Going through an existential crisis about free will right now...

going through an existential crisis about free will right now. Any movies about this subject preferably ones that state that we do have free will?

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Free will doesn't exist. But it doesn't matter. It doesn't change anything existing or not.

ok you got a movie rec to go with that?

>ok you got a movie rec to go with that?
No. I just wanted to rip that band aid off.

>Free will doesn't exist. But it doesn't matter. It doesn't change anything existing or not.
Matrix Reloaded.

A Clockwork's Orange
I, Robot
Minority Report



matrix reloaded is actually one of the best kinos for this

Attached: 1576281211592.jpg (175x225, 28.75K)

Any Marvel movie. Just turn your brain off bro.

which of these movies say that we do have free will? looking for something to confirm my biases

Stalker debates it to some extent, can't remember if it lands with definitive answer.
A Clockwork Orange is about having free will and debates whether it is right to remove free will even from a violent offender.


Logan's Run

I don't think these count.

I’m actually watching American Beauty right now

Knowing with Nic cage.

I remember being an edgy nihilist when I was 14.

metal gear solid 2


>I remember being an edgy nihilist when I was 14.
I'm not edgy or a nihilist

My dinner with andre.

denying free will is a convenient excuse to absolve us of our actions

>denying free will is a convenient excuse to absolve us of our actions
Listen, either it exists or it doesn't. What you want to do with that answer is up to you...or not really if free will doesn't exist.

Synecdoche, New York gave me an existential crisis.

Of course you have free will you idiot.

You can choose to do some things, you can choose not to do some things.

Doesn't matter how limited your will may be, you still have it.

>Of course you have free will you idiot.
Explain how your body is free from causality.

Your body isn't free from causality but you have still have the will to do things.

A computer program doesn't have free will. It can't decide for itself.

Human beings can.

>Your body isn't free from causality but you have still have the will to do things.
How is this possible when everything in your body(including your brain) is just the sum total of all previous cause and effects since the beginning of time. You don't control your thoughts, they just come to you, moment by moment.

I wanted to get alcohol tonight but I chose not to.

I exercised my free will not to buy 8 cans of Heineken.

The Tree of Life
Enter The Void

But a computer program does decide for itself in the same way that human beings do. Both human beings and computer programs take inputs and through complex processes end up with certain outputs.
All assuming you are a materialist of course.

It's because you're an insufferable urbanite neurotic kike

>I wanted to get alcohol tonight but I chose not to.
But you can't see the inherent contradiction in you:

-Being that obeys the laws of physics
-You breaking those laws of physics

What you are talking about is essentially inferring. All the molecules and cells in your body, reacting to stimulus that they received. And you, thinking "You" control all of that. How could that be the case? How do you influence a neuron to do anything other than react to previous stimulus is a very predictable way.

stop eating food and will yourself not to starve

None of these things are correct, why are you so upset mate?

bruh you're overthinking it

There's degrees of freewill within certain parameters, it's not absolute. Your body will force you to eat but you can choose WHAT you eat, depending on what's available.

jewry is offensive

If you go through life believing that we have no free will and that you should just surrender yourself to the great cosmic will or whatever the hell Schopenhauer was talking about, you're going to have a bad time, just saying.

>bruh you're overthinking it
No i'm not.

you can't know 100% either way. I generally think there's no free will but it just makes life seem pointless if you do

It sounds to me like you're upset that you let them take your foreskin.

Stranger Than Fiction, Source Code, Groundhog Day, End of Evangelion, anything with Christian themes I guess

It's a cope lots of people use to absolve themselves of responsibility for their own lives. What I don't like is when they try to demoralize others with their gayness.

If free will exists why can't I dissuade myself from anal sex with strangers?

bruh you are overthinking it

>you can't know 100% either way. I generally think there's no free will but it just makes life seem pointless if you do
Maybe there is no way to know for certain. but i can't personally see how peoples bodies are free from the laws of physics.

The laws of physics are barely understood, and quantum physics leaves the door open for objective free will within the brain on the particle level. Neuroscience and consciousness are not well understood at all.

watching enter the void while high, I've never felt so sick before in my life

>The laws of physics are barely understood, and quantum physics leaves the door open for objective free will within the brain on the particle level. Neuroscience and consciousness are not well understood at all.
I get that, but ultimately how could any discovery in physicals "give" us free will. Everything operates via rules. We don't know all the rules, but there are rules which we all must follow.

>I generally think there's no free will but it just makes life seem pointless if you do
That's completely wrong. I don't believe in free will but my life has meaning, i experience it every second of every day.

Nothing needs to "give" us free will. What if one of the rules is that individual intention effects the behavior of particles within the brain, and not the other way around? IMO, a rule is that we are always effecting reality through our consciousness in some way whether we are aware of that rule or not. To what degree I have no clue.

Free will does exist but we are under the heavy influence of drugs (dopamine, serotonin, fear, pain receptors) which nudge us in a direction slightly.

However, there was a guy who had no pain receptors and he accidentally chewed his own lips off one day while eating some really good tacos. This serves as evidence that if you take away the drugs of emotion we are influenced by we do in fact have total free will.

how are you free from the laws of physics?


You didn't answer my question.

You can have free will and still abide by the laws of physics.

>You can have free will and still abide by the laws of physics.

World on a Wire

The brain is made of quantum particles and quantum particles have been proven to be effected by individual consciousness. Free will is within consciousness.

t. murderous anti-human AI

Are the laws of physics immutable?

>quantum particles have been proven to be effected by individual consciousness
Wrong.This is a common misunderstanding of quantum physics
>Are the laws of physics immutable?

>>Are the laws of physics immutable?
Then there is a God that made Man in His image.
We know, we know that we know, and we will to know that we know.
Existence, Logos, and Will.