>no outsider thread
why aren’t you watching the most kino cop show since true detective?
Season finale lets goooooo
>no outsider thread
why aren’t you watching the most kino cop show since true detective?
Season finale lets goooooo
I'll watch it but I'm not happy that it's not a series finale
Downloading the final now. Better be good
Does the first season cover the entire book? Cause it might get better moving past Kings stuff
Upside down black man is the target.
Idk, I haven't read that book and I didn't want to look up anything about it in case of spoilers. I'm just wondering how they're going to continue a mystery show with no mystery.
Isn't this the book we all read in middle school about the Greasers?
I didn't even bother watching last weeks episode. It's so shit. I'll probably get through it later but I just can't be bothered with it's bullshit.
This show fucking sucked. If it actually isn’t the finale I’m not tuning in next season.
No. This is a horror/detective show based on a Stephen King book. Think “true detective” but it actually leans into the paranormal stuff
As opposed to tuning in to a show that’s over? Ok
Lmao this ending is garbage.
Wow I never could have thought it would end so bad.
Did you negative nancies fast forward to the end or something? It hasn’t even been a full hour since the episode started airing
Watched every episode and am watching the finale now. At best it's a 3/10 and doesn't even come close to True Detective season 2
Jack and the monster are pretty cool though
>why aren’t you watching the most kino cop show since true detective?
Read the book
>My dad used to have this saying, Ray
>tfw no qt autistic ebony girlfriend
>“It’s like pulling a rabbit out of a glass hat — of course there will be another [if HBO wants one],” Price said. “There’s no such thing as a series that, if it does well, they’re not going to want a second season.”
>It’s like pulling a rabbit out of a glass hat
What did showrunner Richard Price mean by this?
I lost all interest when it turned out to be an actual bogeyman that drips goo and is basically some kind of weird monster
I wanted something more weird and occult
How is he so perfect bros
>cop show
False. Maybe for the first 2 episodes. The rest is a slow grind of soap opera tier drama featuring an all powerful autistic black woman that saves the day.
Everyone can see it coming
Peak performance.
>featuring an all powerful autistic black woman that saves the day.
That’s like saying rain man was all powerful. she’s consistently shown to be vulnerable and useless in physical situations.and she hardly saves anyone’s day, in fact she fails to prevent multiple people’s death while she investigates. Don’t be such a drama queen
She's shown to be vulnerable when she's taken unarmed by an armed man. That's it. Not enough to imply consistency over time. She knows things because it's convenient she knows things, no other reason. Everyone else is basically wonderin around with eyes closed and she leads them through the plot. Failed to prevent deaths? What deaths are those? Was she in any way suppose to prevent them? Pretty sure all deaths so far are mandatory to move the plot forward and in no way a testament to her failings. Don't be such a shill.
This show is pure trash.
>She's shown to be vulnerable when she's taken unarmed by an armed man. That's it.
Not true. On top of that shes largely ridiculed by the task force, tags along with a strong white male when she’s out of her league working in a new town, fails to get access to the nursing home, totally vulnerable to the point of cowering in a shoot out and so on. Hardly all powerful as you said.
>She knows things because it's convenient she knows things, no other reason.
What are you talking about? We see her investigation step by step, she knows things because she talks to people. In fact I don’t remember her super autism math powers being useful in the investigation once
>Everyone else is basically wonderin around with eyes closed
Literally a theme of the show is believers vs non believers
>Failed to prevent deaths? What deaths are those?
Jason Bateman, The black guy who got possessed, her boyfriend, she is nowhere in sight when the kid at the fair is almost kidnapped, on and on
>Was she in any way suppose to prevent them
She’s hired to clear batemans name, so yes
>Don't be such a shill.
user, I think you’re just really sensitive. She wasn’t some strong independent woman who don’t need no man, she’s literally just a private detective who can count the number of beans you drop on the ground.
will i like this if i like true detective?
Don't waste your time.
