well Yas Forums
who would win?
Well Yas Forums
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Dragonballs are gay, so supes I guess
Weren't you bitching in the other thread about making a post like this
i don't really understand dbz power levels, they can already destroy planets, then they get orders of magnitude stronger than that but still just keep punching each other
>Goku beams the sun
He wins
this is some faggot shit
Depends on which version of Supes. He usually stomps but DCAU gets beat down
they already settled this twice and DB fans are still seething
>they already settled this twice and DB fans are still seething
you can form your own opinions instead of parroting some fan show that regularly gets shit wrong.
Goku would never let anyone destroy Earth let alone do it himself
Supes does win but using Death battle as a valid argument is faggot tier
Superman would lose the first round, but then the next arc would be him going on a pilgrimage to learn ki techniques. He would pull out the win in the next round, and they would come to respect one another. Then Superman would become an irrelevant side character who jobs to the villain after the next one.
Superman by design is the ultimate all-powerful god and the struggle of being perfect with Kryptonite the one and only weakness.
Goku by design is about working towards getting more and more powerful, which requires that there is some improvement possible in the first place.
Since Goku always wants to fight someone at his best, Kryptonite isn't an option for him.
Superman wins and will always win, no matter how powerful Goku gets.
Fuck you. These threads are cancer and always go 300+ posts.
only that goku becomes more powerful than more and more powerful gods as the arc progresses.
he's literally stronger than the god of death at the end.
>muh superman is the stronkest
call me when he can do this
The current superman doesn't need the sun, cosmic background radiation is enough :^)
Itachi destroys both "with genjutsu"
is itredasting supes have never lost a limb in any of his universes, i think only ultra duck is the only supes clone which have lost a limb.
I thought capeshit was the dumbest shit ever.
I was wrong.
post more of these, please
sorry not canon animeshitter
This too.
fuck UI
>durr hes moving so fast he literally doesnt move (this also conveniently saves on the animation budget)
holy fuck imagine watching this
>*casually murders you after letting genos suffer a horrific beating*
What about the word perfect don't you understand?
In Gokus universe, gods aren't perfect.
If you place a character of the concept of superman in Gokus universe, he could just fry Gokus brain and its done in a split-second.
It's the character design. If superman isn't perfect, he is not superman.
Vice versa with the character of Goku it means if he is perfect, he is not Goku anymore, because his whole character is about getting stronger and meeting stronger enemies infinitely.
A fight were Goku wins against superman would defeat the purpose of at least one character, most likely both.
how is superman perfect if he gets his ass kicked in every second issue by some literal nobodys?
based power man
Fuck you , it's fun to argue stupid shut on the internet and your comic sucks and has no artistic or intellectual value and it was clearly made by a midwit.
>kyptonite is supermans only weakness
thats not even close to being true. hes weak to magic, and was even beaten to death just by the physical strength of doomsday.
goku is capable of using ki attacks. ironically the last i bothered checking modern supermans super strength is based off of telekinesis, so theres no indication that it would be able to stop gokus energy attacks, particularly if you include super where his attacks are spirit based
Goku wouldnt fight there. He would be all, "lets go where there's no people"
Superman isn't weak to magic. It is listed as a weakness because he has no innate resistance to it.
If someone turns him to stone he is affected just like a normal person would be. Magic users have an easy time dealing with him if they catch him by surprise.
didn't he put 12 universes in danger just so he could punch jiren in the face?
DBZ power, and anime in general, can't really be pinned down to a certain number.
One ep they're blowing up planets, and goku is shaking the multiverse or whatever that dweeb posted earlier.
And then later Goku gets hurt by bullets, and struggles to lift 40 ton in SSJ mode.
Superman himself also varies greatly. Which version are we talking about? There are so many and his power also fluctuates over the years.
You're just an autistic kid spamming the same thread over and over and over again on Yas Forums , Yas Forums and sometimes Yas Forums
Saitama would win against both at the same time
I'm not even OP , faggot , but thanks for bumping the thread.
Not even is this a cheap cope out, it's wrong on every level.
>If a lesser amount of energy is used, the energy will simply disperse into and out of the object without shaking it
If there is nothing, there is no resistance, it won't just vanish and it won't just be "so small that it travels through without doing anything".
If you shine a flashlight into an empty void with infinite space and no mass there, the light will travel till infinity and it won't even redshift, because there is no gravity that it would interact with. it will disperse (so: cover more area with smaller density), but it will always be there till all infinity and interact with everything it could potentially met.
So you could have an infinitesimally small energy and cover everything till all infinity. So by this logic, Gokus power would be infinitesimally small.
But, there is apparently no time in that void, so energy can't travel and even if you would put energy there, it wouldn't interact with anything.
It's basically a 0/0 division and you focus on the divisor and think it would have to be infinitely large to match 0. If you would instead just focus on the dividend, you would conclude that Gokus energy is infinitesimally small.
In reallity, it's just undefined. It's a plot hole. It's like saying 2 + 2 = 5 in Gokus universe.
