My love for you is like a truck, berserker!

My love for you is like a truck, berserker!
Do you want to making fuck, berserker!

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Casca is black btw

that's hot

her skin is, but she's not a nigger

Why is Casca so black in this? Btw, the movies are better.

>Btw, the movies are better.
You're just trying to start fires.

i didn't say nigger. I said black. Your post is highly offensive, faggot.

Casca is Indian

fuck no, curryfuck

No, she's a Moor

live action when...

Shes Arab

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*scoffs at you, and smiles evilly*
you wanna go?
*my psycho grin grows*

You yourself just said the nigger word.

WEW nice

berserk is the most overrated shit. the manga became fucking unreadable trash after they added schierke.

Did he just say "making fuck"?

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We need more anime with girls from deepest darkest Africa.

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good post

Why don't you guys go and catch up without me

Kushans weren't Indians.

Netflix made one with a black girl but it's Netflix so take of that what you will, most of the time it's meant to represent a tan just like how Japanese people look white in anime

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>casted as a white guy in Netflix' adaptation

>>would marry and inpregnate 3x

That's not very based.

How the fuck did disgusting nigger nappy hair ever evolve? No one would select for that shit.

a nigger will fuck anything.

based /f/ poster

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>tag: dark skin

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white people crazy

>who supports a trump like figure

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>white donovan
>sassy black woman with an afro casca
>latino guts
>griffith stays white because netflix don't understand his character beyond "he's da villain" so no need to make changes

what amv hell is that a reference to? i feel like thats somethinf they would do

Outtakes from the english dub, some are pretty fucking funny.

Thanks, Captain Guts.

Is this show any good?

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Bruh, he looks like sneed/chuck

yes, she's a moor

Nope. Sorry. Says here she's a moop.

Yeah, lots of typical environmental shit, but it's used well enough. Give it a go, preferably bluray.

Whatever do you mean?

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Are arabs THAT dark?

What's the context here

This girl is sexy jailbait and Anthony Hopkins knows the optics of this like minx cuddling up to him don't look good but he wants to ravish her anyway.

She’s cozying up to Hopkins because he’s Hollywood royalty and has connections.


new chapter when!?

it's been months lads!

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Weve been through this dance...Berserk will never finish ever.

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the average german girl in 2080, servicing her jew master

Life aint nothing but bitches and money.

Netflix adaptation when.

They don't even have to change anything

Live action remake when?

She's not. Look at her hair. They have other brown people in the manga like from Persia or something. She's probably Indian.

They will, tho. Casca will be white and Guts will be a black man. Griffith will still be a faggy witeboi sissy tho.