Post an episode that was the best in it's series

Post an episode that was the best in it's series

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>tfw you have a strong urge to find a prostitute
Should I just jack off again bros? How much does a proper slut cost? I dont want to overpay but I dont want a diseased one either

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11 5

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Really? Why this one?

I like The Visitor the most, but In the Pale Moonlight, Its Only a Paper Moon, and Duet are also amazing.

just jack off, it's much more satisfying

What if a series only has one episode so far?

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The fly

>condom blowjobs
>can't cum in the bitch's mouth
>she won't swallow
>condom absolutely required

Prostitutes are a waste.

The Sopranos S02E13 Funhouse
The Wire S03E11 Middle Ground
Deadwood S02E06 Something Very Expensive
Breaking Bad S04E11 Crawl Space
Oz S01E08 A Game of Checkers (everything is downhill from there
The Shield's series finale
Six Feet Under's series finale
[spoilder]mlp s05e12 Amending Fences

Thats not idiot box


Crawl Space was good, but there's no denying Ozymandias was pure kino

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Wow, I'm not the only one.

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Kids these days

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>Not Lair of the Lummox

Is that Orlando? Looks like Orlando

Hard luck woman
Or ballad of fallen angels
Or jupiter jazz part 1 and 2
Or speak like a child
or real folk blues part 1 and 2

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Always Sunny S5E5 The Waitress is Getting Married

>It's a braeburn!

Longest Monday.

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That episode of Ed Edd n Eddy where they make the cardboard city

Urban Ed. Good pick m8

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What a great episode

What was that kids name, the one with the braces? God I hated that faggot.



KEK you only watch gay shit. You must be a gay.

Literally every episode of season 1 is better than ozymemedias. 5 is such a shit season lmao

CITY ON THE EDGE OF FOREVER is what /trek/ fags will say about Star Trek but the true answer is DAGGER OF THE MIND.

Jimmy. Everyone hated him, but everyone despised Sarah more for being annoying as Hell. Kevin was a dick but he was too cool to really hate.

Star Trek: The Next Generation = Best of Both Worlds. Might has well have been a movie.

Buffy: Once More With Feeling. One of the best musicals ever made.

South Park: Scott Tenorman Must Die. No explanation needed.

The Andy Griffith Show: The second Ernest T. Bass episode.

The Venture Bros.: Every episode is utter perfection kino.

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Fives finds out about Order 66 and gets Maes Hughes'd

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GFE bro

Kevin was a Chad before Chads were Chads. I mean he was a douche but he was probably that kid you could buy really good weed from.

Uuuh hello? Is this the based department?

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That isn't hookie

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holy BASED

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>not Dont Wiz on the Electric Fence

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Died in the womb

Rip in peace

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Best TOS is actually Devil in the Dark

cracks me up every time

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Justified S6's existence. I still think S5 finale was a fine ending.

now I finally get it
The Sopranos was a gay show all along because of the Vito being on medication arc

>Not Fake Dad

Seriously how was Vito such a good comedian. I mean the whole gay joke was brilliant.

>We could have had a Korgoth of Barbaria/Metalocalypse power hour

I left the gas on

That one and the surrealist episode.

I will accept this answer even though I continue to believe DAGGER OF THE MIND is the best TOS ep. You have patrician taste, sir.