The mom is the only redeemable character in this shitty movie. God dammit Pixar get your shit together
The mom is the only redeemable character in this shitty movie. God dammit Pixar get your shit together
The absolute state of Americans
i want to fuck that goblin
Do *m*r*c*ns really...?
These creatures look like Homestuck shit, any relation?
This thing looks like an even bigger dyke than their actual LBGT character
I want her to become addicted to my BHC
damn she THICCCCC
Big Hungarian Cock
gay but checked
>The absolute state of american "artists"
Could learn a thing or two from japanese artists. They know how to make cute fat characters
I'm calling wang
Oh, they're small
all the guys who don't like the dude's mom-a-like are just assholes
Of course she is. A girl like that clearly has low self esteem and self worth. If you didn’t slam that pig user you’re a beta ass bitch
Neither is good. Also gooks draw the same exact fucking stereotypical cute animu face on everything. They almost never draw detailed noses and the faces are flat as fuck with zero depth. Muh big cute eyes. It’s literally same shit copypasted onto every „cute” girl characters. Do you weeb cumbrains seriously never get tired of this shit? What makes it good exactly? The characters look like flat faced aliens.
ooh, look, a shitbrained cocksucker who knows absolutely nothing telling everyone else what's "worthwhile"
congrats on being worthless
They usually are. She cute tho
seething big-nosed roastie
uhhh no Barley was plenty cute
I'd eat his ass out
>see this and expect it to be from some porn comic
>it's just a regular manga about non-human women losing weight
she isn't supposed to be cute
she's supposed to be the frumpy mom, like roseanne on her show
Stay mad Yas Forums
this is a Pixar movie? i thought these stills were from a Lysol commercial or something, lmao
keked and checked
They made a movie for Tumblrinas (even though these people never buy anything or leave the house).
Here, I wasted 5 minutes of my life redesigning the character. WHOAH I can't believe it! It's SUCH a tremendous improvement! thank you based nippon for these guidelines on how to draw a CUTE female character. just paste the shitty flat anime face on it. big titty is optional. I FUCKING hate weebs.
Ugly dyke tumblr hair
Are these imps or orcs?
>ewwwy omgz a thicc mom um do u excels really?
Hot Topic Smurfs
she looks hot now, thanks
Not feeling it, can you give me some big 80's floofy hair?
what the fuck is this garbage
go back home and beg your parents to let you back in
Why the breasts so big? She would be hunched over like Quasimodo.
oh yeah, THAT's the problem
jesus fuck
I like your pic. Modern media is obsessed with pretending the world ugly.
looks like a lesbian
the world is ugly though, but kikes are uglier for sure
can't wait for shadman to get a hold of her.
Yes but the artist used to do porn. Maybe still does and just doesn't release it.
that is genuine autism. how do you even function day to day when you are this mentally retarded.
plus sized elf?
fair amount of nudity. wonder if there's some doushinji out there.
are you new? over the years i've seen so much autism here I think it would be fair to say AT LEAST 10% of regular user base is at least heavily autistic
The world is ugly, but there's lots of nice shit too. It's the people pretending that ugly is beautiful or good that're the worst. At least normally you can separate the good from the bad, but they want to make it impossible to tell the difference because they know there isn't anything redeeming about them.
is there anything more kino than m/s?
>are you new
no, but i will never not be taken aback by how autistic people get over the dumbest shit
m/s impregnation
mom/sis/sis/cous/aunt/son impregnation
mom needs to be THICCer
this is peak tumblr