Picard is redeemed for me just by this one episode. Like based riker, I have a garden, albeit a suburban one. I was working in my garden this weekend when i saw a couple of beaners walk by, to which i silently mouthed "shields up" "adaptive scanning to maximum". Then an imaginary scanner signal ran through my property and created a bubble wall. Then, to my unseen friend I said we've had beaner problems in the vicinity lately.
Picard is redeemed for me just by this one episode. Like based riker, I have a garden, albeit a suburban one...
Thought that was bam margera
isn't Riker from Alaska?
Shouldn't he be out hunting kodak bares or some shit?
Tell me about your body fluids.
Based & schizophreniapilled
Wait I thought their daughter was killed?
How did she die?
he's looking like Shatner lmao
The planet was magic and it was supposed to help their dead son
D-do you fellas think will and Deanna let her use the holodeck yet?
She's after that sweet sweet android discharge.
how did they shit on his character?
She's the daughter of a betazed, she is highly intuitive and emotionally aware.
They didn't, Troi came across as a cunt though.
Am I bad for liking this show only when they went in space. Like I agree Seven and Icheb and the beheading episodes were bad for these parts but I found it very watchable after they went to space. The Riker episode being the best one.
Riker made pizza. Troi scolded an out-of-character Picard. Then Riker's daughter used google maps to find a planet no one's ever heard of using a vague description.
I love Riker & Troi but their inclusion in this series was poorly handled. We will likely never see them again. ST:P is so boring and non-Trek its laughable.
Riker & Troi's son just conveniently having a virus that could only be cured with the use of a positronic brain? So contrived and absurd.
I can't wait for the next few episodes. I'm especially looking forward to how cringe they're going to handle things once Picard reaches the android "homeworld".
>We will likely never see them again. ST:P is so boring and non-Trek its laughable.
Good point, but Riker conspicuously mentioned that he's still in the Starfleet reserves. This means there's going to be a major war, probably in season 2.
>bring back hugh
>write in good excuse to let him live, but be sidelined
>immediately kill him anyway
Why do the writers feel the need to kill every minor throwback character?
Same reason they killed off the Star Wars OT characters I guess?
I hope Riker and Picard have an overly dramatic fistfight that rips off the ending of John Wick right down to the dialog, with minor word changes.
> Riker: WHAT HAPPENED Picard?
> CIVILIZED Starfleet officers?
> *picard engages in fisticuffs*
Picard will look weak but then suddenly reveal he learned some kind of Romulan martial arts that magically compensates for his old brittle age and out-fight Riker.
>Riker conspicuously mentioned that he's still in the Starfleet reserves
I'd fucking bet this was an adlib from Frakes, trying to keep that door open.
>I was working in my garden this weekend when i saw a couple of beaners walk by, to which i silently mouthed "shields up" "adaptive scanning to maximum". Then an imaginary scanner signal ran through my property and created a bubble wall. Then, to my unseen friend I said we've had beaner problems in the vicinity lately.
dude he doesn't need an adlib, he's a director, the doors are 100% open for him
>the doors are 100% open for him
Not the door that lets him be Riker.
Five years from now he's going to be the most important Trek character still alive both in the universe and real life.
Sure went well for Mark Hamill.
Thought the same fucking thing until I could properly place the face.
>Hate the show
>Keep watching it
Why are you guys so fucking god damn annoying?
She did actually. She wasn't as indignant about it as previous female characters, but she berated Picard. Saying he didn't know what it was like for Soji, who had just been tortured.
I mean, I admit, it's true. Soji was sexed with Romulan cock, then went through a therapy session, before her lover then trying to kill her. That's not at all something that Picard would understand. I mean, he was only ever tortured in the traditional way (the 4 lights incident), used as a lab rat multiple times, have people tried to kill him, actually clinically die a couple times, be stripped of his individuality and forced to betray the Federation and killed its citizens (Borg), live out his life only to find out it was all a lie and lose all his loved ones in the process a few times (Inner light, Next Gen movie, All Good Things) and a few other stuff.
So no, he can't relate at all to the suffering Soji's going through. To no longer have a barbed Romulan cock in you... it's a terrible fate worse than death.
bad television makes for more entertaining threads
>Riker's daughter used google maps to find a planet no one's ever heard of using a vague description.
She asked someone who had a ship, and happened to know about the planet.
>activate the anti-cloaking scan
Kurtzman's writers are sciencing!
