Have you ever been an extra in a film?

Have you ever been an extra in a film?

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kek that user looked right at the fucking camera and sperged

He legit made people who were watching the movie think there was somebody following Gosling.

The camera was :^)

Oceans 12

is there a video of this sperg

No, but my dad was an extra in pic related. He still has the check along with some autographs from celebrities.

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That is some awful poster design, the title of the movie is the same font as the actors.

>He still has the check

Really? It meant that much to him? That's kind of cringey

No, but my brother is a small-timer in the industry who does things like lighting, electrical work etc on a wide variety of television and film productions. He's met people like Danny DeVito, Jason Segel, Stallone, Michael B. Jordan and a bunch of others who I can't remember at the moment. Pretty neat IMO.

I would register my name with SAG as The Rookie so I can say I starred in a movie with Clint Eastwood and Charlie Sheen

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I was the guy in the cowboy hat in the first x-men where you see wolverine first asking for challengers and some fatguy stands up, that's me beside him.

I remember you telling this story and you mentioned that you almost shit yourself in that scene, is that correct?

Yes, I played the role of the cucked white husband who is muscularly under-developed and at a point in the filming process I am permitted to feel the big black bulls testicles contract as he pumps hot semen into my wife

indeed, at least on the first take. I prob mentioned when we were yelling, we were making hue jackson laugh.

>hue jackson
You appear in a movie with one of the most famous actors and you don't even know his name

Yeah, but my face isn't in any shots. I don't even mention it in conversations.


My brother's forehead and eyebrow can been seen in Body of Lies when Leo is in line at an airport. It was shot at Dulles in VA.

lol why does he reposition himself? why does he look right at the camera? why did they use this take???

Yes, the film about my own life

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not myself, no. its really common here but its just terrible pay and a lot of standing and being treated like cattle so there never seemed to be a reason. I have a few friends who use it so subsidize acting, at least they get screen time. one friend is a featured extra a lot, its fun when shows return each fall and I get to try and pick him out of crowds in classrooms and such on various tv shows.

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Reminds me of this.

People who watch SNL are beyond saving

it actually was sort of kino i think he should've just kept looking because honestly a jacked dude just walking with his shirt off is out of place

People who don't watch SNL are beyond saving.

How old are you? Based boomer

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Not that old, fake mustache and some minor make-up work.
You do know being an extra in movies isn't overly that hard if you live in the area's where filming takes place?

Top lel

This girl Julia I went to elementary-high school with was in Osmosis Jones.

I like that they went to the effort of putting aging makeup on an extra instead of getting an older extra kek. Sounds fun m8 good shit being in the OG x-men film


I was present with a couple friends watching them film one of the night time main street driving scenes with Ethan Hawke. I remember we made fun of the horde of snowflakes and fat chicks walking around with their Harry Potter books hoping Emma Watson would stop whatever she eas doing and sign them nevermind look at them twice.

I wasn't in any shots but it was cool I guess

My mom was in Danny deckchair and her car and set in my home town
Look for the bbw

I've seen this in a big infographic of Yas Forums's most highly recommended films, is it actually pretty good?

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fucking kek

>effort of putting aging makeup on an extra instead of getting an older extra kek.
It was somewhat chaotic when they were doing this scene, the make-up job was not even a few mins tops.

lol, that's plebbit the list

Yeah, actually. I enjoyed it a lot but if you're redpilled like I am the ending will seem like... well I don't want to say more. Objectively it's a good movie though. The scene where he's driving down the main street, (actually Main St. in Newmarket, Ontario) is in my mind and I have memory-pictures of the shops all different and the extras inside them and the rain machines and standing with people who were my friends listening to rain even though it was a nice breezy July night or something like that. I remember bussing there and we were having a couple drinks in the way. Super chill.

It's neat to think about how maybe a piece of that energy is in that film forever now and it makes me feel kinda nice.

>being an extra in movies isn't overly that hard if you live in the area's where filming takes place
Not that user but I registered myself as a Denver extras a long time ago and I occasionally got called to fill in for crowd scenes. Got paid in peanuts but I love the over abundant of free foods, and also mingling around with the production crew were fun

Any good movies or shows?

user, I...

>Got paid in peanuts but I love the over abundant of free foods
Since I'm a leaf, we got paid pretty low but at least we got paid while waiting around to do our scene(s). Production crew was kinda rude but I got to meet Famke and she was chill was shit with us.

my friend in L.A. gets paid $100 a day to be a background extra in movies and tv shows. i always see him randomly in shows i watch and it pisses me off.

I was in Jack Reacher. Friend is prominent in Adventure land

Just some tv series and bmovies. Denver isn't really a popular place for movie shooting. Though I once got an offer for Furious7's extras but it was a bit too far from my home so I skipped

Why would that piss you off?

I was listening to the commentary track, iirc they were filming while this fair was in town and already had 3 or 4 takes, and the problem was that cinematographer wanted to get the shot from inside the motorcycle ballpit so bad they did 2 takes and each time the bike would fell on him, second time he had to be hospitalised and the director had to convince him to do the shot from outside the ball. Anyway, I watched the commentary track specifically to see if the director's annoyed at that extra, but he didn't show it. He did say something about having the random people looking at Goose being a part of the situation they were in and you can't help it with having so many non paid actors and all. kind of enjoyed listening to the track and wacky stories about ben mendelson more than watching the film desu

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My guess is an AD probably yelled at him on set and they reshot it a few times, but for whatever reason in the editing room this take was the best of the bunch, and its way too late to reshoot.

I've been in multiple episodes of that shitty Chesapeake Shores TV show on Hallmark Network.

Fun to see all the crew work. I don't know any of the actors in it.

Ben Mendelsohn seems like one of the coolest actors Yas Forums never talks about. Apparently in Australia they call him "The Mendo" and he gets up to all sorts of crazy antics.

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Could be worse. Could be Nolan who decided to use the take of Talia falling asleep. (Maybe he wanted to leave it open that she survived but passed out in case he did a sequel, but it ruined Marion Cotillard's life.)

He elevates everything he's in, even trash like Rogue One and Killing them Softly.

I wish he had his natural accent in more things though


inevitable biopic when

eighteen years ago i got my pants pulled down in front of class and everybody saw my nanopenis. everybody made fun of me for the rest of my middle school and part of high school as well.
completely destroyed whatever self-esteem i had at the time and the memory still fucking hurts.

Do non aussie know about Animal Kingdom?

One or two

My condolences bro I wish we could have saved little user

based as hell

30 years ago my mom was stirring a pot of soup and I climbed onto the stove tops and pulled down my pants then my dick fell into the broth and my whole family laughed at me I ran upstairs crying