Do you think it's important for kids to see characters in movies and film who look like them (same race)?

Do you think it's important for kids to see characters in movies and film who look like them (same race)?

I've seen people make this argument hundreds of times and I dont really buy it.

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kids shouldn’t watch tv/movies or use the internet


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Kek, it's fucking killing me how sincere Boyega comes across in that pic. He fucking REALLY wanted to get to black Rey & it kills him he got subverted.
Wish we actually had gotten the gay relationship now, this negro would be broken.

What characters did you imagine yourself as, as a kid?

No it's not important. It's not like black people even find black heroes believable anyway.

I think so

I mean I know I don’t watch movies without strong white male leads.

Moonlight? Nope haven’t even watched the trailer

Ash from Pokemon, Spongebob, Naruto, Indiana jones

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If you can't put yourself in another persons shoes and empathise with them/their motives regardless of their ethnicity or gender then you aren't human and whether you watch movies is not important because you should be rounded up into camps and killed

Because logically it doesn't make any sense.

And if it did, then by dint of doing the most good for the most people, everybody in movies should be white.

do americans really?

This doesn't work because Driver's expression is completely wrong. The elf's laughing face is what MAKES the original image.

He knows it's only a movie and finn is only a character that he plays. He's not like people like you who conflate fiction with real life

I think movies aren't real so no. The point of storytelling is just that, to tell a good story. The only important thing is good writing and in the case of movies, good acting and other things etc.

Racism is bad, but you don't need a movie to tell you that.

Anyway Boyega is a fat, ugly cuck and Rey belongs to Ben.

>He knows it's only a movie and finn is only a character that he plays
Yes, you can clearly tell from the new years' twatter near-meltdown he had just how professionally detached he is.

As a gay man, I hate that I have to start any sentence with 'as a gay man', almost as much as I hate seeing gays on TV. I'm not saying they shouldn't be allowed but whether someone is trying to depict them postively or negatively they're just tryingto depict them, so what is the point? TV is not about depicting types of people, it's about storytelling. it wouldn't be so bad if gays didn't insist that its somehow offensive for a gay man to have a tragic ending or have his lover killed. They're basically saying if your character isn't a mary sue than it is offensive, and context doesn't matter. They see it happen, they know they have to feel offended, even when its a good story that a straight character is also facing on the same show.

Ultiamtely, yes it helps to have some representation on the screen regardless of race or gender identity, and if studios want to do it, and if it makes them money, that is great. That doens't make it a government provided right like in brittain where there are quotas for black and female roles.

Its a hugely racist argument which always seems to be made by "anti racist" progressives. 'oh sorry, I just can't relate to this character because he or she doesn't look like me, specifically they don't have the same skin colour as me'.

why would you watch moonlight though? Like if batman happened to be gay you'd probably still watch it, the romance is barely present in any batman series to begin with. I'm gay and I hated moonlight. You've probably enjoyed black characters in TV and movies, women too, you just didn't think about it becuase the movie wasn't about how you need to appreciate blacks and gays and womens more. Fuck that shit.

The thing about cis white straight males is that they are never about being a cis white straight male. They're just a super hero, or a spy, or an assasin, or a robot. But when a woman gets a role shes not a FEMALE super hero, and the fact that she is female is just as important. Men don't write men with the intention of talking about men. They just write characters. They used to do this for women too, I mean hunger games wasn't exactly social justicey, we all loved Aliens, and hermione was a favorite character to most people growing up.

You mean like the meltdown you're having now?

Ironically, the only person in this photo not acting is Boyega

>yes, I know exactly what this word means


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People like to self-insert themselves into media they enjoy, so yes it is "important" to some degree. It's why studios always put human characters into Sci-Fi/Fantasty series that don't have that many human characters in the source material, because the lowest common denominator normies can't into that shit. Or the same reason why spergs cry about "white genocide" when non-white characters appear in their otherwise "white" media, because they feel they're no longer being represented & can't self-insert themselves into it

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She's not acting either lol

Go home John, you're drunk

Then how come black people and leftists in general are burning down white culture in a frothing rage?

Libnazis are disgusting.

too good a topic to waste on this thread lads

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This seems like a believeable take.
So the answer would be to put the gender/enthicity into the media of the group youre trying to target most.