Their son died because he was a white male.
But that was the beaner planet, if Fed massa came and put fences I'd be angry too.
There is too much anger, sure.
Star Trek should be watched like trash movies, some of which are also DEEP.
>Old Man Picard and the android are looking for her homeworld
>Riker's girl uses her smartphone to Google and find the exact location
Gotta love when Secret Hideout writes their episodes at the last minute.
Also will they ever acknowledge how creepy it is that their teenage daughter has a relationship with an old Captain "out there"?
But where the fuck is Wesley ? He isn't even mentionned in the episode.
I like how they had Riker live in a cabin because they were too cheap to build a set. I hope Riker joins Picard on the ship and they recreate his cabin on the holodeck so he feels more comfortable.
>it's a Picard has to walk 10 meters behind the two girls so they can chat and mock him episode
This post is too... cbs like? shillanon is that you
Thought that was James Earl Jones
next episode will be about a deep, dense and multilayered layered conflict between picard and riker on who gets to use the holodeck
So, which Trek character will die in the next episode? Beverly?
So she and the Android diddled each other in the bunk bed at night right
They’ve had every woman put Picard in his place, it felt forced as shit in this episode. It was lame bullshit.
They're doing that STD thing where you start to realize you hate everyone on the show and you wonder why you're still watching.
I paid for cbs all access a month ago thinking I’d watch all of std and cancel it but I haven’t wanted to even finish the show in the second season cus it so lame. At least I got to see the riker Deanna episode
Fuck **f
I have to give ST:P credit for being subversive on a whole other level.
>romulan guy uses sex and emotional connection to try and extract information from a female character while his sister is impatiently eager to use more brutish and masculine methods to achieve the same goal
>deadbeat alcoholic drug addict mom
>arrogant asshole women in positions of power
>picard is actually shown to have been a great father figure to the romulan kid
>the silly and wonderous female scientist cliche was a mask the character used to hide her true intentions
What's the best, Discovery season 2 or Picard season 1?
I'm watcjing Disco season 2 (episode 3 right now), this is kino.
Extremely based and incredibly rare
Discovery season 2 seems alright at first but the story is fucking stupid. Pike is great though.
Can't comment on Picard because the story has barely gone anywhere.
>Pike is great though.
Pike is only good when Mickey Burnham isn't around to talk over him, so... only 1 or 2 scenes in an entire season.
Kill yourself
>Hey Soji, spit in my mouth. Haha, you can do that right?
Even when it's not terrible, the writing of this show seems so basic
>how do we write a warm and fun scene?
>Pizza! Everyone loves pizza!
It really feels like a show written by a child in places. Maybe a talented child, but a child all the same.
It's an American show, fun = pizza or beer or baseball.
European show, fun = talking about americans
So were all those memory flashes forced onto Agnes Pukealot real or just something Oh and her Romulan buddies are spreading around in a form of telepathic Fake News? Also why does the show feel the need to kill people off just to raise stakes. Dahj, Maddox, Hugh, rescued Borg, Romulan mayors, it just seems like a lazy writing.
How long is Picard going to ignore the fact that everyone he meets is cursed with a death sentence?
>Tries to help Romulans/their planet explodes
>Dreams about Data/Synth rebellion/Mars explodes
>Meets Dahj/she explodes
>Meets Rafi/gets her fired/becomes a drug addict
>Meets Agnus/she kills Maddox/has a cake seizure
>Meets the pilot/he's suffering from being impaled
>Meets Hugh/he dies
>Meets Seven/Icheb is tortured to death
>Meets Riker and Troi/his actions led to their first born son dying
>Meets Elnor/his actions led to their colony living in squalor/is responsible for three deaths of former Romulan senators within 30 minutes of visiting the planet again
Come on Picard, time to pack it up.
>"Tell me, Soji. Even though you're only three years old, can you get, erm, gushy?"
What were the writers thinking?
I swear to God, I bet he's going to go back to his vineyard at the end of the season and everyone's going to be dead, the house will be burning down again and his dog will be hanging from a tree
Bearded gardener is kino regardless of age. You cannot deny this Yas Forums
real ST generally had a bit more going on than that though. We were never subjected to Worf and Data's pool party. Recreation generally involved high culture LARPing like Klingon opera, which may be a bit on the nose but it serves the narrative purpose of showing us these people are a bit more advanced than we are. The message was always "the future is smarter, less base, better". Now the future is vaping, cake and pizza.