Why does Conan have record low ratings?

Why does Conan have record low ratings?

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why do I have a record hard cock?

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I would marry Sona and let her cheat on me desu .

Orange man bad. No not Conan, the other one. I can't watch these American late night shows anymore because the quality of jokes have gone down the drain ever since Trump became a president.

Because people who WOULD watch his show are internet addict nerds who don't have time to watch tv. I watch anything that the Internet hivemind decides is trending enough to make it to my feed and that's it.

I dont know. He's the only genuinely funny host.

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andy richter destroyed the energy.

>record low ratings

Cable TV is dead, his show is on there, perhaps if he was on the free waves people would watch him

she's not as attractive as I remember her being. also the low ratings are because of this

because it's on some obscure cable tv channel that nobody pays for anymore

wish i had a sona
she takes good care of conan
sucks his cock when he needs it

His shows are free the day after on his site and he uploads like 5 videos daily to youtube.

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Look at his eyes. He's a jew, not a real paddy.

All his best shit is online these days. Podcast, clips from his show, old clips from latenight. It is what it is. I still love him.

Didnt know that

aren't all talk shows experiencing low ratings?

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Try not to cringe, I dare you.

that's a solid 5/10

on a good day

All of TV is

All his old writers (Robert Smigel, Brian Mcann & Stack, Andy Blitz, etc.) don't work on the show anymore.



Cause hes a walking how do you do fellow cool kids meme

You're looking at a mirror.

there is 0% chance he isn't banging her.

Just saw this documentary about Conan O'Brien's comedy tour after him being fired from the late night show in 2010.
Thought it was interesting so see his backstage personality and how he acts like a dick towards everyone.

In once instance a big fan of his makes a jew joke and Conan starts to lecture him a about antisemitism.
The kid basically said "I don't want to get jew'd out" and " i'm a fan of Mel Gibson" And Conan could not handle that as a joke.

Only to later in another scene see Conan compare himself to Anne Frank, when he finds something difficult.

you can watch it here dailymotion.com/video/x12ozj9 at 42:37

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A hebe and not a hib?

i challenged conan to a fight irl and he called the police on me, lol

So he tells the dumb kids he’s part Jewish cus they’re being edgy Yas Forums nazis but he also had a dna test done that showed he’s so Irish he’s inbred. So which one is it?

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>it's Sona tries to smuggle weed to Disneyland episode

>when I think of teenage boys I just think of them masturbating all the time
what did she mean by this?

I watched Conan for three decades, but his show turned to shit after Trump was elected. His trip to Haiti was insulting, Andy obviously has TDS, and his best writers left (including Brian McCann). Worst of all, Conan had the audacity to cancel a scheduled Norm Macdonald appearance during the #metoo fiasco. The low ratings are well-deserved.

he got woke for some reason

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>be a public figure
>kid makes jew jokes
>have a camera on you

what the fuck did you think he was gonna do? once you are old enough where you have too much to lose over stupid shit, you become very family-friendly and take pleasure in lecturing kids

>interviews 70 IQ haitians
>claims everyone of them would make a better president because Orange Man Bad, Black People Good

This pig nosed Armenian sucks.

He got too greedy too quickly but he's a Jew so what do I know

Crippling TDS.

That woman must be a ultra giga office politics bitch. I've seen the kind. Ones who act pure and innocent are giga niggers inside.

you're kinda retarded aren't you? Are you the kid in the video?

>Only to later in another scene see Conan compare himself to Anne Frank, when he finds something difficult.
that's nothing comparable to what the kid said.

what kind of special snowflake are you that you think he's being a dick to that kid? Being a dick would be kicking him out and banning him from the show.

I wish the Orange man was 1/10 as bad as they make him out to br

I miss Craig Ferguson, the last great talkshow host.

He was talking recently about how he reformated his show to be more online friendly, because that is where he gets the views not on Cable. Question I have is why is his cable channel cool with that?

because they still make money off of it.

Seriously. Not a day goes by that I don't wish he actually was the president these people think he is and that we lived in the America they think we do.

You know actually changing the format of the show from a regular late night talk show to a daytime talk show makes Andy seem even more out of place and irrelevant.

honestly it goes both ways for me, if only he was as bad as some make it or as good as others make it... for some reason it feels as nothing has changed, except it's all more dramatic

>claims everyone of them would make a better president because Orange Man Bad, Black People Good
that's ridiculous a 70 IQ Haitian wouldn't make a better president than Trump, they'd be about the same!

that's a pig ugly jew

Where American talkshows ever good? They are all so bland and safe. Seems its impossible for Americans to be edgy and insulting.

Do people really think Trump is a good president aside from "SJWs SEETHING!! lolmao!!"?
He hasn't accomplished anything of worth. He shook Kim Jong's hand? i dunno...

Because she is nowhere near as funny as Jordan Schlansky.

His interviews are always cringe and uninteresting, literally who guests. I don't think he cares since he clearly reads off of scripts he just goes to work then read the jokes written by a team of nepotism babies.

Yeah don't want to hear an answer to this.

At least he did not supported the Islamic state unlike Obama

Fucking hot ones get better interviews than late night shows. Although that format is unsustainable since you could only do it once per guest.


She hit the wall

Left at the right time.

>Where American talkshows ever good?
It used to be impossible to see celebrities in normal life otherwise so they had a value back then

I listened to his interview on Your Moms House and he sounds so happy. Hes living the life.

She looks like if Rory McIlroy was a passable tranny

Conan was never funny
All he does is talk loud and overreact to things

>At least...
stopped reading right there bro