I think so. It does get a little shlocky later on with the paranormal aspect so it kinda depends wether you like that stuff or not
the big supernatural antagonist surrounded by a shroud of mystery for 8 episodes is killed b a gunshot and a rock to the head. also the amount of deaths squished into the first 10 minutes of the episode was just comedic. what a fucking way to ruin a decent show
This is one of the few works of art in which the concept is shit and the execution is good. Usually it's the reverse. The first 2 episodes were great across the board. Then, we find out it involves supernatural bullshit, and all the suspense and intrigue goes out the window. The rest is sunk-cost-fallacy tv at its worst.
I really wanted to like this show and I've been defending it since it aired but that ending sucked. And then they go and tease all kinds of bullshit to milk a second season out. Fuck those faggots. It would have been better if the Claude they rescued was actually el cuco and Ralph smashed the real Claude's face. If they just didn't show him doing his shapeshift thing they could have pulled it off. Then it would have been believable for Holly to have a scratch and get that vision in her mirror.
>the concept is shit and the execution is good.
I agree with you. It was a really well made pile of shit (except for the drone operator).
He’s a based character actor. Check out ‘Mississippi Grind’ where he plays a degenerate gambler.
>also the amount of deaths squished into the first 10 minutes of the episode was just comedic.
I think the shoot out was just poorly directed, it wasn't as effective as it should have been
I like the simple showdown in the cave, doing some kind of weird horror movie monster attack wouldn't really fit the show well
They also seemed to just forget that the kids grandpa also got scratched. The whole episode fucking sucked but that ending was just abysmally retarded. If you watch the episode breakdowns from the creators it makes it even worse as they act like all the bullshit mystery is amazing when they're just purposefully vague. Pic fucking related.
I was hoping it was the wrong Claude too desu
The book was shit. Don’t know what you all expected.
What was the deal with the snake? Dude just happened to have a snake-removal tool at his disposal?
>They also seemed to just forget that the kids grandpa also got scratched
Yeah what the fuck? This should have just been a two hour movie without all the bullshit in stead of ten fucking episodes.
It could have worked too. He was alone with Holly so he could have attacked her. If they had her take the knife in stead of leaving it then maybe she could have fought back until Ralph shows up and el cuco runs away. Ralph goes to help a badly wounded Holly and then it cuts to el cuco leaving the cave and telling Sablo to go help them or just killing him. Then Holly and Ralph come out and find that he is gone.
What makes you think I know how to read?
>it's not a series finale
Wait i thought this was supposed to be a mini series with only one season?
Is this supposed to turn into a Holly Gibney story altogether?
For those of you that don't know, Holly is a recurring character in King's novels. She's been in Mr. Mercedes, Finders Keepers, and End of Watch as well.
Ran out of steam really fast after the 2nd or 3rd episode
the claudes had two diff shirts on
The music was really well done in this show, unsettling
everything after ep 2 is pure trash. Stop adapting this hack's book
Just about to start it
Did you watch the last 10 mins? That's clearly the producers' hope.
this show puts me to sleep
Yeah I noticed, he was wearing an undershirt too. But what was with that jacket that was laying on some rubble that they did a closeup on as they were leaving?
this. the show already shit. another season is ridiculous
Is it getting good reviews?
I thought that was suppose to be the hoodie he was wearing while he was hiding in public during the first few episodes.
this is the worst thing hbo has shit out in years
For me it's cheeky Aussie Ben in Vertical Limit
That makes sense. Is it weird that it is on top of the rubble? I feel like it should be buried if anything.
Based, but for me it’s the slimey heroin addict in the long haul for another score in killing them softly
only from redditors.
This shit fucking sucked holy fuck. Good start and went to complete shit. Officer lisp was such a faggot too
He was a really good junkie.
What ever happened to the Asian chick? Why was she even in it?
Complete garbage show. I'm robbed of life.
He really was, you could practically smell him off the screen. Dude commits to every role that’s for sure
Pope in animal kingdom is him at his peak
I was going to say something about how I could smell him. Some of my friends went down that road and they smelled fucking horrible. He had the walk down too.