Why was this scene so offensive?
Why was this scene so offensive?
couldn't you take any tabloid headline and do the same thing as the bottom panel?
I don't think anyone on Earth has so desperately wished to be white as much as the author of these comics does.
Wtf OP he asked you not to repost
asian men in american media are regularly portrayed with vicious stereotypes, like the ideas that they're shorter than average, or have smaller frames or penises. bruce lee is one of the few truly masculine asian cultural figures and it's hard not to see a portrayal which seeks to humiliate him as an attack that's close to home for asian men in the western world.
honestly if you really care, start here
Make me weep to think Brad’s God tier genes were wasted on his tranny kid thanks to his retarded ex-wife
Thanks Zhang
Any whit kkklub bros itt?
there are plenty of asian heroes in asian countries
I heard that this movie can't be shown in China because Bruce Lee gets beat up
Are Asian bois really that insecure? I thought china was based.
All Asian heros get white washed
Yeah Tarantino did Bruce dirty, and hollywood treats asian men pretty poorly.
goku isnt asian he is an alien that gets blue eyes and blonde hair
Post the laughing Sam.
I'm confused what does the first half have to do with the second?
Brad is based
Look at that bug eyed little jungle boy on the left. Infuriating to think that because he's a little shit tier Asian POC adopted by a crypt keeper he has any power over Brad's life.
I think the scene just showed that guys who know kung fu aren’t unstoppable warriors and are actually just kind of fags. Lee’s style may have looked impressive, but he was arrogant and his moves were easily telegraphed and predictable. All his flash and style didn’t help him from getting thrown into the side of a car.
>jesus is a basketball american
Fucking why
Its a fictional character made for white people to identify and follow why do you need to change his race
Not to mention his origin story wouldnt make sense if he was anything other than white
Jesus was Jewish
Why can't asian men handle that asian women were made for white cock?
cope, he was black
they have tiny lizard brains
>white people are offensive
Then you should have written Iron Fist, you angry tranny.
He definitely wasn’t black he was from the Middle East. Quit being racist.
*bug brains
>the son of GOD
>killed by jews
>so hated by them they dont e en acknowledge him
>a jew
Nah brah, get your canon right
it portrayed bruce lee as a total diva cunt which seems to be inaccurate by any account of him I've ever read.
It's not, but the flip incel who draws these clearly posts here and took the bait when anons spammed it for months
quit being insensitive, nazi
Maddox should be grateful he's not squatting in the jungle eating bat soup
faggot give buckley a run for his money
Aang was Asian?
>flip incel
Isn't he a fag?
salty chink freaky
so what american eats animals also
He was the cuck child of a Jewish woman in the middle east. Historically jesus was Jewish.
Why not both?
this guy seems to play a perpetual victim role. what happened to comics being just a fun escape from the real world?
>3 shitty movies that literally no one liked and bombed
>1 mediocre movie that only drew attention because it casted a white woman as the lead even though asians weren't even upset
>1 shitty netflix special
>"o-oh a-and jesus!"
Fuck this dude is really reaching. You would think that if this was as prevalent as he makes it out to be, he would provide a few better more relevant examples.
>Based on headlines
Why didn't he just use the real headlines?
Microdick subhumans should stay in their own nations if they don't want to be mogged by real men.
>You would think that if this was as prevalent as he makes it out to be, he would provide a few better more relevant examples
That's because it really isn't. Honestly, I feel like you could put together far more examples of white characters getting portrayed as browns, chinks, or niggers than you could with brown/asian characters being whitewashed.
Sure you could, but does it matter when 99% of characters are white? You're not causing any real harm.
>if you don't accept my weird leftist religion without question then I call you a Nazi
>but does it matter when 99% of characters are white?
Characters where? In the US? In Europe? Or do you mean globally? Do you think most media in India or China center around whites? Do you think every tv show or movie in Asia is filled to the brim with white guys?
Where are (((you))) getting this 99% statistic?
it wasnt, pretty good actually
Much like bolshevik grasp in culture influenced the revolution, these are breadcrumbs displaying the directions to come, all they need you to give up guns, borders and then its fun in your bun.
