
Soon Edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


>this image still hasn't been debunked

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>trekfags are dying off faster than they can multiply

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Where's Valley Forge?

Captain, I recommend a full spread of photon torpedoes with fat shit warheads, coupled with a barrage of fat shit phasers. It should destroy all non-Trek posts.



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Belay that! Beam them aboard so we can discuss our differences.

For me, it's Irish Romulan Cougar Elf Detective

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Really? I dunno about her. For me, it's Porthos.

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>For me, it's mucus

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>cuter face
>cuter ears
>not useless
>not a diversity hire

Why was Porthos so based

for the Alpha Quadrant

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What is Kurtzmans endgame?

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has a reddit name

Shut the fuck up you retarded faggot

I am revoking your permission to post in /trek/ now leave immediately

God, that'd be really well done if the gif didn't reveal its secrets the moment it loops


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What do you think happened to allow her to develop her jawr in such a chad-like manner? Is there a backstory to this?

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Because the only people who still lurk /trek/ are miserable retards who want to bitch about pitbulls. /trek/ stopped being fun months ago.

Because it's full of angry losers

please tell me that came up through reverse image search and your brain doesnt actually form these connections naturally

>The Enterprise encounters a previously unseen starship on the edges of Federation space
>Troi: Captain I sense this frowny faced man threatening to kill us has some emotional disturbance.
>Worf: They’ve armed their phaser banks, Captain.
>Troi: I sense they might be dangerous.
>Worf: Should I raise shields and arm phasers, Captain?
>Picard: Shut up Worf. This is no time for your violent irrational Klingon ways. You’re on Starfleet now! Let Troi finish her analysis of their—
>Worf: We are being fired upon!
>Picard: Will you be quiet, Worf! Why is it always violence with you? Please Deanna go ahead.
>Troi: I sense.. anger.. disconent.. malevolence.. a wish to.. do harm!
>Worf: Shields at 20%! Captain!
>Picard: You’re dismissed, Worf! Wesley, take over his station. There might be trouble brewing. Brewing like a pot of Earl Grey.
>Created by Gene Roddenberry

Picard calls Wesley to the ready room. Data is present.
>Wesley you have violated the prime directive for the last time, it's time for some hard discipline.
Picard undoes his starfleet uniform as Wesley begins to cry.
Picard now fully nude reveals an erect 13 inch penis as he begins to walk up to Wesley. Picard snorts arrogantly
>As if the illegality of genetic engineering is going to prevent the captain of the flagship of the Federation from seeking out its gifts!
Wesley is horror struck.
>Starfleet was founded to seek out new life, Mr Crusher. Well here it throbs!
Picard proclaims whilst pointing to his erect penis with his arm as still and as hard as dilithium
Wesley runs for the door but is blocked by Data.
>Mr. Data restrain him.
Data grabs hold of Wesley and brings him to the floor.
Picard rips Wesley's pants off and spits on his exposed butthole as
Data looks on with intrique.
Picard amorously shouts out over and over as he begins to rape Wesleys ass.
Data begins to sing Che Gelida Manina to cover the screaming.
The rape only lasts for a few minutes but to Wesley it feels like an eternity.
A horrendous stench fills the ready room as Wesley farts out Picards penis along with a mixture of blood, feces, and semen.
Picard finished with his deed whispers into his ear.
>It's better to have loved and have lost, than never to have loved at all.
>Thank you, ensign. That will be all.
Created by Gene Roddenberry

>Kestra go get your broken compas, I have another mission for you deep in the woods.

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This is /trek/, here we post cutes.

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t. has never loved at all rather than loved and lost

This thread is off to a good start


>how deep in the woods, father?

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Picard thrusts deeply and grinds against Wesley's tailbone as he climaxes

>new series that focuses on the enterprise 200 years after TNG and sticks to the principles and writing style of classic Trek
>silly family sitcom set in Ferenginar society
You can have one of these things. Pick wisely.

>>Starfleet was founded to seek out new life, Mr Crusher. Well here it throbs!

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Checked and add it to the pasta if you repost it. The 'well here it throbs!' was something I edited into the original.

Are you implying there is a significant difference between her child and adult self? Ridiculous.

>select all images with CROSSWALKS
>there are three crosswalks... oh wait this one isn't a crosswalk, it's text on the road, there are two crosswalks
you're playing a dangerous game here Google

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Goddamn that Ferengi sitcom sounds redpilled af. It's like you can do every offensive Jew joke ever but it's ok because they're Ferengi. I mean, like every single fucking stereotype.

I hate the face of the Data daughters so much. Something about it is actually repulsive.

Here's Quark!
>Raucous applause/hooting

Balls deep

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Vulcans are also jews, and they really run starfleet.

Bajorans are the constant victim Jews.

Whilst almost all of the main Ferengi characters are being portrayed by Jewish actors. The 'they''re capitalism parodies' is simply so flimsy in light of the actors being of Jewish backgrounds and their characters riffing on some many Jew stereotypes. You can't take denial they're Jew riffs seriously.

They're noses are also distinguising traits and used against them during racial slurs.

Snuggling with me in front of a cozy fire

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Cant we just stick to rape and pedophilia. Fuck off Yas Forums.

>Ask Captain Picard how deep.

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>Are you implying there is a significant difference between her child and adult self? Ridiculous.
I was implying the exact opposite
>I hate the face of the Data daughters so much. Something about it is actually repulsive.
To be fair, it was just a weird time for aesthetics. You had to be there.

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VF looks like THAT?

Could any kind user hook me up with a link to a torrent of Season 6 of Deep Space Nine?

Up until now I was using TPB, but it seems that Season 6 is missing for some reason, and other DS9 torrents have dropped to 1 or 0 seeders. Don't know if there was a purge of some sort. I don't have access to private trackers, so if anyone could hook me up I would be very grateful.

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Anyone else get some Nathan Fillion vibes from beardless Riker?

Questra your fathers hair is dark brown and your mothers is black sooo how do you get blonde hair again?

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get a list of active public trackers. There are sites that update them regularly. Add those to all the DS9 torrents you have. This fixes the issue of seeds a good portion of the time.

Cheeky Feckers!

Please friends, choose to live

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There is one on /t/

The irony is quite delicious