Just marathon'd The Girlfriend Experience
how is it?
Just marathon'd The Girlfriend Experience
how is it?
u tell me
is it like a porno?
that's how you have to have "sex" when you mutilate your dick at birth
I could never do anything as embarrassing as that guy so I just go through the motions for the rest of my life as a machine in untouched silence
I wanna suck her ass
- mansquito
Everybody else is having sex, user. You should try it.
Is that Sasha or a girl with a similar face?
omg does she get her boobies out in this is it worth a watch??
Is this like damage control after those stats showing that over a quarter of young men in america are virgins?
i fucking LOVED it
also, sasha's a top qt
>93% of people are neurotypical
no comfort to the other 7% lol
So which is it: it's bad more people than ever can have sex, or that most men aren't?
anyone got more of this chick?
>underage faggot
That's her
What? It's a stat based on dozens of studies. The one you're describing is one study that polled whether or not people had sex in the past year, in which the majority of people have indeed have, but you already know that.
Incels don't like to be reminded they're the only ones not having sex.
It looks like that Guttmacher study is based on 2010 data, which means it really isn't applicable here during Incelmageddon
You're talking about a bond between you and god. God I'm sick of this fucking website. I hate all of you but I'm not allowed to leave. I'm going to quit.
I liked that horror movie Sasha was in. Never was a fan of her pornographic films though. Too raunchy.
Does she have any nudes?
I am the 7%
Yes, topless on last season of Entourage.
Not much other stuff though.
Very little has changed. It's not like the 93% of people who already had sex by 25 can "undo" it.
That explains it.
if you're 25 and it hasn't happened you gotta start being proactive man. ask them. go right up to those bitches and says "wanna fuck?" or maybe ask them to dinner but ask them to fuck after.
ball's in your court nigga.
god i fucking hate soderberghs "aesthetic"
I love seeing stupid shit like this lol. Who are you trying to convince? Him or yourself?
Those people are 35 now dumbass
him, seriously, some women will fuck almost anybody. this guy has hope.
At first I thought the left side was number of sexual partners.
Your point, dumbass?
My gay as fuck exgf used to tell me this was what I was in for if she lo left me. Is it true incel shit???
That there's a new generation of permavirgins aging into those brackets. Like how the Japanese young adults are passing 40% virginity even though the oldest fucktards still raped hundreds of Manchurians in their heyday
Kill yourself you nigger
Yeah some, he’s just have to erode his sanity by looksmaxing and facing potentially facing hundreds of rejections. Besides if you’re that old and still a virgin then some shit has got to have traumatized you, and boning some gross slut won’t help.
No she's pure
If you think about it logically, Sasha Grey might be a virgin IRL. I mean, nobody says Arnold Schwarzenegger is a serial killer because he's murdered hundreds of people in movies.
I feel like if you're actually a virgin it would be better to just fuck a few fat chicks until you have confidence to approach hotter girls
Japan is just weird. I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers in the US have stayed the same. Of course, if you just spend literally every day and night on here refreshing the catalog, it's extremely unlikely you have a pulse on young people's behavior.
>God (greatest genius in the universe) - Oops! I did't mean to do that.
>hey guys, can you cut that off, the most sensitive part of your bodies?
>also do it to all your male children. Thanks!
Yeah, the CDC is just making all that shit up for the memes, and Japan has never acted as a bellwether for advanced economies before
>how is it?
Not how it works faggot, you're suppose to tell us how you felt about it, not the other way around.
I got your back, bro. :^)
Making what up? Did you just have a separate conversation in your head?
based redditor not knowing how the world works
based incel coping with his virginity
That's not the problem. Anyone would do that if it were that easy. It's that fat chicks have insane standards themselves and demand people way out of their league. So even an ugly/slightly mediocre virgin guy needing practice, would get rejected.
I'm only like 6/10 and I've had no problems. Some even made the first move.
he needs to leverage his virginity. if he makes a sympathetic case he can probably get a pity lay. you gotta play to your strengths; if you're not chad use empathy.
How long until the Safdie bros get Sasha to star in a film?
Damn Sasha is so cute.
better be soon if they want to get in before the wall
this, if my autistic grumpy loner ass can get some women wet than practically anybody has hope. if you have even a SHRED of human empathy you've already got a leg up on me with human interaction.
am i the only one that didn't think she was that hot?
Sex without comradery is pointless.
When I was growing up I had a best friend. When I started getting interested in girls I thought "This will be great, I'll have another best friend, except this one will have tits!" It was an exciting prospect.
But then I realized very very few relationships actually have comradery. Everyone I know that's in a long term relationship treats their partner like they're a room mate they're obligated to stay with.
Most men vastly prefer spending time with their mates than spending time with their woman. It's because women are boring. If women didn't have tits and cunts no one would be interested in them at all.
Every time I hang out with my mates we can shoot the shit for hours, talk about politics, talk about goings on. And then inevitably one of their women will try and enter the conversation, and all the men give each other that look that says "Here we go again. Time to stop listening."
nah, she did that scene and nothing more.
damn you're so dark and complicated homo
Did he cum in his pants from hugging her, or was he actually dry humping her? Or did he not cum at all and was just moaning?
She's not hot. She's cute. Her popularity came from being one of the first "cute" porn stars that did nasty shit. Nowadays that nasty shit is routine so a porn star doesn't really make waves unless she's way too hot for porn or does nastier shit than the norm.
least i get my dick wet on occassion
Why does it matter? The point is it's fun. Not everything you do in life needs to have some profound significance.
yeah you're a player