/NFG/ - Ned Flanders General

Comfy Ned thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:


kYs DiE BlEeD kYs DiE BlEeD kYs DiE BlEeD kYs DiE BlEeD kYs DiE BlEeD kYs DiE BlEeD kYs DiE BlEeD kYs DiE BlEeD kYs DiE BlEeD kYs DiE BlEeD kYs DiE BlEeD kYs DiE BlEeD kYs DiE BlEeD kYs DiE BlEeD

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if only i could think of a witty response to this post, perhaps a rhyming play on words

Surely no enraging effeminate dreadful person will destroy this thread

>le eterné danacion di Jesus
that's how it goes for me

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you posted the wrong one

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guess the anime ending


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>wait group,wait
so I used to imagine seeing the comic about the dinosaur trying to catch his relatives
and it was a Iguanodon

Rank these in terms of powerlevel:
Moe poster
Gibberish poster

where is he?

Sneed loves feeding
Chuck loves fucking
Everyone else loves Ned Flanders!

look up the nonsense posters phrases/characters and start posting them. he posts under Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ sometimes

make a comfy lisa simpson thread next

Stupid sexy flanders

Thread theme:

lmao at lee blueballing the baiters ITT

If the thread archives, we win.






I am on the edge of seat


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I love Chuck
You love Sneed
We're a happy formerly
With a great big fuck
And a suck from me to you
Won't you say you love Lee, too?


Honestly,someone shout spam a shit load of pictures sothat Lee can't keep up

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Ponychads are doing this to figure out his sleep schedule.


sned flanders





What happens when you get all 5 on the field though

Hang yourself

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Die out

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You missed a thread on Yas Forums, stop being so lazy.

Fucking sneed shitters and barneyfag baiters getting all mobile IPs range banned.

Well la di da


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>Die out
How are you so ass blasted?

I haven't been able to shitpost on mobile data since November

Are you talking about your own?

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Rarity > Pinkie Pie > Applejack > Rainbow Dash > Fluttershy > Twilight Sparkle

hang yourself

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Good. The less garbage polluting this place, the better.

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Lee what Doom wads would you recommend?

Get help, Lee.

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Lee have you ever Sneedposted? Even just once for the laughs. Be honest

I'd like to slice your fucking face off

>Applejack is on the right side of the rightmost gold plate (the gold paintings lining the bottom).
>Rarity is near the two men hold spheres. The man with the crown is looking at her. If you go straight up from AJ, you will find Rarity.
>Twilight is just behind the chalkboard on the ground in the bottom-right corner. The man with the compass is looking at her.
>On the right side, above both the sphere-holding men and the people looking at the chalkboard; there’s a man writing in a book. Fluttershy is looking over this man’s shoulder.
>Rainbow Dash is resting on a cloud in the top-center.
>Pinkie Pie is on the chalkboard being propped up by a woman on the bottom-left. If you don’t believe me, look up the original picture, and you will see that the spot Pinkie is in on this board is blank.

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What made Lee decide to settle in Yas Forums after all these years? Stricter moderation on Yas Forums?

>pero no te atreviste
*hands on the shoulder
and it was red monkey and human dragon

Because I don't really play video games and I watch a lot of TV.

Yas Forums doesn't play video games either

what about Yas Forums?
why cant you find my posts there?

The retarded schizo doesn't watch TV I do, so I can find a post a lot of images here. And it passes by him every time.

I'm not him, but I've found your posts before.

Easier to put TV on as background noise while you monitor Yas Forums 24/7, I suppose.

So far I have determined he almost never replies between 9 and 11 AM CET. It usually takes him a long time to reply to threads made between 1 and 2 PM CET too.

He takes 1 hour naps then he comes back to prowling.