ITT Masterpieces ruined by a single fuckup

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which fuck up?

The ending

I hated the Zimmer soundtrack. It made an already pretentious movie even more pretentious.

Gunbuster was better

Yo mama is so STUPID! That her shit taste passed onto you!

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> le robot saves the day again and again the movie

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he has no pretensions, hes a hack

If it didn't have the special effects the movie would be identified as the trash it actually is

family scenes were great.

Obscenely based


gunbuster's ending was more effective than Interstellar's ending

Best movie soundtrack artist of the century

Docking scene was kino though

Post Anne Hathaway taking a shit webm

the writing?

So many movies with potential fail to stick the landing. Can't make excuses for one of the most crucial parts.

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Nobody cares weeb.

the ending is the best part

the woman who ruined the mission

It was ruined, at the latest, when they shove aside the bookshelf tapestry to reveal a fucking missile launchpad behind the meeting room.

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There was no reason for the guy on the waterplanet to die. Very shoddy writing.

he legit recycles his ideas, even the cod mw2 tracks he worked on sound similar. i've also heard he has ghost composers who work under him and do the heavy lifting

Wrong! Movie was ruined when he left and you realize you're not gonna see the cute girl anymore. Huge mistake!

>the ending of interstellar appeals to me

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When they arrive back to earth in the future and everything looks almost the same, even the style of clothes people wear. What the hell.

Nolan has zero fucking imagination.

Time and space reverse in a black hole. I thought it was pretty cool.

The fuck up is the water planet.

The thing that kind of ruins the movie for me in retrospect is the whole Matt Damon thing. Like yea, the docking scene is insane but that whole thing leading up to it is just stupid.

A film to watch on cinema.

>which fuck up?

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What's hilarious is after Cooper goes through all of that humans just live in a fucking space station that floats around in space

pleb filter of the fucking century. you fucks realize coop and the black dude immediately shut her down after she says that line about love right?

Reminder that if you didn't experience this on IMAX you're not allowed to talk about it

fuck off T.A.R.S is fucking based.

And I've heard you're a discord tranny with shit taste so it must be true.

More like: movies ruined by one actor

Yeah Hathaway was unbearable

The entire second act

You think people care about clothing when there is a starvation and a near extinction event?

it's hilarious that no one gives a shit about him except TARS
hey dad nice seeing you in 70 years
I have to talk to the rest of the family now, so fuck off

Gran Torino where that chink says "ooga booga booga"

Yeah but the point of the movie was that she was right and they were wrong.

Based brainlet

The ending.

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hon hon hon! au contraire mon ami

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what's discord?

Its aol instant messanger for zoomers

The sound mixing.

fucking cringe. and people say this movie is good?

still an amazing soundtrack.

The first script was way more interesting, with the chinese and shit, and the underground life and all of that

There were many fuck ups. A small one was cutting away from that beautiful shot of them passing by Saturn just to a CU of horseface Hathaway. A large one was Murph dedicating her life to the same mission as her father but continuing to shun him. Made zero sense.

If you mean the ending runs about 2 minutes too long then fair but if you hate Ava's betrayal then you're a fucking smoothbrain

I doubt it.

Most films today have an unbearable scene with China in it to appeal to the Chinese audience.

>Oh no, it's crashing....In the centre of Shanghai!!!!

Post Murph

was it plagiarism?

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Like so Brody can see guys!!!!!!

For me it was

>*takes a paper, folds it, pierces the folded paper with a pen*

I hate that shit with a passion

>hes a hack
"Hack" is what one says when one has no idea what one wants to criticise.

what analogy would you use then?

None because astronauts would not need it explained, and general audiences for the movie shouldn't either.
Also the basic concept of a wormhole doesn't even need further explanation.


None at all, they were all extremely educated people. They all should have the basic knowledge of wormholes.

oh, thanks user