Is he based or cringe?

is he based or cringe?

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He's a thief, just like that down the rabbit whole guy. But only slightly less milquetoast.


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The scout from TF2 is pretty based.

How are either of them thieves?

based but I havent followed him since he got nuked of youtube

Metokur's content is cut and paste from Yas Forums.

get a job Jim

>gives people shit
>hides his face


I think he is a bit stunted, I thought he was in his early 20s during his gamer gate stuff and felt sorry for him

but he was in his mid 30s and is 40 odd now and sounds like an smug teenager

He posts videos on his bitchute account and tested a livestream for bitchute recently

He is literally hiding in fear from furfaggots.


no-one cares jimbo

I don't like this binary. He has a positive impact on normies.


I think hes funny when he get legitimately pissed and yells at speds but it regular content is boring. Stfu about hiding your face though.
>just dox yourself if you have balls
Not an argument

pretty cringe

What advantage does posting your face to the internet have? Dumbfuck

It shows that you have confidence and that you're not afraid of people mocking your appearance.

Then everyone mocking me has to do it, too.

This is what low IQ fags actually believe. Being anonymous on the internet is one of the few privileges we still have left.

because a lot of insults he throws at people just come off as projecting

What does your appearance have to do with ideas and facts? You fucking brainlet normalfag. Go watch some television before I accidentally teach you something useful, child

Douchebag litmus test number 1. It's automatically guaranteed if a faggot likes this tard you know they're human garbage. He's literally just a pussy and a bully. There's nothing insightful, significant, comedic, or of any substance to anything he's done.

Makes video for people who want to be bullies but are afraid of confrontation.

used to be funny now its just boring
happens to every e-celeb faggot over time

>claiming ownership of postings from Yas Forums

Every poster here owns the intellectual content of their posts.

Based until he became Mister Coronakur and started reporting on it 24/7,though he'll probably go back to being based after this dumb shit passes.

He'll probably die desu, TB weakened him too much and this virus will finally put him out.

He's afraid and rightfully so, as all aids patients should be.

>reactionary "facts and logic" chud youtuber #59845493
hella cringe

Did he say how old he is? Based on his tastes and interests I guessed he was about 33.

mid 40s

>Using chud unironically
Mega cringe

Is he seriously in his 40's? Yikes...imagine still talking about video games and anime in your 40's. Where is his family? Children? Wife?

he's a bitch

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I want to kiss Aqua

He married his Asian girlfriend last year. No kids.

he must be 43-44 now

depending on when his birthday is

What in the absolute fuck is a chud?

>wanting more hapas in the world

Faggot content creators like him who shit on old media are more than happy to create alarmist garbage for clicks. No better than msm. Styx too. Fuck off

some movie from the 80's no-one saw. It's a liberal substitute for NPC.

his old sperm and what ever he marries old eggs at that age would render any kid retarded

doing a great job taking money from people panicking about the coronavirus


you're right but you're just as cringe as these faggots

I wonder what the people who give him superchats look like?

he got zoomers to give him money saying his stream was DoS'd once

basedly cringe

OK let's put it this way. There was an infographic about Channel Awesome made by someone who'd worked with them that contained facts not available elsewhere along with some outright fabrications. Jimbles' web series on CA quoted both as fact (without attribution). He's notorious for camping here because the nigger is too lazy to do his own homework.

Copyright © 2020 Christine Weston Chandler.
All rights reserved by their respective owners.

Like the very people that he mocks

Yas Forums trash jewtuber who fakes shit.

I guess he's smart not to procreate in his age with an asian wife. The amount of suffering that kid would go through would be insane.
>shit tier genetics
>not even rich
>father is some gen x, dysgenic eceleb who talks about anime, gaming and making edgy alt-lite jokes on twitter

Let's put it this way. Hypothetically, if you get arrested, then the cops will subpoena your ISP to look at your posts. That is your intellectual content that belongs to you.

remember when jim said the wsj was after him
or that someone preformed a denial of service attack on his isp specifically his stream to youtube

I laugh but people gave him a shit load of donations

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>imagine still talking about video games and anime in your 40's
Fuck, what a frightening idea. Fortunately I've been here since before Yas Forums existed which means I got out of my 40s about 3 years ago.

undercover twitter checkmark

Pretty based, followed since he exposed gamergate. Also doesn't hide his face because fear of being ridiculed more or less the doxing / probably wants a normal life when not shitposting/coming at everyone on the net.

His that guy with the glasses videos were really good, Corona virus streams are fun.Wish he went back to tumblerisms etc.

Also calls out sargons bs, boogies bs, dsps bs, h3h3 and philip defranco. pretty based.

That and Mr. Obvious.
Fags that steal fire from the gods should be treated as fags.

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cringe, just like the rest of internet bloodsports bullshit. Nothing but mindless inane eceleb drama.

That guy is an undercover lefty, they love to "cancel" people for not agreeying with their pozzed up ideologies, and any talking head of the opposition will get harrassed and even harmed if possible.
But of course, this poster won't tell you that outright,
>hey dox yourself for us cmon don't be a coward boody

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>alt-lite race mixing jewtube e-celeb

Cringe but based

The cops are gonna think I'm pretty based then

He's been boring as sin since the coronavirus, will just straight up not talk about anything else.

what else is going on?

you do know you just don't hae a user name, you are not really anonymous here

hiro and moot have logs like every-other site

it will have your i.p what browser you had what os you were using what you posted the times of the post, like the archives

but my i.p is dynamic!

your isp has logs on what i.p you were assigned

you then have to prove how it wasn't you

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There's nothing wrong with having those interests into your 40's and beyond, so long as they don't prevent you from being a functional adult. Jim is a faggot though.

You get what you look for. Nothing was going on during the Sargon saga or when he hunted down those furries, but he did anything else.

If you play video games past the age of 18 you're pretty much guaranteed to be a genetic dead end

he got doxxed
he's literally a gigachad, it even matches his avatar

Anonymous as in other users can't identify you.
Unless u make it obvious

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>just look at those dubs
When are you going to stream Jim? You're the internet's Walter Murrow Jim. Show vagene Jim. Coof on us Jim daddy.

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This is good because as times goes forwad and the site gets more and more infamous, groups of people trying to revision the past infiltrates the site in hopes of making it more adfriendly and you see them here trying to claim the site culture "was never really racist" and telling every politically incorrect post to "go back 2 pol :( " these channels that record Yas Forums content allow a piece of us to live on.
Hopefully it gets uploaded to more than just youtube, because if we win a second us election good guy google may start to erase the past to assist trannies and alikes.

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you still own the content of your own post