Being an actor is eas-

>being an actor is eas-

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>spend more time on snacks than working
God, I wish this was my life.

Who golfs for 30 minutes? Takes me and my friends that long to finish loading the cart up with booze

Better question is what does he snack on for 1,5h that he needs cryo recovery.

>family time/ meetings/ work calls
Lol. What a family man

Where am I supposed to fit my work hours in to this

Driving range, duh

wake up earlier, snack and pray at work

>an hour and thirty minutes to shower

>a grown adult going to bed at 7:30pm

All of that work and he's not even a good actor. And his muscles aren't that impressive either so what the hell

>pre-workout snack
>post-workout snack
>pre-snack workout
>post-snack workout
how many snacks and workouts does. man nees?

Family time is 1hr and split with work and meetings?

So the kids go to his meetings. Im getting a low priority vibe off that.

He obviously has a snack while he fucking golfs. Do you also think he stays in the shower for 30mins?

Either way, the fucking dude did a terrible job at laying out his schedule on paper.

>Prayer time

Low IQ faggot lol

>having to plan out "family time"
yeah, I'm thinking he's psycho

>2:30am wake up

>people think it's real

Gotta eat big to get big

>730 pm summertime
>families outside bbqing
>children running around playing
>mark Wahlberg leans out his window to face a barely set sun

"golf" is him using a golf club to beat up another vietnamese to death. Daily.

>reverse boomer mowing grass

>prayer time
lmao faggot

>he notices that it's a vietnamese family

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>hey dad I am really enjoying spending time with you
>sorry kid family time is over I have to go to bed because it's 7:30

He doesn't do any of that.
Also roids, his name was dropped in a big steroid case by one of the sellers.


i believe waking up early is good, even if i dont actually do it.

but waking up at 2:30 is like you have become so obsessed with the idea of waking up early that now it is no longer a good thing because you are basically waking up at night time still. waking up at 4am is still turbo early and way more understandable.

Like he's ever denied not being natty. Rock on the other hand...

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I also wake up at 2:30. I get out of work at 2pm, go home shower, have some relax time where I watch news or whatever, have dinner, play with the dog, then watch my shows, then go to bed around 9

hollywood is full of manlets so rock looks crazy

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>90 minutes of snacking

Rock is on so much gear he could be a stopwatch.

>2:30 wake up
Stopped reading right here not going to lie my family shaking my head right now

reads like a Dunhills ad

>90 minutes of racial slur and Vietnamese beating


The Rock in his 20s as a professional athlete was barely jacked enough to impress Yas Forums and this island nigger has the audacity to deny steroid use.

Looks like an average day to me

Yas Forums has its own share of frauds though who unsurprisingly post their small dick copes for all the natty bros out there

How does he manage to golf for only 30 minutes? Surely he’s just driving for fun in the basement.

Where in his time does he beat up gooks and chase down niggers?

>suicide by gunshot at age 67

Workout #2

Only somebody on roids would workout 2 times a day if they aren't a professional athlete. Even then, athletes are doing completely different things in the 2 workouts.

well that's sort of better than someone on roids who barely works out

Do you really think steroids are magic? You still need to work out hard and eat properly, retard.

Boston tough guy shtick is cringe

Professional athletes are also all on roids.
And yes, obviously all actors are also on roids.

No. With steroids you literally grow muscles from lifting a fork.

I used to lift twice a day as a NEET with consistent gains. Heavy powerlifting in the morning then high volume in the evening.

You haven't seen that study have you?

No you don't. See: Jason Genova and Big Lenny.

>11:00 - 01:00 family time/meetings/work calls
3 hours
>14:00 - 15:00 meetings/work calls
1 hour

this man works 4 hours a day, and that's generous considering he thinks going jetskiing with his kids is worktime. at least he's honest about it. most actors are all about "we work so hard - it's so demanding being an actor - the work we put in"

Every single celebrity "routine" is fake as fuck and you're retarded for believing it. Including that Dwayne Johnson one where he gets up at like 3 AM and does a marathon and 50 laps in an Olympic pool by 7 AM or whatever

imagine planing your day ahead, its literately being slave to yourself.

I dont believe for a second he does this every single day consistently. This is probably a general outline of everything he does over a week condensed into a day.

Empirically speaking you will grow muscle without doing a thing on steroids, there are studies on this. Whether you look like a fat tub of shit or a Greek god comes down to the diet and exercise.

Why did people like Hunter again? From a distance it seems his only real skill was his ability to endear himself to disreputable people, mostly by being disreputable himself.

This. If he's waking up at 230 and sleeping at 730, I imagine his children are on a different schedule. Which probably explains why he doesnt see them until his day is almost over. Personally, if I was rich I would be trying to eat breakfast with my kids every day, and meet them right when they got off school. Pretty selfish schedule desu, though its probably more lie than truth.

so actors are pretty much living the ultimate neet life?