Could this actually kill you?

Could this actually kill you?

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No, but it would be extremely painful..

Tbh I think it would be survivable if you got quick medical attention. Unless it somehow breaks your brain stem, you might not even be unconscious from it


What is this good for, again?

What does it do?

It couldn't kill her because she has a choice. The worst it could do was suicide you.

Hoffchad killed with it Jill nearly instantly

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You would choke on blood and lose consciousness in less than 30 seconds from that alone.

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it breaks your head

the way he got out of it was kino


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Yes Hoffman is extremely based

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you could easily die from shock, so yes


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What choice? She looks stuck

You're a big guy

>All those obnoxious flashback edits

Who watches this shit?

came here to post this

Could getting your arms and jaw ripped off kill you?

Attached: choice.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

People who appreciate kino

the same people who think you're meant to view Tony Soprano as a loving husband and father.

>woman not being able to yap for 5+ conscious minutes.
This would kill a woman instantly.

which doesnt make sense

It was originally done because of the low budget but it kinda became the style afterwards

why didn't they chose to live

>classic keyboard toughness

Me when I come back from the dentist in my third world shithole

It's time.

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I've never heard of anyone dying from a broken head before.

they didn't have a choice

Robin Williams?

As opposed to just memeing and shitposting about these films, let's try to rationally and logically go at this. Everyone knows that laws have to be very clear to avoid loopholes. That's why oftentimes the jargon is incredibly dense and filled with seemingly redundancies to cover every possible eventuality. With this in mind, I've spent this entire week going through the US penal code ( and I honestly could not spot or find any article that says anything against what Jigaw did at all. I dare you to do the same. You will not find one sentence, not one iota of anything that mentions penalizing the acts of putting people in traps designed to maim or kill. You will also not find one single solitary mention of moving a person from one location to another one without their explicit consent.

Thus, the matter is settled and any lawyer and person who is experienced in law will most surely agree with this. Jigsaw's sheet is cleaner than a newborn's ass after wiping it.

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What is this absolute trash lmao

Jesus where the fuck is this from?

saw 7

How did jigsaws victims have a choice to live? I never saw any saw movie, but wasn't it always along the lines of you have to do something extremely painful for you or someone else, or kill someone else, to get out of the traps?


Just because it's a painful choice doesn't mean it's not still a choice.


Jigsaw gave her a key. It was her choice to take it or not.

What choice did the guy with the question mark on his stomach with the key inside have?
What choice did the mother/daughter have?

>the key is in the bathtub

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He chose to be a dopehead

They chose to be with an insurance salesman

Seems like you're rationalizing things to have been jiggy's choices after the fact

>she had to make him puke
>zepp was never poisoned
clearly everything can work out without anyone dying and without breaking the rules

Seethe or accept the truth

The choice is yours

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>You will not find one sentence, not one iota of anything that mentions penalizing the acts of putting people in traps designed to maim or kill. You will also not find one single solitary mention of moving a person from one location to another one without their explicit consent
It's a funny meme, but this isn't true.

canadian cops don't carry guns?

Prove it, I dare you. Find just one instance in the penal code that explicitly criminalizes anything Jigsaw has done.

It gives you a boo-boo

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>confirming Jigsaw being the most boring and useless horror villain ever

These threads will always be hilarious. Shills either must admit Jigsaw is guilty or confirm that Jigsaw is the worst villain ever. Saw shills will always get BTFO.

>moving a person from one location to another one without their explicit consent
Human trafficking and kidnapping. Your argument is now dead.

>Human trafficking and kidnapping
He did neither of those things.

>18 U.S.C Section 1201
Felony kidnapping, which the pigmen do.
>Model Penal Code 2.06 (3)(a)
Accomplice liability, to assist another with the purpose of facilitating the offense, which Jigsaw does by creating the traps in which they are held against their will.
I'm not even American and this took two google searches my dude.

Indeed, these acts are penalized, but Jigsaw simply took them (in fact not even he himself, but his accomplices) and placed them somewhere else. That is not illegal.

The pigmen are his accomplices so he didn't do it himself.

Kidnapping is illegal indeed, but not the act of taking a person from location A to B without their will.

There have been Saw killers and the judges all threw the book at them
Come on
We can’t have people doing this to entertain Yas Forums

>but not the act of taking a person from location A to B without their will.
it literally is illegal

>Human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others

Nope. He didn’t do that.


They were adults, it was napping at most

Jiggy wins again!

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>h-he's a genius because he didn't do anything!
This is literally incel-tier thinking LMAO

If I go to sleep on the train and wake up somewhere else, did the train kidnap me?


Is there any chance that this will be good, or at least close to the feel of the first two or three?

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So is the joke here to be completely retarded about what Jigsaw does or what?

>18 U.S.C Section 1201 (c)
If two or more persons conspire to violate this section and one or more of such persons do any overt act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be punished by imprisonment for any term of years or for life.

Unless you mean to say that Jigsaw did not conspire to kidnap these people and put them in traps specifically designed for them, with the pigmen carrying out his will.

The only “joke” is Yas Forumss sophomoric attempts to charge an innocent man

He kidnapped everyone for the first game by himself and we saw him kidnap Hoffman

Yes it’s a masterpiece and will make your dick bigger

Into The Spiral won't have Toby Bell tho

Only if you pulled it off

It’s already confirmed kino thanks to pic related

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He does not kidnap them.

He takes them to a new place sure, but they're free to leave whenever they wish.

The pig man is a separate serial killer. Jigsaw saves the people he wants to use in his traps by rescuing them from the pig lair. He’s a hero

Good luck convincing a jury of that m8


In fact in the flashback we find out Jigsaw stole the pig killers mask to try and stop him

Former ICJ judge here. Technically, he can be charged with taking people from one location to another one without their explicit will and signature. It is also true that he can be charged with putting people in situations that bear the risk of bodily injury and potentially fatal consequences. However, and this is important in understanding how such people are convicted. Jigsaw's intentions also fall into the equation which means that he a) intends to teach his "victims" a lesson for life and thus make them better persons, b) he gives them explicit instructions how to learn that lesson and c) he acts without malice.

Moreover, on the aspect of kidnapping. Evidence obviously would show that he is too frail to actively kidnap someone, ergo this would be instantly dropped in a serious court.

The chances of him being convicted of murder, let alone kidnapping are extremely low, 0.5% tops.

A very slim chance, depending on how much/if they try to “reinvent” the Saw formula. I’m OK with all new characters, 8 movies was more than enough to tell their story. As long as it doesn’t turn into some pozzed FUCK THA POLICE political statement, I’m really looking forward to some fresh Sawkino.

I'm pretty sure you could get tetanus and die, so yes
I wonder how many of you will "get it"

>semantics make me right!
Confirmed for sovereign citizen

>claim the villain is not actually responsible for any deaths
>this virtually takes away any stakes from the villain
>which effectively neuters him

First day here?

Any other trap-kino out there?
I've seen The Collector and Collection, but there's gotta be more.

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Did you miss the scene in the first movie where the chick straight up thanked him for teaching her a valuable lesson about life?
I think he'd be okay.

>tobin freestyling on the end credits
please make it happen

Maybe the Cube movies, but it might be a stretch

And just how many of those cases would be bench trials, smartass

>implying he’s meant to be a “villain” in the first place


Only without a tetanus shot

..... He's not a villain.
Antihero at most.


Kidnap yourself retard

>lift or die make your choice

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