What made him think this was acceptable behavior?

Setting aside for the moment that he should know Vader literally carries a beam katana wherever he goes that can slice through almost anything, and that he also has a reputation for murdering officers on a whim with complete impunity, why would he do the Imperial equivalent of calling his boss a fucking christfaggot?

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have sex

>has a reputation for murdering officers on a whim with complete impunity
this reputation was not there yet. in the original film, which was meant to be standalone, btw, Vader was just a henchman. He was not Space Jesus.

He thought he was hot shit because he just made the Death Star , also he knew he was valuable to tarkin and Tarkin wouldn't let Vader kill him, turns out he was right, but not before Vader embarrassed him
Just shows the dangers of tipping fedoras in a universe where magic actually exists

I wonder what went through everyone else's mind at that table. I'd imagine if you didnt believe in powers and a dude just flexes some by telepathically choking a colleague it would be pretty shocking.

Henchman can't just kill Star Destroyer captains.

I'd probably start practicing in secret after seeing that shit. Maybe I can do it too.

Sucks this isn't how it works in-universe. You either have it or you don't.

gg, hard work means nothing byeeeee

What is a christfaggot?

Because he was based

What about star destroyer admirals?

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>The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant to the power of the force.
>Still has them build the Death Star anyway.
If the force was so great, they would not need the Death Star.

A based individual who has surpassed the fear of mortality by submitting themselves to the whims of a genocidal deity

the force destroyed 2 death stars

Motti did nothing wrong. Vader exceeded his authority and Tarkin had to whack his pee-pee

The Force (Palpatine's manipulation of it) made it possible to build the Death Star in the first place. It isn't all physical. Alternatively, the Force can probably pop entire star systems out of existence but Vader isn't at that power level. See Darth Nihilus.

Pretty sure a pair of photon torpedoes and some laser cannon rounds did that.

>The Force (Palpatine's manipulation of it) made it possible to build the Death Star in the first place.
This some nuWars bullshit?

if it wasn't for the force, the torpedoes would've missed

That's like saying if it wasn't for breathing Luke would have passed out and the torpedoes would've missed.

because technically vader is just the emperor's lapdog and not part of the chain of command
darth giuliani


So it's EU bullshit.

That was after Vader found out his son was still alive and he just didn’t give a fuck about anything anymore and began wanting to kill Sidious. If anything he was probably trying to see how far he could go before dude decided to try to reprimand him so he could fucking unload on him.

At this point vader was like the emperors obnoxious jewish nefew that was only on the board of directors because of nepotism. He doesnt actually take charge or start killing lieutenants until the death star is destroyed.

This basically

He was just busting Vader's balls a little

Not an argument

someone without the force couldn't have made the shot.

>One in a million
Technically someone could have.

>murdering officers on a whim
He never murdered officers on a whim you brainlet

Many people breath but not many people can use the force

So youre saying theres a chance

yeah technically they could, but 999,999 people out of a million wouldn't be able to

Many people who use the force can't pilot a T-65B X-wing starfighter.

Militaryfags don't like when someone who technically has no rank brings his big metal dick to the table and starts telling them what to do.

Two pilots made the shot, Luke and Red Leader.
Red Leader missed, Luke hit it.
Technically the odds are 50%.

He was a general in the clone wars. And a good friend.

Canonically everyone has the Force.

Jesus freaks who think they're better than everyone else because they believe in Jesus. Even though they do all kinds of fucked up shit themselves, it's ok because Jesus.

that's not how odds work

Tarkin had Vader cucked during this era. With Tarkin there he knew Vader couldn’t take things too far. After the Death Star blew up and vaporized Tarkin it was really only then that he started wiping out officers and using the imperial fleet as his own plaything. Because the only person keeping him in check exploded.

Sheev and Willhuff are probably the only Imps who know he's the same dude.

You got the timeline mixed up, dude. Vader kills Ozzel at the beginning of Empire right after they get to Hoth. Vader doesn't know Luke is his son until Sheev tells him in the middle of Empire.

You have to
>be a pilot
>use the force
Okay what else do you need?

Two pilots TOOK the shot, you mean. If only Luke had taken it, the odds of making it would have been 100% according to your tard-logic.

Neither does ' a smuggler said its one in a million'.
We don't have enough data to determine the chance of making that shot, as it was only attempted twice and as of now has a 50% success rate.

T. Mohamed

Please re-read the opening crawl to ESB, then delete this post.

A dashing rogue and his hirsute love slave to cover your six.

>made it possible to build the Death Star in the first place.
What? You clearly see in the prequels they were planning to build it by committee.
The force is only good to do shit mind tricks and push and pull things.
Nobody ever had the power to pop planets like a Death Star did. Because if they did they would not fucking need to build it in the first place. They would just focus on making powerful force users instead who they could send out in ships.
The Death Star was a weapon of fear. Made by human hands, no space wizard could ever replicate it.

>Nobody ever had the power to pop planets like a Death Star did.
Planets could very easily be made uninhabitable. The Death Star wasn't anything special when it came to what it did. Thanks to TLJ we know that any idiot with a hyperdrive could destroy a planet.

>Because if they did they would not fucking need to build it in the first place.
Even in ANH, they argue about how pointless the DS actually is. Fear or not, it was Tarkin's wet dream, not necessarily a game changer.

>They would just focus on making powerful force users instead who they could send out in ships.
Depending on what EU or nuWars supplemental stuff you accept as canon, they did.

Vader wasn't shit. He was some kind of inspector at most and the Emperor requested to have him listen the council of generals meeting to report directly to him. Besides, the force was a meme, what official records say is that a clone army reckt all the warrior monks for rebelling against the Republic. Actually the guy and everyone else there deserve some merit for not bursting into laughter from this lapdog bringing up magical shit into strategic planning.

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I don't remember when an idiot with a hyperdrive destroyed a planet in TLJ.

The hyperspace ram would have destroyed a planet just as much as it destroyed the supermassive ship.

Holy shit youre retarded.

How have you mathematically decided the odds of hitting a fictional hole, with a fictional ordinance, while flying a fictional ship?


He didn't literally mean one in a million you fucking autist, he just meant that it was unlikely and exceptional. You people who are so fucking aspie that you can't understand a figure of speech are insufferable.

The deathstar served the same purpose as nukes. To have this big ass recognizable threat to deter you from doing shit. It was pretty successful at it, except a bunch of lucky fools knew how to destroy it.

You can ravage countries through conventional war, however it's nukes that ended the stupid wars of conquests that triggered the world wars.

>Some tiny ass ship can set the entire matter of a planet flying out of orbit

Going at or faster than the speed of light? It certainly would do significant damage.
Keep in mind, making a planet unable to support life =/= outright destroying it. Both have the same outcome though.

tons of people shot at the death star and barely any even came close to the exhaust port so the odds seem to be a limit approaching inf^-1