I love you

>I love you.
>No, you love the thought of me.

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>I hope you find what you're looking for.
>No, I do.

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What movie is that from? Sounds familiar and is probably from something I'll be embarrassed to admit having watched.

>I hate Jews.
>No, you hate the thought of Jews.

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>The Sopranos
>Family Guy
>500 Days of Summer
>Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
It's an old cliche

Seen all of them.

Freedom writers

It happens, though.
You can love the idea of being with someone as you perceive them & it to be, while not even seeing who they actually are.

That’s exactly what every waifuposter(including me) is guilty of!


>gf used to always tell me this when i said it
>end up cheating on her with a 21 year old blonde and realize she was right

lmao love is a fucking meme bros, fuck women

Women logic.

They act a certain way to make you put them on a pedestal. Then when they don't have any need of you they drop the deception and then blame you for it.

>fuck women
you first :)

Waifuing doesn't count, because you fucking damn well know it's your own illusion, that's the whole point.
Understanding that is key to making the shit work.

>Then when they don't have any need of you they drop the deception and then blame you for it
They're guilty of it too, every fucking one that pines over the "bad boy I can totally fix" is doing the exact same shit.

Vapid people do that in general. It just so happens that western culture has produced vapid people.

She's just looking for excuses for why she can't say "I love you".
it boils down to her not loving you.
Be thankful you were told and move on immediately.
Only a piece of shit wastes time on a woman not interested in them.

>I love you
>y-you too

>Be thankful you were told
This is an extremely hard place to be at but is actually the "healthy" attitude. The one men raised by actual men who prepared them for realistically dealing with women how they actually are have.

things incels will never understand

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I really really want to believe women are capable of love, but fuck, experience just keeps telling me otherwise and it's making me very depressed when it comes to women. I feel like if they can never truly love me, then why the fuck would I waste my time loving them?

>I hate jews, oh,and I hate niggers too

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I don't think many of us have ever actually experienced "love" to even know what it is.
Because it requires reciprocation, and I sure as shit have never gotten that.

My tulpa loves me.

the person they love is being a fake person
and now the fake person is telling them they are actually an autistic frog poster on 4channel Yas Forums

Tulpas are love in its purest form.

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>user, I love just not like romantic love...

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Women are capable of love. They are also capable of acting against their love, just like you are. There are a lot of shitty women, find a good one and don't overthink it. Only the truly lucky find a partner for life on the first try, or the 5th try. Or ever. Love is temporary. Feel it, suffer, move on.

You have to break their will until they develop stockholm syndrome. My girl constantly tells me she loves me and I didn't say it to her once.

I never wanted this to be the truth god damnit.

>i hate women
>no, you hate yourself

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i know what you mean dude, after raping my gf and her sister they cant live without me :)

Yes, but I also hate woman

based and redpilled

That is true of all human relationships of any kind; romantic , platonic, or familial. That’s why it’s a cliche bullshit excuse for ending a relationship.

All pretentious garbage that insist upon themselves

Torn by the BBC

>i love you
>no, you love timmythick

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>No, you’re based and redpilled

>That’s why it’s a cliche bullshit excuse
Didn't mean to imply it wasn't, only that it was a thing that happens.
It's really the fault of the person ending the shit over it for not giving enough of a fuck about them to show them the person they weren't seeing.

had a girl say that to me once. didnt realize it was a movie trope. yikes

that's not unique to women though. men can act the same

the problem occurs from not giving an honest account of yourself or coming from a sincere standpoint prior to the relationship. this can either come from a vapid place or can come from naive place e.g. you want them to like you so you say/do things that aren't you to keep someone hooked or you say/do things because you think will change into another type of person

Fucking duh bitch and it can't be any other way. I'm not you, so I'm forced to construct an image of you according to what I percieve and think. I can not know more than that and can not love more than that. For all I know you might not even exist BIYATCH.

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The terrible irony is that women are all fundamentally solipsistic creatures who view the world around them not as agents but as deterministic entities who react to stimulii.

They project this onto everyone else. When you say "I love you" to a woman, she sees a lever that she can pull to get a fish like a squid being conditioned to operate a machine. She does not see a person. After all, "love" requires two people, that is the narrative, and she KNOWS that you aren't a person, because there is only one person--her. So when you say this to her, she also KNOWS that you're just repeating a recording. She knows that you cannot feel actual love, the thing which only she can feel, you're just saying a line you've been told to say.

Once you start looking at women as solipsistic sociopathic creatures who genuinely think that only they are capable of a real conscious experience, they ironically become easier to manipulate than the levers they treat you as.

The logic behind this is simple. If all relationships share the same disadvantage, then it’s not a real disadvantage unless the person breaking up with you intends to move to the woods and live a life of endless solitude.

Reminder that this is what Chadagorn told Eowyn in the LOTR

>mfw I wish I had realized this at the time
What's even worse is that the ways she changed as a result of our relationship were extremely negative and I have to live with that guilt on top of losing 3 or so years of my life

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this is your brain on esoygen

>I love you
>but I’m not in love with you

ugh my waifu

Bros tell it to me straight.
Is it possible to find a woman who
- is a good person
- is an independent thinker
- loves me for who I am
- won't lose respect/love for me when I confide in her
I guess what I'm getting at is: are there women out there who are loyal and good not because they have a man who's trained them to be that way but because that's the way they really are?

youre looking at it too dark dude, they just want a strong man to lead them through life the way a female ape seeks out a strong male tribe leader. it just plays out in weird ways in our aociety, just basically just think like a slightly more reserved, charismatic wild fucking animal and youre good to go

happens all the time irl tho

If you're not the kind of "attractive" that's appealing to most women universally by default, then what you expect to find is extremely fucking rare. Most will only ever get one shot at it if they're lucky & there's no guarantee you'll even see it for what it is in the moment, only in hindsight, after the fact.

>won't lose respect/love for me when I confide in her
Jesus Christ your wife isn’t your fucking therapist. This is why all marriages are ending in divorce.

Mutually knowing at least SOME of the "inner voice" shit that goes on is absolutely part of the type of relationship a marriage is supposed to be.
NOT knowing any of that at all is how "you love the idea of me" even exists as a thing.

Enjoying dying alone, kid.

Said that to a bitch back in the 90s. Sounded good at the time. Deep.

I actually look forward to it at this point.

what the actual fuck, hahahahaha