It's lazy writing. It only makes sense if you interpret it as
>he shook the arena, because that's everything thats there
In which case it's pathetic.
Kryptonite. But thanks to Gokus personality, using Kryptonite would break his character.
(also sometimes sunlight, depending on which superman writer you ask, in the current one, it's not an issue)
Face it, there is no way how Goku could win without breaking the characters.
The better question is who would win, Supes or Whis?
Superman but he wouldn't go all out because he would kill Goku and that's not how he was raised
Superman has been beaten many times over the years. Many many times, without the use of kryptonite or bullshit.
Shit, even Venom kicked his ass in a 90's CANON crossover
Does Superman ever train to become stronger like Goku does, or was he naturally this strong?
that's why this strongly overrated anime was only good up until the end of Frieza saga
anything after that is just muh power levels bullshit
he is also strong from being a good ol farm boy
Goku would destroy Superman
Supes can’t even best this girl
He has some experience in hand to hand combat yes, as he has been trained by many fighters over the years. Mainly because a red sun takes away his powers, so he needed to be able to fight without the use of his powers.
This was especially illustrated when he was on new krypton and beat the shit out of Non using combat prowess
at least this comic is a valid criticism of this stupid discussions regarding fictional ultra strong characters
you have the mental age of a fetus
goku can beat power man
>that one cross-over writer who had venom nearly defeat superman and then made superman defeat Hulk and Juggernaut with ease.
That's the problem with cross-overs with character designs like superman. You have to break canon to make it remotely interesting and then you have to cope out of it by making him beat the strongest characters or the said other universe to not repel one or the other fanbase.
Cross-over writers are no reference.
i.e. if you would have to write a DBZ vs. Superman crossover, you would barely make superman roast Gokus brain and end it in one-panel, would you? Even thought that it would make total sense in the canon of both universes.
>for the first time in my life, i've been beaten by a girl!
>*cooms instantly*
>superman: flies and punches things. occasional laser beam eyes that slightly burn people
>goku: can destroy planets before he even becomes super saiyan. super saiyan makes him 50 times stronger. proceeds to unlock forms after that that make him even stronger than this.
gee tough call
Idk I barely remember anything from super. I ran through it once just to be able to say I watched it. I did the same thing with GT.
>it's a fact that Saitama can defeat them both using only one finger
see? that's how stupid these discussions are
go back to kindergarten, it's recess time
Superman uses the miracle machine and wishes Goku away lmao.
oh no gokubros it looks like we got too cocky....
DBZ incells will never recover from this one
Which variant of Superman are we talking about? If it's Superman Prime, it's not a fair fight for dbz. If it's Superman Prime One Million it's over before it even began. DC is ridiculously overpowered. Darkseid has reality breaking powers and he's "normal" villain tier.
>Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a pervasive developmental disorder that is characterized by impairments in social interaction and social communication, and by restricted, repetitive behaviours and interests (American Psychiatric Association (APA), 2013). While the relationship between ASD and core language skills has been debated for several years, many studies have consistently reported that the social use of language, particularly figurative language (the ability to go beyond what is explicitly stated), is universally impaired in individuals with ASD (e.g. Dennis et al., 2001; Happé, 1993, 1994).
prime struggled aginst sodom
goku would fodderize him
Childish thread
>superman prime one million is the most powerfu-
If im going to get super autistic about it, technically it doesnt take that much to stop goku. He got taken out in the new Frieza movie by a normal soldiers lazer gun when he wasnt paying attention. If the same thing happened to Superman he would be fine.
In terms of power level wank though, and this is true of literally every western comic hero, its said that they can do all these amazing things (feats that make you wonder why any bad people exist at all since the heroes are so unstoppably powerful) and they either only do them literally once or never actually do it. Comics, since they are written by dozens of people over the years, are also super inconsistent with power levels and feats of characters making it incredibly difficult to compare to Goku, who is written far more consistently and by one guy.
So Yas Forums can say "well superman can literally punch through reality to stop people" but people with brains can say "well why the fuck doesnt he do that every time he fights a world destroying enemy then?" and of course there is no good response to it because thats a retarded feat that doesnt make any sense.
All that being said, without some irrelevant nonsense from stupid stories written by idiots, Superman is still incredibly powerful. Physically he is untouchable except by only the most powerful fighters in his universe. His weakness to kryptonite and "vulnerability" (another thing about him that is wildly inconsistent and stupid) to magic are things Goku cant utilize anyway.
Basically, its like Goku is fighting another Broly in terms of strength and endurance, but without any of the Ki powers that he has.
>b-but muh speedlblitz!! stop laughing guys!!!
Another feat this virtually never replicated because its stupid and not worth discussing, and even if it were, Goku can do it too.
Anyway, I think with Ultra Instinct bullshit Goku wins. If we're not counting Super because its stupid, I still think Goku wins. Kamehameha is no joke.
Are you fucking retarded? Goku is just as weak to magic as Superman is. Face it Superman stomps Goku.
Majin Buu destroyed Earth.