They don't even try to hide it anymore

They don't even try to hide it anymore

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Darryl’s Chris Matthews imitation was phenomenal.
cringe to the max

They never tried that hard to hide it in the first place.

SNL was never funny
For me it’s MADtv

SNL has been cringe for years

SNL has always been for unfunny people to congregate and sniff each other's farts while a rich Jew tried to convince everybody that they're actually funny.

it definitely was never this bad. dont remember the vemon and SJW outrage in say the old sketches with Dana Carvey as Bush where it was just him going NAH GONNA DAHHH IT over and over again. it really wasnt until post-2000 when the show became more feminist and "progressive" with uberlibs like Tina Fey as head writer, then Seth Meyers, then Jost and that gay chinaman


its like they're trying to give us fuel to laugh at what ridiculous silly faggots they are

It was always left wing you just noticed now because you're obsessed with identity politics.


Remember when Tina Fey called Ricky Gervais a fat faggot? She used to try to be funny despite political correctness, but at some point I guess she got pozzed. Even a whole bunch of 30 Rock jokes are a bit edgy compared to Hilary clit sucking of current era.

I remember Norm saying the political stuff went downhill after the 90s when Jim Downey (a super rightwing guy) stopped writing all the political stuff. Downey was also the guy Norm wrote his era of Weekend Update with

This. Did You forgot that cold open when trump won the election? They were less sad in the first SNL after 9/11

Conveniently ignoring how much they were ribbing Clinton. Like the sketch where Bill goes to McDonalds and eats everyone’s food. Or when he, Monica and Saddam Hussein are on the phone together acting like BFFs and try to talk Saddam to start another war to distract the country from the Lewinsky scandal.

All politics are identity politics, you're just low IQ

Always been "Left wing"? Maybe, but it's become more radical. Left wing used to be moderate and reasonable. Schmidt's Gay beer

>you share a board with anons who still watch snl in the current year +5


holy shit OP, you're saying that people in the entertainment industry could be left-leaning?

Snl is a feel good piece for older women.

Remember when SNL was funny?

That’s because then the terrorists would have won.

exactly. 90s liberals were more reasonable and sane compared to what the party has become today

The only thing more annoying than SNL sucking Warren's teets are retarded Yas Forumstards who try to claim that SNL has never been funny because they disagree with the shows politics


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Right, but the GOP hasn’t moved an inch, cause the 90s republicans are exactly the same as the current ones? GTFO, moron. The right has radicalized way more in the past dozen years.

so fellow fa/tv/irgins, are YOU the dog!?

oddly enough the best era of SNL had the most right-wingers in the cast (even if some of them didnt become more right-wing until later on) some of the others who came a bit later in the early 90s like Norm, Sandler, Spade, Farley, Schneider, Quinn are all right-wing to moderate too

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cool show, but for me it’s either between SCTV and Mr. Bob and Show

>by which I mean they pitch themselves at right-wing audiences who are desperate for validation

On issues such as? Obama was against gay marriage in 2008 and many Democrats were fine with a border wall to halt illegal immigration in the 2000s, so ok which issue have Republicans “radicalized” on, Chapotranny?

>Victoria Jackson
lol i remember always seeing her on FOX News years ago talking about how much she hates gay and that they'll all burn in hell if they dont find jesus and stop sinning and gay kissing each other while watching GLEE lol damn i didnt know she was so based before that

Wanna bet most of them became right wing because muh taxes. Lovitz being the most obvious one, still whining like a baby about how much he has to pay to the IRS.

wtf is wrong with this cunt

>literally every lefty comedian wines about white people touching black people hair
>one non-lefty comedian has an issue with govt-mandated theft
priorities man, have them.

>you're obsessed with identity politics.
Lmao okay leftycuck, projection much? Yeah we are obsessed with WHITE NATIONALIST identity politics, hahah we are based

so it's ok because they thought the same things a literal decade ago. this just shows that the GOP is a decade behind on adjusting to the times lmao

but le capsbro is so fucking epic! he takes screenshots!!! love the threads!

The rich liberals will laugh as you die and your needs are unfulfilled.
Bernie needs to stop bending the knee and shit on these cowards

>Kate "I love every politician who is a woman" McKinnon

SCTV Was the best for sure

But leftists hate warren now that she torpedoed Bernies campaign with the #metoo sexist shit. SNL is just shilling for Biden by parading her around

So happy to see Darrell Hammond back. He is one of the best SNL cast member ever.

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>muh taxes
money is politics you fucking retard

That's exactly the opposite position of the post he was replying to, you know.

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Bitching bout taxes don’t make them right wing though

Were you dead in the last 20 years?

No, it used to be relatively center with liberal leaning sentiments, now it’s just wokescold Democrat bullshit.

Except the ones who mog her (e.g. Gabbard).

Lovitz is convinced hes famous because hes talented and not because he looks and sounds funny

Probably because Lorn Micheals is a registered Republican and donates to the RNC every year. This also the reason why their political skits are tame and don't really get into anything actually political. It's so he can get the maximum amount of people watching without "offending" their personal beliefs. Also why their skits are pretty much the same thing. One type of skit is the oddball that everyone talks about how odd they are and the other is the normal person surrounded by oddballs and talks about how odd they all are. You might get a few that don't fall into those categories but most of the skits are those two types.

i dont see democrats against taxes. they just argue whether seizing 40% of an individual's income is better than 35%. then you have republicans who point out that an income tax is/was so unconstitutional that oour constitution was edited to allow it.

yeah did people forget he was buddies with Trump (and proabably still is) and has had him host multiple times

He is a Bush republican aka invade the world invite the world "republican"

I wasn't talking about 90s republicans, because this is about SNL which republicans are not involved with. Thank you for your off topic schizo tardism.

SNL tried to hire an "offensive guy" comic to counter all the wokescould fags they hire now but twitter wasnt having it and they were forced to fire him for his past use of no-no words

For me it's not watching tv because I'm not fucking 60+ years old

>Mr. Bob and Show
WTF is that?

the most annoying part is no one ever talks about the fact that income tax was only implemented to pay for WW2 they said they would stop taking it after the war and they didnt

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Tfw no Nancy Sullivan mommy gf

he's always been there. he does the introduction voice now since the other guy died

It's become significantly more extreme with Trump, you absolute retard.

all the MAD TV women > any woman ever on SNL

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not pictured but Stephnie Wier too. She was like a funny version of Amy Poehler

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actually SJWs culture started catching on around 2014

it seemed to start around the time Daily SHow was at its most popular and all the Jon Stewart wannabe shows starting popping up all over the place

>Welcome to Comedy K-Mart!

Can I get a quick rundown? I'm not watching that shit.

>republicans bad
>democrats good

>Mo Collins
i feel like she was a funnier version of Kristen Wiig, then Wiig came along in the mid 2000s and ripped off everything Collins did on MADTV in the 90s and got way more famous off it.

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