The issue we appear to be having is when writers believe they can have it all by sprinkling in one of everything.

This guy has a smaller dick than than incel next to him.

Well I'm glad you do because of the meltdown you're having.

Races need to produce their own culture, movies, stories instead of forcing whites to create it for them.

Not really. But it would be wrong if only had white characters.

But would it be “wrong” if it only had black characters? Or Chinese? Fuck off libnazi bigot.

>if batman happened to be gay you'd probably still watch it
stopped reading there

heck, its practically canon that hes gay in several versions.

I miss the time when I could think "wow that character is cool" and he/she could be just whatever, instead now it's at best "hey that character isn't too bad despite being a diversity push-in/stereotype for the sake of making a political point". I wish I could go back and just enjoy TV for the story and acting instead of feeling that they're (not so) covertly trying to feed me shit.

>Do you think it's important for kids to see characters in movies and film who look like them.

No not all. Total cop out to justify propaganda

Kamen Rider Black.

Will you look at those child bearing hips, hot damn

>Boyega height: 5'7


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idk about that, im a white dude and my favorite character in lost when i was watching it as a kid was sayid, never though of him as someone with whom i cant identify with because of the race
whatever the case is, i dont really care about "diversity" being shoved into movies as long as characters that are originally white aren't black washed

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I don't really mind but I've noticed my relatives who live in the US enjoy it. They also feel the most embarrassed when it's not well received.

Yes. It would be wrong.

Why does the public sit idly by and allow society to be shaped by shit that makes no sense?

This. He's so pathetic. It must trigger him to see all the Reylo cosplayers.

>tfw random Reylo cosplayers are better actors than Bodega


Not really. There aren't many anime characters for black people to resonate with on a physical level and they still like the shit.

>People like to self-insert themselves into media they enjoy

Sometimes, but the reason they are self-inserting isn't because "this character is black!" it's because of something like "I like this character's personality, or weapon, or backstory is just like mine" etc.

Ask people sincerely if they self-inert into a character just based on race, and you will get almost zero saying yes.

You are also conflating self-insert with projection and empathy. As long as you can find something to empathize with in a character, it doesn't matter what race or gender they are and it shouldn't.

Storytelling isn't about self-inserting, it's about telling a story. If you have basic human empathy and the writing is good, that's all that matters.

The reason people cry about white genocide has nothing to do with storytelling. It's reactionary from actual racists or idiots who care too much about fictional media because of the SJW messages. None of this has anything to do with storytelling. It's just SJW and racists and retarded in-betweeners with too much time on their hands arguing about race.

I once cried to my Anakin Skywalker backpack that I wanted to be him because he was special and cool. At the same time, I really liked Son Gohan. My mother thinks I liked Dragon Ball Z so much because Goku died and came back to life, and my father passed when we were little.

Fast forward a few years later, and I seem to have an issue with glorifying anger and finding strength and validation in dealing out pain and ruminating upon death. It's become particularly prevalent lately, and I've started to wonder if it's the product of a repressing my emotions for most of my youth, or if it's because of the media I was exposed to as a young child, and the types of characters I'd come to glorify as heroic and/or "cool".

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When I was little* wtf.

>it would be wrong if it only had white characters

No, it wouldn't. Not if the story called for it and it made sense. If they were doing it to be racist, then that's a racism problem not a storytelling problem. I don't understand how people can't wrap their heads around the fact that fiction is not reality and the people, the real breathing people who write the stories are the problem, not the stories they tell. If you need a story to tell you not to be racist or to be racist, there are bigger issues there.

I dunno, I had a shitty home life and escaped it with fiction, I'm black so there weren't all that many other black characters that weren't like, a super nerd side character or Will Smith, when I was 15 and played this game where halfway through the game it was revealed the main character was also 15, it really resonated with me for some reason, I remember thinking "woah, he's MY age and he's doing all that cool stuff? That's so neat!" and it stuck with me and that game is my favorite of all time now.

