a dolly zoom
>shadowy figure jumps behind her
>zaps her head with defib pads
what follows is a very graphic scene of her dying, covered in foam and blood followed by an outdoor scene of the institution with paramedics loading her body into the ambulance. that shit kept me awake at night for 7 years and I'm desperate to find it and experience it once again. help, user
Conjuring 2 was Ghostbusters from the get go.
Three movies/scenes that really scared me as a kid:
1. Child's Play
2. Judge Doom's flattening scene in Roger Rabbit when he gets back up and changes
3. The rapidly-aging scene in The Last Crusade
Sounds a lot like 2:45
the Ring and the Grudge were both spooky in a way nothing else is to me. Both the Jap and American versions. I dont know if its because I was a kid or if there is just something inherently frightening about that pale black haired girl archetype. Had dreams about her for years
Ade Due Damballa, Leveau mercier du bois chaloitte. Secoise entienne mais pois de morte. Ade Due Damballa!
They creeped me out as a kid too. Now they make me horny.
The shotgun scene from Robocop and I was under 5 at the time.
It was messed up because after watching all those kiddy movies you expect the hero to just get out of the problem but they fuck him up brutally and in detail and that scared the shit out of me as a kid.
Hannibal lector i was 6 at the time, the scariest part wasnt that it was a monster, but just a human being. Fucked me up for a few years
i had an edgy friend in school that showed me pseudo snuff like the guinea pig flicks and real snuff like the videos of those two russian serial killer teens
it didn't scare me but it did have a big impact on my media consumption and fetishes
>That scene in WishMaster where he imbeds the security guard into the glass door and it looks like an industrial accident
yeah this fucked me up as a kid
>Go see this in cinemas with my 14 year old friends
>We've got the cinema to ourselves so we mess around and everyone keeps trying to scare each other
>This scene comes on and I feel my heart race through my chest, still remember that feeling
>One of my friends just drops the spaghetti and goes "i...im going to the toilet" and runs out and doesnt come back
>Rest of us are sitting quietly, I keep staring down at the dark stairs going up to ours seats (they didnt have those annoying aisle lights they have now)
>Spend the rest of the movie trying not to have a heart attack
Fuck the ring, fuck the grudge, and fuck jannies!
The fucking Blob, man
closet girl was shocking but it was the ghost girl who stuck in my head forever. All these dreams of her in really white rooms, or in a circle of people
omg THIS! so much this!!! epic scary spooky monster hes gonna get u its cold bro O_O!!!!
my mom was a huge x-files fan and I was finally allowed to sit down with her and watch part of an episode. It was the episode where the guy can squeeze into cracks and between doors and stuff like he breaks all his bones and reforms or something.
Anyway, the only part of the episode I caught was a part where he was coming out of toilet.
For the next 7(seven) years I would look directly down into the toilet bowl while shitting out of paranoia.
>tfw still get slightly spooked when I hear the X-Files theme
I'm thankful my mum let me watch a ton of more mature stuff when I was a kid, but I kinda wish she wouldn't have let me watch this.
>remember the spider part being absolutely terrifying
>rewatch when older
>it's fucking comical how bad they look
You perceive things differently as a kid, it's amazing really.
That fucking theme scares me as an adult who never even watched the show
I can't imagine myself listening to that as a kid, lol
Underrated show.
Army Dog
What show? That dude posted a pic of tv static.
channel zero