
International Women's Day editie

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Seven, Troi, and Kira look so good in uniform.

cunt thread

when do women not look good in uniform

I like your choice of T'Pol.

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shit ass


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Hey guys, can I play?

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You forgot best girl

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>Harry Kim was Seven of Nine's introduction to romantic relationships

No wonder she became a lesbian

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The Picard finale has been revealed to be titled "Et in Arcadia Ego"

>The translation of the phrase is "Even in Arcadia, there am I". The usual interpretation is that "I" refers to Death, and "Arcadia" means an utopian land. It would thus be a memento mori. During Antiquity, many Greeks lived in cities close to the sea, and led an urban life. Only Arcadians, in the middle of the Peloponnese, lacked cities, were far from the sea, and led a shepherd life. Thus Arcadia symbolized pure, rural, idyllic life, far from the city.

>However Poussin's biographer, André Félibien, interpreted the phrase to mean that "the person buried in this tomb lived in Arcadia". In other words, that the person too once enjoyed the pleasures of life on earth. This reading was common in the 18th and 19th centuries. For example, William Hazlitt wrote that Poussin "describes some shepherds wandering out in a morning of the spring, and coming to a tomb with this inscription, 'I also was an Arcadian'."

>The former interpretation ("ego" referring to Death) is now generally considered more likely. The vagueness of the phrase is the subject of a famous essay by the art historian Erwin Panofsky (see References). Either way, the sentiment was meant to set up an ironic contrast between the shadow of death and the usual idle merriment that the nymphs and swains of ancient Arcadia were thought to embody.

So, what does it mean?

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It means the writers spent a night on google to find something vaguely deep sounding.

For me, it's Irish Romulan Cougar Elf Detective. What about for you, /trek/?

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>No wonder she became a lesbian
No she didnt. Picard doesn't exit.

A coochi nomora

Woah, is that a black Vulcan?

She didn't even become a lesbian on Picard, he's full of shit

>when she turned lesbo after her first relationship ever with you but still sends nudes of her and the new gf

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first for ezri

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Do you think space Muslims in the Federation still need to pray towards Mecca? That's gotta be a pain in the ass.

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kill yourself

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okay brb

true but how come the writers didnt realize that. i guess seven had an excuse. troi had those HIDEOUS jumpsuits and dresses (especially that green one) and kira's outfits were never flattering. their costume designer sucked.

Late DS9 Kira was very coom-worthy.

T'Pol never had a bad outfit.

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>are you moist?
OMFG CBS for fucks sake... really?

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For some reason each show (barring TOS) had a "hot girl in a tight outfit" in the main cast, it's like it's mandated. Roddenberry was only alive for one of them so I don't think he's responsible. So... Berman?

The franchise needed based Jellico as a producer.

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For me it's incestuous Romulan older sister dominatrix.

Star Sleep: Deep Snore (at) 9pm is a shit show

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you're not wrong thats why i didnt name her

>That's gotta be a pain in the ass.
Probably not too difficult, at least not unless it's exactly directly above. you

For me its I don’t watch nu-trek trash

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I'll use any excuse to post T'Pol.

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Do you think there's ever been a space Jihad?

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>check out this debbie downer
>cheer up, and stop being such an incel
>(just get consent first, bro)

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Kira is an ugly lesbian. Dax was the siren of Deep Mall 9.

>that belly ponch
was she pregnant?

For me, it's a living work of art.

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That thing canonically ate box. I stand by my statement that it is an ugly dyke.

Just the shadows playing tricks with the wind & sheets.

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>visor goes outside of the hijab
that's fucking comical, they realise it connects directly to little doodads on Geordi's temples, right? For him to be able to see?

holy BASED

Did she?
I thought that she only wanted to fuck her mirror self.

>that belly ponch

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fucking gatekeeping

>Believing people who do crappy social stunts like this are actually part of the fandoms they're doing it in
I bet you think all those super hot cosplayers are actually Star Trek fans too

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What would you do in this situation?

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VF is a pah wraith irl.

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VF is a dumb Asian

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Pound town

I would've told the stupid slut to find Jesus.

Spit in her face

Cum and start farting uncontrollably

The raunchiness of Enterprise was a mistake.

Ok boomer


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no all the episodes of trip in his underpants made the journey worthwhile

If you trust Rick Berman's opinion then he was a faggot since day one. According to him he let the success of Stand By Me go to his head.

>that episode where trip gets mpregd and tpol stares at his dick in the medbay

Child actors only deserve your pity. It fucking ruins them all psychologically, even if they're not diddled. That said, fuck this faggot.

personally i found wil wheaton to be a very cute twink. possibly could still be if he shaved his neckbeard.

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Some of them handle it better than others. Elijah Wood turned out ok.

Daniel Radcliffe is slowly becoming Nicolas Cage, it's fucking based