Is Ryuk supposed to be of asian ethnicity somehow? A pale, unblinking death god? Why is he there? Or was he just worried that no one would understand that it was Light if there wasn't Ryuk behind him?
>pissed off hapas
I love how arabs, egyptians, and north africans are very open about their hatred against subsaharan nigs, but fags in the west love to lump them together.
Explain this science boy
Jewish the ethnicity not Jewish the religion.
Yeah, dude is overreacting. Who gives a shit. Lol.
Why didn’t he mention l getting black washed?
That's what I posted.
In case you're serious what matters is ice that is standing on land, like in greenland and antarctica, and as it melts gets into the ocean
not floating icebergs
asians have small dicks and are manlets
Jesus isn’t a fictional character even most atheists admit he existed
>posting the same character multiple
>posting a fucking lego
>drinking wine out of a shot glass
This is what pissed me off the most from this image
Its more like if the ice was off the cup but in line to fall inside in case of defrosting, don't forget the ice that is not in the ocean.
It's already figured in. As the glaciers melt the land rises.
>unironically linking to reddit
Go fuck your self nigger.
Why are Asian men in America so fucking cucked? In China and Japan they laugh at American Asian men.
No the image doesn't take that into account.
Also post-glacial rebound is local, so after the glaciers in greenland melts, that land will rise, but it doesn't help the coastlines in the rest of the world.
The best part is that his brother in the comic works at Marvel and he threw him under the bus.
Why wouldnt the other land just float ups the water underneath it ris
>asian men in american media are regularly portrayed with vicious stereotypes, like the ideas that they're shorter than average, or have smaller frames or penises.
Bruh this is a fact
>Headlines are based on real headlines
Mind posting links to those headlines?
I just googled Brad Pitt child abuse, and all I can find is custody battles.
>goku isnt asian he is an alien that gets blue eyes and blonde hair
Toriyama actualyl said that saiyans are white
Tiananmen Square 1989
I always find his comics funny because when he actually went back home one time he acted like a white guy
ITT chimps larping as alt-righters
Don't you nigs have Blacked and Zendaya threads to spam? LMAO
it's tabloid shit like you'd see on the covers of US weekly or InTouch magazine.
Because the other land wasn't held down by huge packs of ice.
Which is why areas like scandinavia is still rising since the last ice age, and while the Sahara isn't.
No more questions, go read instead.
it actually isn't, whites self report the smallest dicks
Lmfao sure buddy
>Angelina has never accused him of child abuse, she wasn’t the one who asked for the D.C.F.S. to become involved. All she’s ever said is that she was concerned about the health of the family. If you take a look at the facts, they are indisputable. D.C.F.S. was involved for eight weeks. Child abuse is kind of the ceiling; the fact that he was cleared for child abuse doesn’t mean that nothing happened on the plane. Something required the safeguards that were put in place . . . If nothing happened, why would the current legal agreement that was encouraged by child-care professionals keep the kids in custody with therapeutic visits from Brad.
They are shorter on average and they do have smaller frames and penises
I know who you are
asians with blue eyes?
Googled the first headline
>A source told Mirror Celebs that the FBI is investigating the claims - but it's claimed he did NOT get physical
And I can’t find the second one at all.
So what’s the moral of today’s story kids?
>whitewashing bad
>replacing white character good
>Actors insane wife lies
>Actor is cleared by investigating officers
Jesus was black
He wasn't a fictional character. Whether he was the son of God or just some Jewish hippie stirring up shit in a Roman province is a little bit of a different argument.
Anyway, he is of course depicted as a white, blue eyed man in most Christian countries with a largely white populace. He's portrayed as Eastern looking in the east, darker in other parts of the world, etc. He wasn't white, but he wasn't sub-Saharan black or something. He probably looked like most of the people living in the Roman province of Judea; very dark skin, black hair and brown eyes.
what does hollywood have against red heads?
>character has completely white features
Maybe they should question why so many anime draw characters as white, when they easily could make asian features if they really wanted to
The same thing the rest of the intelligent world does.
t. Xi Jinping
>picket that shit
Eyes too small, nose too large, face too wide--try again