
What are some Yas Forums virus-related approved movies for this Corona-chan timeline?

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just wanna say i really like that pic. Mind if i save it?


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You can steal all my memes, fren.

The Wire


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i chuckled when i saw this in Yify popular movies lol

Do not save. Please return any copies you have.


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I hope you are all stocking up on food. Imagine not taking this shit seriously lmao

Not really specified as a virus, but Blindness.



Baby sneeze

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we are all so FUCKED

the boomers are the lucky ones to die first

they will not witness the riots

they will not witness the overflooding of hospitals and murder in the street



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talk to you in 6 months, or not

I like how liberals have twisted taking basic precautions (buying masks, avoiding coughing chinks, not eating chink food) as racist. When this hits they’re all gonna get this shit lol

I miss this lil shovelhead like you wouldn't believe.

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That movie was pretty decent but it sure got forgotten quickly

its your life I guess

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damn u beat me you win lol, enjoy starving to death btw lol

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its just a flu bro dont worry

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It's just a flu.
Whites are immune.
Warm weather will kill it.
Fatality rates are lower than regular Flu.
China has it on lockdown.
Just wash your hands.
No need for masks or stockpiling supplies.
1st world healthcare will stop it.
It only kills old people.
Lets believe the Chinese Communist Party's statements.
Western gov/media wouldn't lie about numbers and failed test kits.
Why are they killing animals, we wont need to do that.
There is no asymptomatic spread.
It's not airborne.
No it doesn't spread through sewage pipes.
No the infection rate is not higher than the flu.
No it's not mutating.
China manufacturing the majority of the worlds medicine won't affect this.
No the Pneumonia doesn't cause severe lung scarring.
The incubation period is only 14 weeks.
No it does not cause infertility.
It's not a bio-weapon.
No it does not cause heart attacks.
The markets won't crash and cause further panic.
No it does not have endless tries to reinfect and kill you.
It does not have HIV tailored into it.
No it has not infected more than 10% of the planet already.
No there are not at least 4 strains that can give you consecutive/concurrent infections.

please reply to me next

None of those are basic precautions retard. Masks are to keep the people wearing them from getting others sick, they're not magical breathing apparatuses that prevent all disease. And yes, seeing an Asian person cough and then shrieking about corona is racist ya dipshit. And what does Chinese food have to do with anything?

WMD get dat WMD

I remember when movie critics complained about how it was revealed that a bat was responsible for causing the outbreak.

No room for much racism cuckoldry when explicit biological reality comes knocking.

I love how conservatives how twisted the coronavirus as fake news, and a hoax by liberal media to make trump look bad. Bunch of crybabies it's just the flu no need to worry.

I love how people are making this political but it doesnt matter because were all fucked lol

Heh, love how idiots are actually emptying the shelves from canned goods. It's a nothingburger, you morons! Have fun being stuck with tons of beans while I happily continue to take public transport.


I mean if this shit snowballs, which it is, people will starve because of the panic. Western countries are not used to hardship and are not taking measures at all, all the boomers that are ruling us have the mindset that everything will always be fine because they never experienced hardship. It will take a few good wars and depressions to get the fear and logic back into people

>White pepo think they can’t get infected
>white pepo refuse to wear mask
>meanwhile Italy death count jumps like 3 fold in a day


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I said reply to me you coward

it comes at night should be here

Currently replaying The Last of Us. Not a virus, but still pandemic. The sequel is released in May and HBO confirmed it's adapting a TV series.

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There's supposed to be like 4 million infected in the US alone by may 11th according to a lot of estimates that keep getting censored due to his this diseases spreads.

If it does grow at an exponential rate then we're going to see millions die from this disease by the end of the year.

but its just the boomers lol

It's going to kill a lot of going people as well

take your meds

You'll see

>a virus specifically targeting boomers and geriatrics
user I am enjoying every minute of this


Children of men aka a film for chads

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>Whites are immune

12 Monkeys. 28 Days Later. Omega Man.

but that's exactly how it works. these viruses are in pigs, bats and birds, and they can jump from one species to another.

this latest virus seems to be less dangerous than influenza A, which has killed thousands including an 11-year-old just this year. but it's novel and it's mutating.

Crazies remake got the 'pathogen induces psychosis' vibe just right

Taking precautions is racist!

LMAO just hoard canned beans under the mattress

I am

The weather is coming for you failure.

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