I think characters being relatable is important, you see it all the time in things like commercials where someone pretends to be an average person having the same problems as (you) so you relate to them and want to find success the way they did. You see it with politicians, the whole reason George W. Bush had that dumb southern drawl thing was so he could relate to southerners. You see it in games and movies and such where the characters are around the same age as their target demographic and generally go through the same problems, ect.
These are all really general examples, when you get into something more specific like race or sexual orientation or whatever I think it's nice for even super minority people to be able to relate to a character going through their unique struggles, whatever they might be.

It's not a make or break thing for a piece of media, it's just nice you know? Can really help make something truly special for someone going through some rough shit. That's how I feel about it at least.

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As a black user I can safely say that I don't care if every character on the show is white or not.

Sonic the Hedgehog was the last film I remember seeing with a well portrayed black character that wasn't a part of a predominantly black cast. I saw Birds of Prey before that, but I have nothing in particular to say about Black Canary's performance or the portrayal of her character. She was okay, I guess. Maybe I'm just discounting her because Black Canary is usually white. I don't know and I don't really care.

So instead I'll say, before Sonic it was Hobbs and Shaw with Idris Elba as Brixton. He was cool.

Most black characters are kind of insufferable to me because they're usually some obnoxious stereotype. This is true even if they're not a gangster or whatever. Diversity casting doesn't appease me or make me feel special or whatever the fuck. I don't really think about shit like that.

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it's true but black people should make their own new stories instead of making Cinderella black. It would be like me making a traditionally african or chinese story full of white people. It's just stupid. Also it would help if black directors could make a single movie where you cant feel the dripping hate for white people. I mean how stupid do you think we are, we notice that shit

Dunno if it's important but they do seem to like it

>going through a unique struggle based on race

Then watch a movie about racism, race does not matter in the least when writing a story unless you are telling a story about race. If you wanted a black character, it's probably because you were struggling with racism in real life. But you don't need to have a story about race to relate to a character. There are also an infinite amount of ways to explore a person's struggle with racism without actually talking about race. That's what literary devices for. You could have a character that is an outcast, but not because of race and someone who is struggling with those feelings could relate to them and find some catharsis. That's the power of storytelling, especially universal storytelling. Being able to relate and empathize with someone who is vastly different than you on the outside, but going through similar struggles and emotions.

I would argue that it only encourages racism to tell people they can't relate to another character because they are a different skin color.

>it's true but black people should make their own new stories instead of making Cinderella black.
Cinderella is more of an ideal or an abstraction at this point anyway. I think she's a bad example to use.

>black heroes
such as OJ

You probably have brain damage if you allow fictional stories to dictate how you live your life. Unironically.

Then niggers are not human

>If you wanted a black character, it's probably because you were struggling with racism in real life.
Not really, sometimes you just want a character to kind of look like you, I remember feeling like that when I was 12 and playing JRPGs where every character was light skinned at least.
> But you don't need to have a story about race to relate to a character.
I know, I literally said this in my previous post, I'm just saying it would be nice.
>I would argue that it only encourages racism to tell people they can't relate to another character because they are a different skin color.
No one is saying thins.

Explain to me how it's not racist to say "I can't relate to this person because their skin color is different than mine." Would you say that about real people? You honest to God can't relate to a person of another race on any level because of your skin color? How fucking dumb are you people to buy into this shit?

He doesn't seem sincere at all, he seems like he's taking the piss.

Where'd this narrative come from that he's somehow been blown the fuck out?

Post the tweet you fag

That Cinderella post from earlier got me thinking.

Wouldn't a black girl be insulted if Cinderella were made black but nobody else got a race makeover? It's like the producers would be saying, 'You couldn't relate to Cinderella before, but now you can!' not the audience/the girl.

there is a level of extra immersion. Think about the difference between a female hero and a male hero. Of course you can relate to her struggle through the story as a human being but it's still different if the hero is male because it just is. Many stories wouldnt even be believable for a female hero because a woman would never act in a way that a man would act in.

>sometimes you just want a character to kind of look like you

That's called personal preference, it has nothing to do with race. I grew up around mostly white people and am brown and I always made my characters look pale because I was obsessed with goth shit and anime. I never even thought about race. It's either about race or it isn't. So if you're not talking about racism, then it's just your personal preference so don't make it about race. I'm sure everyone wishes they looked like their favorite character at some point or that their favorite character looked more like how they want to look like. You're just a filthy self-inserter hiding behind SJW bullshit.