I'm going to try and stay awake for 3 days straight

I'm going to try and stay awake for 3 days straight.

Movies for this feel?

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Don't do it. I stayed awake for 3 days / 2 nights once and started hearing voices.

I used to do this all the time on Adderall. Training Day is the appropriate kino for this feel.

Requiem for a Dream

That's the best part

I genuinely hope you die.


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Dubs and op lives but a random nigger somewhere instantly dies

I'm trying to open my third eye

the worst part is the long term effects that sleep deprivation has on the body


Lately I've been taking 3 shits a day

I only eat 2 meals though

Is this normal

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The Machinist

I’ve done it many times on cocaine binges. I ALWAYS end up regretting it
But if you’re going to do it you should watch Willy wonka on the second night/third day

Any blood in the shits?

Season 2 of Mr Reddit where Elliot takes adderall and loses his fucking mind

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dubs and OP lives only if he's white and all niggers die

Oh shit forgot to drop recs

Permanent Vacation, but anything Jarmusch goes pretty well with sleep deprivation
Maybe something by Leox Carax
Binge something like that Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th movies, any horror series with a bunch of sequels will kill a good deal of time without much thought
Fanny & Alexander (tv version desu)

Last time I stayed up that long I ended up in the ER for psychosis.

What happens and why?

Jacob's Ladder once the pain starts to kick in

Watch Cloverfield. It will scare the anus out of you.

Just chug some white monsters and play an MMO. A week will go by before you even hit endgame

I feel the opposite. Work/school would keep you busy, and generally would keep you on your feet. When I skip sleep but I'm home, I'm just sitting down and then I crash, hard.

Once I stayed up for 2 days then I slept for 16 hours straight

Reroll for this based user, may all apes choke on their fried chicken tonight

did u pee yerself

Around the second night/third day is when my vision would start to go and my mind was really playing tricks. That’s when I would start to see things in my peripheral vision and hear weird shit

I feel like I'm losing my mind without 1 day of sleep. Don't do it


Yeah. Don't.

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rolling for this


Hellraiser or Event Horizon after the third day

I wasn't going to, Joe

the shadow people REALLY don't like it when you start noticing them
don't try to look at them

Dubs and OP achieves a higher state of being

Why tho?

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>0 results


not a great film, but it's on topic

I hope you have some speed on you man
Or meth if you decided to go all in

Chasing sleep

You won't understand more by deadening your senses. You should take up meditation instead.

Not a good idea because your body won't be able to make key repairs, hence you'll start to feel oddly warm and have a weird taste in your mouth;et al.

I watched cereal experiments lain while sleep deprived and it was an experience

Not a movie, but

I did it often for years by abusing ADHD meds. Just make sure you stay hydrated.

It's all fake, yet mildly amusing.

don't do it user
I remember a robot retard tried it and he ended up in the psych ward

Why user? You're taking years off of your life in the worst way possible. Long term effects of lack of sleep are bad.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers, preferably the original. If you fall asleep the aliens take over your brain.

Damn, would have been hot

My entire life starts to crumble, and I worry endlessly and get insanely depressed any time I don't sleep for 2 days. Tried to kill myself the last time I couldn't sleep due to insomnia.

which are?

You won't do I faggot. You'll be asleep by morning.

30+ 45 minute videos of a Chris Chan Documentary

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fight club

That’s normal. Stop once you have a seizure.

this, I would love to hear people talk backwards

I wish somebody would talk to me

Yeah that tends to happen

Both the original Norwegian version and the Nolan remake

Most I ever did was about 34 hours (Give or take). When I finally went to sleep I kept waking up every 20 minutes and then wasn't able to get back to sleep. This went on for hours and I genuinely thought I'd broken my brain.

without drinking alcohol, i sleep for maybe 1 or 2-3 hours at a time with horrible stressful dreams. Does it ever get better or am i fucked unless i stop drinking entirely(including weekends) I'm tired

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